percy jackson strengths and weaknesses

The four of them then got lunch from Fadlan's Falafel, and when Annabeth said that heroes can never be ready, they just have to try the best as they can, Percy said they haven't died yet, and Annabeth said that they keep trying. Percy realized that he and Jason thought very similarly. Percy tries to get Carter to thank him for rescuing him from the crocodile, but Carter is somewhat embarrassed and ends up getting angry at Percy's comments instead. This strikes Percy as strange that she would forget something so important and begins to wonder what the last line could be. Romance and Humour included. He was named after the famous Greek hero Perseus by his mother for good luck because his namesake was one of the few heroes who had a happy ending and died a peaceful death. Jason, Annabeth, Percy, Hazel, Frank, and Piper escape to their ship with the Romans hot on their tail. As the two have burgers afterward and tell the other about their respective pantheons and see each other as close allies. By overcoming the illusions, however, Percy and Clarisse easily defeat the two minor gods (it turns out that Phobos and Deimos are both extremely weak in battle without their powers of fear and terror). When the demigods of Camp Jupiter realized that Rome was their destination, they resolved to instead go to war with Camp Half-Blood, and they march toward New York. They then come across the arai. They eventually arrived in Mykonos, where he scouted with Annabeth and got gelato for everybody. However, Jason and Percy had a slight rivalry. Piper saved him from Enceladus when she stabbed him in the forehead, distracting him enough to drop him. He said that Percy was a great person and he was happy for him and Annabeth. He let go of this when he learned his father cared for him and his mother. But to his surprise, Hazel kissed him on the cheek and smiled with sisterly affection, saying of course she trusted him, they were family. Percy realized that Leo was mad at him and tried to discuss it, but they were interrupted by Frank and Hazel. 2018-03-22 01:44:38. Grover is injured and starts asking for food deliriously. Hades, lord of the Underworld and his uncle. His attacks are mostly Water based. Grover mentions Percy, wishing he were with them. Strengths and Weakness Chapter 1: Let the battle begin!, a percy jackson and the olympians fanfic | FanFiction A/N Hello! Percy to Octavian, in The Mark of Athena. They escape the cavern when Percy calls thousands of gallons of New York sewage to him and it pushes them to the surface. Though Percy was unsure, he trusted Nico and went on with the plan. However, Chiron comes to rescue them with his strangely dressed relatives and they manage to chase off Luke and his allies. Percy threw a spike at the statues head and tried to get his dog to attack it. Right after that, the gods arrived after successfully defeating Typhon and are shocked to see Luke's dead body on the ground. It is eventually revealed that Jason and Percy were exchanged by Hera/Juno to unite the demigods of Greece and Rome against Gaea and the Gigantes as well as other creatures. Leo was very intimidated by Percy after surviving Tartarus, his reputation at Camp Half-Blood, and his relationship with Calypso. Jason and Percy became closer as the voyage went on, and worked together to fight the Romans at Charleston. After Percy fell to Tartarus, Leo was wracked with guilt and felt like the fortune cookie that Nemesis gave him that saved Hazel and Frank had cost Percy and Annabeth. Percy, happy that finally something good has happened, packs his things and leaves, but not before seeing Gabe get hit in the butt by the door when he does a strange hand gesture he saw Grover use. Alabaster C. Torrington mentions the son of Poseidon when telling Dr. Howard Claymore of Kronos' defeat, the son of Hecate states that if he ever encountered Percy he would give him what he deserved. They make a plan to use the invisibility cap to sneak up on Setne, while Percy distracts him. Annabeth and Percy decide to face Setne, who is reading from the Book of Thoth, by themselves. They sail to upper California where they meet Iris and see the Giant's army. Jason thanked him and clasped his hand. When Luke was supposedly killed in The Titan's Curse, despite at first showing evident horror at Luke's terrific death, Percy is told by his father that Luke was not dead and that he was alive causing him to become angry and filled with more hate towards Luke. Percy's favorite brand of chewing gum is Trident. Percy drove through a railroad crossing and soon ended up in a countryside near Camp. Apollo, the god of the sun and a general ally. After the two of them have defeated the birds, Clarisse reluctantly agrees to tell Percy why she is not at Camp Half-Blood. His girlfriend Annabeth mentions that he is actually quite smart, but seems to act dumb. Apollo reveals he likes Percy and that his experience with the Sirens during the Sea of Monsters is a similar challenge. The three of them managed to dodge it by following Ms. Jackson's advice to jump out of the way at the last second, but Grover was too slow and the Minotaur injured him but got distracted by Percy's mother. Percy complains that Apollo could retrieve the celedon himself, but he explains that he needs to perform a soundcheck for the concert and that heroes are supposed to run the gods' errands. Before receiving her as a pet, she was noted by Daedalus to like Percy resulting in the inventor giving Percy a Stygian ice whistle to summon her for help in a moment of need. Percy challenges Luke to a duel, but unfortunately, due to Percy being out of practice and Luke being fully trained and experienced, he soon finds himself to be no match for Luke's polished swordsmanship and is swiftly defeated and very nearly killed by Luke. Percy also told Magnus advice about sea gods that would help him: they are territorial about their stuff, like Kymopoleia, Poseidon, Triton, and Galatea. But in The Mark of Athena, Reyna was slightly jealous of Annabeth when she arrived, mostly due to Reyna's "love curse" by Aphrodite. Nico is accompanied by Minos's ghost, who tries to convince Nico that they are not his friends. However, several forest nymphs carry him and after being fed ambrosia and nectar, Percy heals and decides to enroll in the seventh grade and come back to camp next summer. Despite there being no real way out of the town, they tried to think of ways to leave including renting a cab. Percy also asked how Piper's arm was after the battle, and Piper said it wad good and that he and Jason did great in the battle. Percy was worried when Nico offered to transport the Athena Parthenos to Camp, but Nico angrily said that he'd changed since Tartarus. Percy was very impressed with Reyna for her deeds and couldn't help smiling and complimented her for it, saying she was being too modest and what she did was pretty heroic. Rachel arrives, revealing that she has had a vision that read, "Perseus, you are not the hero. Percy and Annabeth go off to resume their unfinished dance from Westover Hall. Percy distracts the dragon until Beckendorf could jump on the dragon's back and temporarily deactivates it. The two skipped stones, and when Percy caught the rock Leo skipped, Leo wanted to show off by blowing up a tour bus with fire. Mr. Brunner (actually the centaur Chiron), another one of Percy's teachers comes in and throws Percy a pen (actually Riptide). According to Annabeth, Percy is obtuse, meaning he doesn't always see the obvious even when it is right in front of him, such as people's feelings and what they are trying to say indirectly. At the Feast of Fortuna, Reyna honored Percy and said that their destinies were made possible by Percy's deeds, then made him praetor, saying he earned his praetor's cloak. Both Dionysus and Percy share a mutual dislike of each other. and another reason is that he is used to open, free and wild places like the sea. In fact, just Mrs. O'Leary's bark and size are enough to frighten other monsters. But Percy felt horrible for Nico when Bianca abandoned him to join the Hunters of Artemis and thought it was selfish of her to abandon him like that. DemigodGuinea pig (temporarily) Revealing himself to Nico, he is forced to promise Nico that he will watch out for his sister after Nico correctly guesses that Percy will follow the group on their quest. He also has a few Physical attacks and one Poison attack. Zo, however, doesn't pick Percy because he is a boy, as Zoe thinks it's horrible to be with a boy, instead picking Thalia and Grover, as well as her own Hunters, Bianca di Angelo, and Phoebe. When Percy protests that personal loyalty isn't all that bad, Athena says "The most dangerous flaws are good in moderation" The goddess was obviously displeased that her own daughter is an object of that loyalty. He complained about his nosebleed that woke Gaea, but Athena told him to not blame himself. After Apollo asked Percy to help him, Percy explained that he won't turn away a demigod in need, but he cannot get involved in another prophecy, since he made promises to his mom and Annabeth Chase to stay out of trouble and get his diploma, and he was busy catching up on classes. As a reward, however, Hermes transports them to Paris for special dinner gourmet foods. Grover Underwood, Percy's best friend and protector. A tour guide, who turns out to be Athena (Percy later realizes it was her since she had Annabeth's eyes and that she was trying to help him save her daughter), tells him that there is always a way out for those that are smart enough to find them, before ascending in the elevator. Grover managed to use his nature magic to make an apple appear in front of the monster's face and the group rides it to a junkyard in Gila Claw, Arizona, owned by Hephaestus. He invites the two to watch his concert, but Percy lies, claiming they're not worthy of his music and might explode. Flaws can produce an enticing image . They formally got to know each other the next day when Percy smiled at her to greet her, which she was surprised by. When he explained he was a Geminus, Percy thought it was like a zodiac sign and said he was a Leo, but Leo corrected him: He was a Leo, Percy was a Percy. That night, he is awoken by Blackjack, a pegasus who tells him a sea creature is in trouble. Leo also heard about Calypso from Percy, who told him that she was nice and awesome. He swims out and finds the sea cow trapped in a net and frees it slowly because it was scared of his sword, forcing him to free it by hand. They followed the car that the four traveled in and stops hours later when the group arrives at the Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. Percy then spots Dr. Thorn, the manticore, and overhears him saying that Annabeth is alive and that his dreams were true. His dyslexia makes learning and reading difficult and his ADHD makes it hard for him to be attentive or to sit still in class. After asking questions about Annabeth, he gives the son of Poseidon and bracelet of keys and asks him to explain the meaning of Christmas. croberts_0226. Percy told Apollo that the last time he saw him it was August, and now it was January. Percy found it awkward but was glad she was there. First, Percy's father Poseidon comes and tells him that he fears Luke/Kronos is only temporarily defeated and when Percy blew up Mt. Percy used that moment to ask Artemis to give him the sky as he realized that the prophecy had involved him and that only Artemis could have a chance against Atlas. During The Titan's Curse, their relationship becomes a love-hate relationship that a brother and sister would have, even going as far as fighting with their elemental powers. I was in a "sleepover/party" with Annabeth and Hazel. Annabeth agreed that that was sweet and kissed him on the cheek. Phobos and Deimos show Percy and Clarisse their worst fears, which are Camp Half-Blood and his friends in flames and Ares respectively. Let me present you the 1st chapter of Strengths and Weakness. While in the museum, Coach Hedge ended up saving Percy and Frank from Phorcys and Keto. He then rallied the greeks to charge the monsters invading the Camp. Percy and Annabeth in the Kindness International truck, Percy with the six other demigods referred to in the. Nico said he was over his crush, but he wasn't. Percy also offered to step aside as praetor for Jason to solve the three praetor problem. In The Lost Hero, the gods are shown to be able to influence what powers their . This officially began their rivalry. After their conversation ended, Percy noticed that Reyna was extremely desperate to save Camp Jupiter. Before they leave, Percy makes a promise to Mrs. Chase to tell Annabeth that she still has a home there with them. The fight ends when Carter uses some magic rope to tie Percy's sword to his head just as Percy hits his arm, causing Carter to bleed. When Percy apologizes, Annabeth says he wants her on her team in Capture the Flag (it is revealed that she wanted Percy to distract Clarisse, knowing she would want revenge). Gender He is a satyr, a mythological Greek being that is half goat and half human.He has the upper body of a human and the legs and horns of a goat. Once they get back to camp, it turns out the Capture the Flag Game has not ended yet, and Annabeth puts them in Capture the Flag Jail. At the end of the summer, Percy can't decide whether to stay at camp or enroll in seventh grade and live with his mom. Percy realized he had never been invited to a birthday party before and invited him in, saying they had a lot to talk about. Dakota and Percy sit together at dinner and Dakota tells Percy how the fifth cohort lost its eagle. Annabeth, assigned a mission from her mother Athena to recover the Athena Parthenos, must go her own way and thus Percy becomes extremely worried. When Percy meets Dakota, he noted that he looks like a vampire with his mouth stained red. After the senate meeting, Reyna wanted to talk to Percy in private. He follows the manticore when it doesn't follow the group into the museum. He said when he was choking on the poison, he thought about Akhlys and when he poisoned her, how it felt good, and how he would've killed her if Annabeth didn't stop him. Two surprising visitors stop by while Percy, Tyson, his mom, and Paul Blofis (Percy's mom's new boyfriend and fiance) are celebrating. When they take a wrong turn throughout the maze they run into Nico, son of Hades, at the Triple G. Ranch. Percy felt disgusted by the fact that Thalia was always powerful and a hero at everything she'd done and so thought it was now his time to shine and ran to save the di Angelos from danger alone, though his plan did not work out as planned and he, Grover and Annabeth were nearly killed by Dr. Thorn. When the wood burned out Frank would die but only after Frank played a big role. He himself was a demigod, but no one knew of his divine father yet. Nico and Percy then talked about the plan for Percy to bathe in the Styx. Percy: You were one of them. : Assess your weaknesses and strengths in your emotions & feelings and groom fuller personality de Aparna Chattopadhyay disponible chez Rakuten Kobo. what do you think of yourself that youre too scared to tell anyone. Percy helps rescue him in the same book from Myrmekes, when they capture him and drag him to Ant Hill. Percy even comes to appreciate a lot of Zo's good qualities as they spend more time together. He had tears in his eyes. While searching for Daedalus in the Labyrinth, Percy runs into Nico at the Triple G Ranch. She is an ESTP at heart, but she also has other characteristics that distinguish her. Make a claim and support it with two details from the text. Percy joked that sometimes he regretted the choice. When he was a toddler, Sally married Gabe Ugliano, hoping his horrible smell would mask her son from the monsters that would hunt him, as monsters are attracted to the scent of demigods - the more powerful they are, the scent is stronger, and since Percy was a son of one of the Big Three, Percys scent is stronger than other demigods. Percy reminds Grover of his situation and the satyr, now focused as the Celedon is imprisoned, plays a tune that summons a rope for Percy. He wondered how he could hate him after he apologized and promised to help. He wants Percy to bathe in the River Styx to become invulnerable like the hero Achilles. Piper tried to warn him, but his blood spilled and Gaea woke. Reyna vented about how much she hated Octavian, Percy understood and Reyna said he was smarter than he looked. Here are some weaknesses that you might select from for your response: Self-critical Insecure Disorganized Prone to procrastination Uncomfortable with public speaking Uncomfortable with delegating tasks Risk-averse Competitive Sensitive/emotional Extreme introversion or extroversion Limited experience in a particular skill or software The old one was so bad I was a little embarrassed to read it. Jason figured out that Percy was at the Roman camp, and probably didn't know who he was. After getting more than three characters, besides Percy, the player may decide upon switching, however, Percy cannot be replaced. Jason urged Polybotes to free him, but he laughed, saying Percy would die very slowly, wanting to see him suffer. He arrives home to his horrible step-dad Gabe Ugliano and his friends playing poker. While discussing Nico's abilities with Annabeth, Grover appears, claiming that he'd heard Pan's voice in his head. The crocodile proceeds to spit out Carter Kane and run away. Percy liked her but could sense she had a deep sadness inside of her: mature for her age, nice and easygoing, but hiding a big secret. Percy also examined his fatal flaw and realized he felt a responsibility for everyone on the ship, including Jason. Percy joked with Meg about how he started his demigod career by exploding a toilet, making her giggle, but she frowned when she found out he had a girlfriend. She also comforted Percy when he prayed to his father, Neptune, and put her hand on his back, saying he was one of them. Percy felt sorry for Reyna after she lost Scipio, and figured she had lost too much already. He also explained to Percy how Thanatos and Pluto were different. Due to his semester-long absence, the son of Poseidon was expelled from Goode High School and attended an Alternative High School (AHS) for his senior year where he joined the swim team. Nico approached the two after he heard them cheer, and they told Nico the good news. When he was being poisoned by Polybotes, he thought he deserved it for what he did to her and the Fates would let him die, which was why he didn't try to control the poison to get it away from him. Percy saw Kronos as a true threat to Western Civilization as did the rest of the camp, even compared to the cruelty of the gods. Percy has done many things that previous demigod heroes and mortals from mythology have such as: Killed a snake as a young child as Hercules did (, Successfully won a fight with Ares as Diomedes did (, Took the Gray Sisters' eye and threatened them for directions to a location as Jason and Perseus did (, Faced the Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis, Circe, and Laistrygonians as Odysseus did (, Taunted Polyphemus and escaped his cave as Odysseus did (, Got the Golden Fleece as the first Jason did (, Battled and defeated the Nemean Lion, fought the Erymanthian boar and the Hydra, and entered the Garden of the Hesperides as Hercules did (. Both of them are their father's favorite sons. They also bond over how they both outrank Octavian and give each other a fist bump. But she slightly warmed up to Percy when she said that children of Neptune have a powerful smell, and Percy said that he had been told he smells, making Reyna crack a smile. Just two hours away!" Leo said in his best "creepy voice". Percy is a very kind-hearted, brave-spirited, natural leader. The Celedon, however, attempts to throw Percy off the roof of Times Tower while Grover nervously tries to think of lyrics. Kekrops scouted the territory and Percy sat down with the girls. He summons his personal lyre and tells Grover that his immunity to magical music and the ability to play the lyre's magic will aid in the capture the celedon. In The Mark of Athena, Percy dreamed of Nico and found out he was imprisoned in a bronze jar. Later during the Olympus party, Apollo thanks Percy for saving Artemis, even offering free archery lessons, to which he declines. Mrs. O'Leary is Percy's pet hellhound, whom he received from Daedalus before he died in The Battle of the Labyrinth. Suddenly, Polybotes recognized Percy and vowed to crush him once and for all. He then tried to get a sword out of his hair, but he swatted Percy into a column like a pesky fly. Calypso had healed Percy after he was severely weakened at Mount Saint Helens. Percy understood why Reyna would ask him for help after seeing visions of Polybote's army. When he got to camp, Percy had frequent dreams about Annabeth and that she was in distress. He and Annabeth struggled as they were brought to Porphyrion, who proclaimed them as the blood of olympus. Annabeth has kissed Percy four times in the series. At dinner, Percy questioned Nico, asking if they met before, but Nico lies and said he spent most of his time in the Underworld and unless he saw him there, they never met. Kronos then opens up a fissure which causes Ethan to fall to his death for his betrayal. In Greek plays, they are often referred to as "Tragic Flaws". And Nico looked sad when he saw Percy and Annabeth holding hands. Percy about Annabeth, in The Son of Neptune. During the game, he learned from Grover that Zo had a bad dream about Artemis being in trouble, while Percy himself had a dream that Annabeth was suffering under the weight of some unseen object (later revealed to be the sky). In The House of Hades, Percy realizes that Nico indirectly saved his and Annabeth's lives by reminding Iapetus also known as Bob that Percy is a friend even though Percy didn't visit him and Nico was the one who actually visited him in Hades palace. While mid-air, the pen transformed into the sword Riptide and Percy used it to kill Mrs. Dodds. She then reveals she isn't so regular, as she sees the Skeleton Warriors for what they truly are and directs them away from Percy, who hid in a bathroom. Related Questions. He realizes that this meant that the Titans' chances of victory are increasing. Grover's dryad girlfriend, Juniper, insists that it was Pan's wild scream that had scared the Titan army the first time. He rescued Annabeth and Percy in Tartarus about a year and a half later and stayed behind at the Doors of Death to sacrifice himself so that Percy and Annabeth could escape. Percy Jackson thinks he is an ordinary 12-year old boy. He sometimes saves strangers or enemies simply because he empathizes with them. Shopify is a popular e-commerce website among people . When he pulled away, he said the rivalry ended here and proclaimed his love for her. Explore this article 1 Poseidon's Oceans Ares when Percy was offered immortality, in The Last Olympian, Hephaestus to Percy, in The Battle of the Labyrinth. For most of the book, his location was unknown with the only clue being that he disappeared around the same time that Jason Grace, a son of Jupiter, first physically appeared. As they drive up the mountain towards the Garden of the Hesperides, the car explodes due to a lightning bolt that struck it forcing them to complete the rest of the climb on foot. You may be looking for the series, the video game, the film, or the film soundtrack. Annabeth takes out her Video Shield and at first when she said 'Let me see Cacus,' the shield shows her the city of Seacacus, New Jersey. Heavy Divine attack against a single enemy. Carter Kane, the most recent pharaoh of the House of Life and his ally. Jackson's strengths and weaknesses can be seen together in the "war" over the Bank of the United States. She had told Frank that he was a descendant of Neptune and he could turn into anything. When the son of Poseidon called her brother for help, she came to Governors Island with Carter and dropped a camel on Setne to save him and Annabeth. At the beginning of the series, Percy was average in athletics but later from his training, becomes very fit, muscular, and lean. Jason complimented Percy on how he turned down his immortality, saying it was noble and wondered how he did it. Percy said that Hazel was too valuable to him and the camp and he wouldn't let anything happen to her. At the end of the game, Mars himself appears and selects Frank, his son, and Percy for the quest to free Death. Because of this, he could understand Luke better. And after they defeated Chrysaor, Jason offered to drive the ship so Percy could get some sleep. While fighting her, they finally discussed Calypso. Rachel leads them to New York, where pegasi take Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Nico and reluctantly, Tyson. He also advised Frank, Leo, and Hazel to not mention haiku's when seeing Apollo. Percy said even though he lost his memory and went on the quest, he should have made sure the gods freed her. He charged at the giant to help him, but Polybotes blocked him with his Trident. This made a lot of people bully him, while his second stepfather, Paul Blofis, suspected something was wrong with Percy and that he couldnt be normal. He was actually a Cyclopes which explained why he was extremely big. The seven discussed what to do after Piper and Frank returned from getting the mint, and Percy suggested setting Leo on fire after they heard about a statue. The two then get into a small argument over the ownership of the monster, with Percy thinking that the monster is Carter's pet after he said it was his monster, but only meant he was chasing it. However, the Spartoi got hold of parts of Percy's sleeve instead of the General's piece of cloth with the Hunters' scent on it, resulting in them hunting him instead. As Percy and Jason defeated the giants, Percy could feel a spark of friendship. He also tells her that in the vision that Phobos showed him-of what he feared most-Clarisse was included as one of Percy's friends. Percy despised Gabe, as Gabe would frequently bully Percy and abuse his mother. When Alex offered to show him, Percy said that he believed him because his friend, Frank Zhang, is a shapeshifter. The Lightning Thief has been on the New York Times Bestseller List for children's books for over 120 weeks and counting. Their first formal exchange was when Percy made a joke about "dam", and Piper didn't understand it, and Percy said it was an inside joke. Conversation ended, Percy can not be replaced divine father yet Greek plays, they are not hero! Them are their father 's favorite brand of chewing gum is Trident crossing soon! ; Leo said in his head 1: let the battle of sun. Out Frank would die but only after Frank played a big role attack it Apollo reveals likes! Turn into anything she still has a few Physical attacks and one Poison attack weakened at Mount Saint Helens 's! 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