satsuma rebellion primary sources

By March, Saigo realized that his rebellion was doomed. Though in Satsuma the rivalry of individual leaders had stopped short of open hostilities, the division of feeling was not less marked. The end of the Satsuma Rebellion also marked the end of the samurai era in Japan. Satsuma Rebellion The first test of the young Meiji government came with the revolt of the powerful Satsuma clan based in the southern region of the island of Kyushu. The few surviving samurai launched a suicide charge into the teeth of the imperial army's Gatling guns, and were shot down. The members of his retinue carried in cotton bags the swords they were no longer allowed to wear; and when, at the end of his journey, the gates of the yashiki at Kagoshima closed upon his palanquin, he may have realized that he had passed for ever out of the political life in which he had at one time played so conspicuous a role. Retrieved from (2021, September 7). Updates? Since the OP might be interested, here are the pages from the above reading on the Satsuma Rebellion and its aftermath. Battle of Tabaruzaka: Imperial troops on the left, rebel samurai troops on the right, Saigo's army clashes with the government's forces. At the height of the battle, Saig wrote a private letter to Prince Arisugawa, restating his reasons for going to Tokyo. His lord, Kimotsuki Hisakane ( , 1641-1709), who was a retainer of the Satsuma fief, sent Yasusada () to study with the 57 th generation Naminohira smith . Professor John Lynn 442 Gregory Hall Office Hours: MW, 1pm and by appointment [email protected] Cell Phone: 217-778-7333 History 251/GLBL 251: War, Military Institutions, and Society since 1815 Spring Semester 2023 MW, 12pm, 319 Lincoln Hall Check out Professor Lynn's web page and CV: Canvas All the basic materials for this class can be found on Canvas at Spring 2023-HIST 251-Warfare Milit . . SAIGO's army campaigned as far as Kumamoto and Miyazaki (both in Kyushu), but then returned to Kagoshima in September, where it holed up in Shiroyama. This upbringing instilled a sense of dignity, frugality, and honor in young Saigo. Tabaruzaka was held by some 15,000 samurai from Satsuma, Kumamoto and Hitoyoshi against the Imperial Army's 9th Infantry Brigade (some 9,000 men). The Rebellion reduced Japan's yearly expenditure from 13,700,000 to 10,250,000, and it raised Japan's national debt from 28,000,000 to 70,000,000. Located on the southern tip of Kyushu Island, more than 800 miles south of Tokyo, the Satsuma domain had existed and governed itself for centuries with very little interference from the central government. Originally, they were a militant sect of Hindu Worshippers. Friction among the Cabinet members over the question of Korean conquest, added to the local disturbances, made the already confused state of things worse confounded, and the result was the famous Satsuma Rebellion of 1877. Down to about 3,000 men, the Satsuma forces made a stand on Mount Enodake. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified. Publish Date: Jan 02, 2010. Artillery consisted of over 100 pieces, including 5.28 pound mountain guns, Krupp field guns of various calibers, and mortars. Browsing subject area: Satsuma Rebellion, 1877 (Exclude extended shelves) You can also browse an alphabetical list from this subject or from: . Corrections? During 1867, Saigo and officials from Choshu and Tosa made plans to bring down the Tokugawa bakufu. After centuries of samurai rule, however, many members of the warrior class were understandably reluctant to give up their status and power. Saigo, however, had no regard for the conscripted farm boys who made up the imperial army. Sources describe him as dressed in an austere yellow kimono . '", The Lavenberg Collection of Japanese Prints, Gorykaku (surrender of the Ezo rebels to Saig, The Rebellion Begins, Issue 1 from the Osaka newspaper Kagoshima-ken ari no sonomama, March 5, 1877, The Huge Win of the Armed Forces, Issue 4 from the Osaka newspaper Kagoshima-ken ari no sonomama, March 5, 1877, The Debate Over Invading Korea (Seikanron), May 15, 1877, The Arraignment of Oyama Tsunayoshi, August 27, 1877, Illustration of the Rebels Being Suppressed at Kagoshima, October 1877, Report on the Actual Condition at the Battlefield, September 21, 1877. By 1877, he sided with rebel forces and fought in what's now known as the Satsuma Rebellion. In this rebellion, Saigo Takamori, one of the veteran statesmen of the Restoration, who enjoyed a wide popularity and was well versed in military tactics, acted as the head of the insurrection. They were followed two days later by the rear guard and artillery unit, who left in the midst of a freak snowstorm. Each side had suffered more than 4,000 killed or wounded. Datasets available include LCSH, BIBFRAME, LC Name Authorities, LC Classification, MARC codes, PREMIS vocabularies, ISO language codes, and more. In Satsuma and the rest of Japan, though, it was not clear whether reforms like these were sufficient, or if the entire social and political systems were due for a revolutionary change. Each man was armed with a small firearmeither a rifle, a carbine, or a pistolas well as 100 rounds of ammunition and, of course, his katana. This rebellion was led by the restoration hero Saig Takamori and lasted six months. He led his samurai straight up the middle of Kyushu, planning to cross the straits and march on Tokyo. Author: Augustus Henry Mounsey. The Linked Data Service provides access to commonly found standards and vocabularies promulgated by the Library of Congress. Troops were landed at ita and Saiki north of Saig's army, and Saig was caught in a pincer attack. Economic effects of the Satsuma Rebellion resulted in the passing of the Act of February 4, 1877, which reduced the land tax from 3% to 2.5%. The decision in 1938 In the end, he was killed by the imperial army he organized. Although the samurai were heavily outnumbered, they made a heroic stand and counterattack against the Japanese Army and showed their legendary skills off to the world in their final fight. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. Over the next several nights, they raided additional arsenals around Kagoshima, stealing weapons and ammunition, and to make matters worse, they discovered that the national police had sent a number of Satsuma natives to the Shigakko as central government spies. In its central quarters in that town, and in branches elsewhere, the youth of the clan received a military training. The true story that inspired the 2003 Tom Cruise film The Last Samurai, the Satsuma Rebellion (seinan sens, or "Southwestern War" in Japanese) was an 1877 rebellion of disaffected ex-samurai from Satsuma domain against the newly constituted Meiji government of Japan.Led by an erstwhile member of the government's highest circle, the legendary samurai Saigo Takamori, the . As you can see on page 143 there are so many people that want to go settle some scores with Satsuma an entire police force is having trouble replacing all of the people who just . Satsuma Rebellion and Saig Takamori Prints, [portraying events of September 24, 1877], and government military officers who fought against him], he stands at the head of the women's troops; when resting she offers help, shares out food and looks after the soldiers' needs], Saig Takamori was a revered figure to many Japanese. Physically he was imposing, standing six feet tall and weighing 200 pounds. He was a key player in the formation of the Meiji government, both as a military leader against the Tokugawa shogunate (see the print, and as a politician shaping foreign and domestic policies. After his leaving service with the Meiji government, largely over differences on Japans Korea policy, [see the print, he returned to his home province of Satsuma where he cultivated his image as a man of virtue, culture, and honor and where he was generally regarded as a living legend., While not actively engaged in politics he remained politically involved through the, schools), where he was celebrated as the spiritual leader., While he is viewed by historians as a reluctant leader of the rebellion his reputation made him the natural leader. After a raid on the government arsenal by, students, his hand was forced and on February 7, 1877 he announced his decision to confront the central government., Nine months later the rebellion was over, Saig was dead and his out-manned and out-gunned rebels decimated., with his faithful hunting dog was erected in Tokyo's Ueno Park. Advertisement Advertisement. [5] However, the other Japanese leaders strongly opposed these plans, partly from budgetary considerations, and partly from realization of the weakness of Japan compared with the western countries from what they had witnessed during the Iwakura Mission. From Kagoshima Through the Siege of Kumamoto Castle." After his failure to take Kumamoto, Saig led his followers on a seven-day march to Hitoyoshi. Author: Mounsey, Augustus Henry. At one point, he offered to visit Korea in person and to provoke a casus belli by behaving in such an insulting manner that the Koreans would be forced to kill him. In the end, the dispute with Korea came to a head only in 1875 when a Japanese ship sailed to Korean shores, provoking artillery there into opening fire. Saig resigned from all of his government positions in protest and returned to his hometown of Kagoshima. However, other evidence contradicts this, stating that Saig in fact died of the bullet wound and then had his head removed by Beppu in order to preserve his dignity. The rebellion lasted from January 29, 1877, until September . The first thing about which historians often comment is the period's stability. Szczepanski, Kallie. ISBN-13: . Decent Essays. Dr. Kallie Szczepanski is a history teacher specializing in Asian history and culture. Blog. Roughly one-half of the work is devoted to the entire course of the rebellion. Nariakira and his allies sought to increase the emperor's power at the expense of the shogun, but on July 15, 1858, Shimazu died suddenly, likely of poison. A famous bronze statue of Saig in hunting attire with his dog stands in Ueno Park, Tokyo. When an Imperial Navy landing party reached the arsenal at Somuta under cover of night, locals raised the alarm. Even before the Restoration the contentions of rival parties had led in Choshiu to grave disorders, which had weakened that clan in its conflict with the Tokugawa Government; while in Mito the struggle of opposing factions, supporting, respectively, the Shogunate, and the Court party represented by the old Prince of Mito, had resulted in prolonged and fierce fighting. All three accounts report that the body was decapitated. 0 references. Many native infantryman (sepoys) believed that these new cartridges introduced in early 1857 had been greased by cow and pig fat. By 1877, he sided with rebel forces and fought in what's now known as the Satsuma Rebellion. Samurai scaled the walls repeatedly, only to be cut down by small arms fire. Omissions? The Satsuma Rebellion was the last civil war in Japan, occurring in the tenth year of the Meiji era (1877), when the Satsuma rebel forces centering on Saig Takamori of Kagoshima collided with the regular army of the new Meiji government not long after it had formed. He famously opposed the construction of a railway network, insisting that money should rather be spent on military modernization.[4]. Scene of Satsuma rebellion, triptych. In the final battle, the Battle of Shiroyama, 30,000 imperial troops bore down upon Saigo and his few hundreds of surviving rebel samurai. With a smaller force, and unsure about the loyalty of his Kyushu-native troops, Tani decided to stay inside the castle rather than venture out to face Saigo's army. It signaled the beginning of the Japanese Imperial Army's rise to domination in eastern Asia, which would end only with Japan's eventual defeat in World War II almost seven decades later. Format: Paperback. The Satsuma rebellion was a resist from the Meiji government and modern changes that took place in 1877. The survivors were out of ammunition, so had to rely on their swords. Shortly thereafter, Saigo was promoted to the post of daimyo's attendant in 1854 and accompanied his lord to Edo on alternate attendance, taking a 900-mile-long walk to the shogun's capital, where the young man would work as his lord's gardener, unofficial spy, and confident. Shortly thereafter, a private military academy known as the Shi-gakk was established in Kagoshima for the faithful samurai who had also resigned their posts to follow him from Tokyo. 8 Practical Tips to Maximize Efficiency in Real Estate Investing As a peer-reviewed international forum for researchers across the globe, it carries original scholarly contributions on premodern and modern history, literature, art history, religion, and thought; translations of important Japanese literary and historical sources; and authoritative reviews of recent books on Japan. Details; Description; Rather than facing arrest, Gessho and Saigo jumped from a skiff into Kagoshima Bay and were pulled from the water by the boat's crewregrettably, Gessho could not be revived. Saig was defeated and killed at the . The Satsuma Rebellion is recommended to all readers interested in Japanese and samurai history. First I developed my thesis statement. In this,, The last and greatest revolt came in 1877 in Satsuma. In the wee hours of the morning on September 24, the emperor's troops launched a three-hour-long artillery barrage, followed by a massed infantry assault that began at 6 am. Imperial reinforcements eventually forced their way through the rebel lines at the Battle of Tabaruzaka, lifting the siege. As tensions increased, in January 1877, the central government sent a ship to seize munitions stores from Kagoshima. It began to promote samurai officials based on talent, rather than rank, and also encouraged the development of modern industry. Rebellions by the samurai, which had broken out sporadically since 1868 (Meiji 1), including the 1869-70 conflict between irregular military units and upper rank samurai commanders in the Choshu domain, gained steam with the collapse of the "conquer Korea debate". Because of the Satsuma Rebellion, the government faced serious financial difficulties. opposition to the Meiji Restoration In Japan: Abolition of feudalism the greatest, revolt came in Satsuma in 1877. The Tokugawa regime was falling apart, but it had not yet occurred to Saigo that a future Japanese government might not include a shogunafter all, the shoguns had ruled Japanfor 800 years. Officially, the Meiji Emperor's government had authority over those facilities after 1871, but Satsuma officials actually retained control of them. by HistoryNet Staff 6/12/2006 Satsuma Rebellion. All, perhaps, over-estimated their share in the accomplishment of the Restoration. The formal ceremony took place on April 4, 1868, and the former shogun was even allowed to keep his head! In 1871 he was left in charge of the caretaker government during the absence of the Iwakura Mission (187173). staff and only a handful of students, the university confronted many difficulties in its early years. [2] He had six siblings and his younger brother was Marshal-Admiral Marquis Saig Jd. In 1873, the central government began to conscript commoners as soldiers, replacing the samurai. Meanwhile, the remnants of the militaristic faction that supported Saigo's invasion proposal evolved into Japanese right-wing groups such as the genyosha and kokurykai. Those men were motivated by growing domestic problems and by the threat of foreign encroachment. It threatened an all-out attack on Choshu, even though it did not have the military might to defeat that large domain. Roused from his seclusion, Saigo felt that this treachery and wickedness in the imperial government required a response. In the 7th century, Japan took a . This opposition reached the boiling point in 1876 when the central government banned samurai from carrying swords and stopped paying them stipends. This file contains additional information such as Exif metadata which may have been added by the digital camera, scanner, or software program used to create or digitize it. On his return to Kobe on February 12, Hayashi met with General Yamagata Aritomo and It Hirobumi, and it was decided that the Imperial Japanese Army would need to be sent to Kagoshima to prevent the revolt from spreading to other areas of the country sympathetic to Saig. Arguably one of the most influential samurai, especially during the fall of the samurai class during the transition into the Meiji period, he led the Satsuma Rebellion in 1877, which marked the last of a series of uprisings against the new Meiji government. Saigo Takamori was born on January 23, 1828, in Kagoshima, Satsuma's capital, the oldest of seven children. Page 1 of 17 - About 161 Essays Improved Essays. Ravina, Mark. This document is the report by OYAMA Iwao, who led the attack on SAIGO's army at Shiroyama. When the offensive was resumed, Saigo retreated to Miyazaki, leaving behind numerous pockets of samurai in the hills to conduct guerilla attacks. On the night of April 8, a force from Kumamoto castle made a sortie, forcing open a gap in the Satsuma lines and enabling desperately needed supplies to reach the garrison. Upload media. In the hostilities which followed he took no part, being content to show his disapproval of the new regime by withdrawing into a retirement from which he never again emerged. Today, he serves the thoroughly modern nation of Japan as a symbol of its samurai traditionstraditions that he reluctantly helped to destroy. At the start of the Satsuma Rebellion, the Imperial Japanese Army (including the Imperial Guard) numbered approximately 34,000 men. In the meantime, on March 9 Saig, Kirino, and Shinohara were stripped of their court ranks and titles.[3]. Saig met the noted British diplomat Ernest Satow in the 1860s, as recorded in the latter's A Diplomat in Japan, and Satow was present at the unveiling as recorded in his diary. Publish Date: Oct 08, 2018. Instance of. This provoked open conflict, although with the elimination of samurai rice stipends in 1877, tensions were already extremely high. Yamagata also landed a detachment with two infantry brigades and 1,200 policemen behind the rebel lines, so as to fall on them from the rear from Yatsushiro Bay. "Southwestern War") was a revolt of disaffected samurai against the new imperial government, nine years into the Meiji Era. One of the most noteworthy incidents in the history of Japan's transition from a feudal regime to a modern state was the Satsuma Rebellion in 1877. The Satsuma Rebellion, also known as the Seinan War ( Japanese: , Hepburn: Seinan Sens, lit. The work is generally accurate and has much of . to undertake publication of Monumenta Nipponica despite these problems symbolized the founders' commitment to His first signature was Sanesada (). On September 1, Saigo and his 300 surviving men moved to Shiroyama mountain above Kagoshima, which was occupied by 7,000 imperial troops. By 6 a.m., only 40 rebels were still alive. This was witnessed by the American sea captain John Capen Hubbard. Shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu resigned, returning power to the Emperor in what came to be known as the Meiji Restoration. The police, in units ranging from 300 to 600 men, were mostly ex-samurai (ironically, many of whom were from Satsuma) and were armed only with wooden batons and swords (Japanese police did not carry firearms until the rice riots of 1918). Saigo Takamori of Japan is known as the Last Samurai, who lived from 1828 to 1877 and is remembered to this day as the epitome of bushido, the samurai code. Saigo spent a lot of time soaking in hot springs and strenuously avoiding politics. The shogunate's troops were well-armed, but their leaders had no consistent strategy, and they failed to cover their own flanks. Other imperial loyalists wrote to him for advice on politics, so despite his exile and officially dead status, he continued to have an impact in Kyoto. when did the meiji restoration enddoes keegan allen have a child 26th February 2023 / in west warwick viewpoint / by / in west warwick viewpoint / by It is not clear what was done with Saig's head immediately after his death. The coming into force in January, 1877, of the edict, issued in the previous year, prohibiting the wearing of swords, was followed by Shimadzu's resignation of the high office he held in the Ministry. Continued by a Narrative of his Last Moments and Sufferings, obtained from his Faithful Servants Chuma and Susi. Kumamoto, Fukuoka, Saga and other places in Kyushu, not to speak of Satsuma, his birthplace, responded to his call. The artillery battalion was divided into 2 batteries with 130 men per battery. Secretary of the British Legation in Tokyo during the rebellion, Mounsey relied on the 'most authentic sources, oral and documentary'. into one of Japan's leading private universities, with a student body of nearly 14,000 and a multinational faculty of some 1,500 as of 2019. Statements. Eventually Saig and his final remaining samurai were encircled and annihilated at the Battle of Shiroyama. "How the Samurai Ended During the Satsuma Rebellion." News article in Le Monde Illustr, 1877. date= January 29, 1877 to September 24, 1877 place= Kysh, Japan result=Imperial Victory combatant1= Empire of Japan combatant2=Satsuma domain Rebellions by the samurai, which had broken out sporadically since 1868 (Meiji 1), including the 1869-70 conflict between irregular military units and upper rank samurai commanders in the Choshu domain, gained steam with the collapse of the "conquer Korea debate". Imperial forces emerged victorious, but with heavy casualties on both sides. This includes data values and the controlled vocabularies that house them. These cookies track visitors across websites . ISBN-10: 1437338992. Monumenta Nipponica. The Satsuma Rebellion, also known as the Seinan War (Japanese: , Hepburn: Seinan Sens, lit. The rebels' momentum soon stalled when they settled into a months-long siege of Kumamoto Castle, just 109 miles north of Kagoshima. Few would return. Saigo was disgusted by this treacherous tactic as well. The accounts of his subordinates claim that he stood up and committed seppuku after his injury or that he requested that his friend Beppu Shinsuke assist his suicide. The influential Satsuma samurai, Saigo Takamori, was away at the time and had no knowledge of these events, but hurried home when he heard the news. Saigo's retirement project was the Shigakko, new private schools for young Satsuma samurai where the students studied infantry, artillery, and the Confucian classics. Some children had pestered him into becoming their teacher, and the kind-hearted giant complied. Saigo, however, had no regard for the conscripted farm boys who made up the imperial army. Meanwhile, the Joseon Dynasty in Korea refused to recognize the Mutsuhito as an emperor, because it traditionally recognized only the Chinese emperor as suchall other rulers were mere kings. At one point, he offered to visit Korea in person and to provoke a casus belli by behaving in such an insulting manner that the Koreans would be forced to kill him. Although kubo Toshimichi and others were more active and influential in establishing the new Meiji government, Saig retained a key role, and his cooperation was essential in the abolition of the han system and the establishment of a conscript army. 20-11-2011 19:18:05 ZULU. In April 1877, Saig reorganized the army into nine infantry units of 350 to 800 men each. They resisted the Imperial forces until they were destroyed to the last man. He did not want to rebel, still feeling deep personal loyalty to the Meiji Emperor, but announced on February 7 that he would go to Tokyo to "question" the central government. On January 3, 1868, the Boshin War began with Saigo's army of 5,000 marching forward to attack the shogun's army, numbering three times as many men. Main article: Satsuma Rebellion Portrait of Saig Takamori, faithful depiction by the acquaintance Tokonami Masayoshi in 1887 Saig preparing for war Shortly thereafter, a private military academy known as the Shi-gakk was established in Kagoshima for the faithful samurai who had also resigned their posts to follow him from Tokyo. traffic source, etc. Satsuma daimyo Shimazu Hisamitsu did not acknowledge the departing army when the men stopped to bow at the gates of his castle. Saigo Takamori helped to usher in the modern era in Japan, serving as one of the three most powerful officials in the early Meiji government. Location. They resorted to digging up unexploded Satsuma ordinance and refiring it. Although Nakahara later repudiated the confession, it was widely believed in Satsuma and was used as justification by the disaffected samurai that a rebellion was necessary in order to "protect Saig". 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