random devil fruit generator

Weaknesses:Busoshoku Haki, Kairoseki, Fire, Magma Explosions, Weakness :power won't work if user is slightly damp or if it's 960. Hazel Hazelnut. - You roll a total of 4 times; unless there are Re-rolls involved. Once you get a Devil Fruit, it's yours forever. Also standard devil fruit weaknesses. {Devil Fruit Box Weakness:this fruit doesn't increase power only speed , Power: user is able to sommon 100x theirstrength and is not effected by any form of pain or attack that my attempt to move or injure the individual in any way. He/she will have the ability to throw unlimited amount of plasma. Italic Text Generator. WebDevil Fruit Generator v4. (I got 60, the Dice Dice Fruit. This fruit allows the user to send poison from the snakes, and send fire or ice from the dragons, fly, or bite the opponent with the dragon heads. He also cannot control things that break due to the explosion, only what he makes directly explode. The reason One Piece Devil Fruit Name Generator was created because it is so hard to thinking of some (Bug bug fruit) Apearance:Black Orange with red poka-dots. I got the hobi hobi, by the way. Power: allows the user to be a dream, an illusion, he can create illusions realistic enough to even cause the feeling of pain and such, when hit, his body will behave as a simple illusion, usually, this power can be seen as a glowing, fog-like multicolored light, this power can also enter the target's mind, creating a realistic dream or trap it in insanity. Dog Dog Fruit, Model: Jackal Stitch Stitch Fruit Gum Gum Fruit Slow Slow Fruit String String Fruit Bubble This fruit does enable the user to severely burn opponents however only at close range, as when steam comes into contact with cool air it condenses forming the visible water droplets we see as a mist. Heal Heal Fruit: Eaten by Weakness: Water, Sea Stone, and Ice (ice can freeze the bones in place so they can't move), Devil fruit name: Anpu Anpu No MI (amp amp fruit or sound sound), Power: allow user to become, fire, mold, sound can also travel at the speed of sound, Devil Fruit Name: Akuma Akuma no Mi: Model Final (Devil Devil Fruit: Model Final), Appearance: A pure black circle with white circles, Power: Having the abilities of all Devil Fruits. Power:Able to create devastating earthquakes that can shkae the world , probably one of the worlds strongest devil fruit power . Diagnosis results: Daily. Devil Fruit name: Tatsu Tatsu No Mi, Model Western Dragon (Dragon-Dragon Fruit). Devil Fruits are strange fruits found all over the world, and they'll give whoever eats them strange abilities. Additionally, the fruit grants it's user the ability to peek in their victim's deepest memories and anything they gather can be manifested in the ilusion they create. The user can manipulate the shape of the metal passing through them (the metal will fluidly and instantly take the shape of whatever this fruits user wishes it to be, this abillity can only be used when they are in metal form), THIS DEVIL FRUIT DOES NOT ALLOW THE USER TO PASS THROUGH SOLID BODIES OF METAL (metal may pass through him/her, they cannot pass through metal), (the can however use bodies of metal to fuel the manipulation abillity). - To use the roulette, you simply use the "Random Number" function in the box at the bottom right. 3. (Does not include Canon or Non-Canon DFs) In this you will find: List of Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia DFs Random Character Generator Weapons, Classes, Races, Seas of Origin, and Alignments Links to other Devil Fruit lists 3 Sir_Penguin21 4 yr. ago Thanks! The user can move underground almost as easily as it moves over it and can also project heavy psychic stress over other creatures. 3. Fruit is filling and satisfies your craving for sweets. Hazel Hazelnut. When touched by any liquid (sea stone weapons do not count) the painting melts away unless it is a drawing of a fish like creature then it is only effected by too much water. Evething is made up matter for an example Luffy and every thing that take space or mass . Names last updated Feb 25, 2023. Users Saying:The Wind howls! Weakness: Cannot keep bottom of feet or shoes go through otherwise will fall due to gravity, items touching must be in contact with skin to become go through. What would you use it for. When in battle the dial is not visible on his/her hand but it slowly comes out of his/her palm. This can cause problems in some situations. Tiny Text Generator. Bold text Strength: If using high gravity and can manage it like normal gravity, they can become really fast. Set the number from 1 to 96. Weakness: Overall devil-fruit weakness such as seawater and seastone, the Fire can also burn the alcohol. Click on this link and change the number from 100 to 131, it'll generate a random number that'll determine which power you get: Truly Random Number Generator Rules 1. Also, by the way this fruit blocks off memories, it is very challenging to recover them without causing damage to the brain. In this form you are at your strongest, standing at 11 feet high at the top of the head when on all-fours and 22 feet at the top of the head on your hind legs. Power:can create limitless supply's of Beli ,can turn into Power: Turns the eater's body into perfume. Offline. The user of this fruit can mimic gears second and third. Whichever number you get, count down on the DF list to find your DF. Although it may take time, this makes this devil fruits one of the strongest due to its destructive power. (The official number of Devil Fruits) Click generate. Peace. Since the aura is an immaterial energy, ther is no possible way of controlling or containing it besides the user if the devil fruit. Whichever number you get, count down on the DF list to find your DF. Can also create up to 5 digital copies for up to 5 minutes. Here's my plan:-Eat hobi hobi-travel to ISIS headquarters-tap them on the shoulder-make them stand in fire and laugh maniacally. Being too close to the user can cause sun burn. Weakness: normal weakness apply. This technique can only be used twice. 95, Magu Magu No Mi. With great concentration can control the living. Power: Allows user to control fossils and the dead, when struck the user shatters into bones and can reconstruct themselves, can use bones as armor, a shield, or a weapon as well as reanimate the dead. It can be roughly compared to the Ki, Reyatsu, Chi, Chackra, etc POWER OF WATER allows the use to do anything with water .it would a good friut if fighting a devil user you can attck them with water .pros you cant dowrn .cons there are none and also let go at fast speeds you glide water which makes faster then any thing. Grant you mercy f'r updating t. I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words. Power: This devils fruit is similar to Bentham (Mr. 2 Bon Kurei)'s devils fruit (Mane Mane no Mi) in the idea but is different in its specifics. Diagnosis results: Daily. Discover Your Fruit Power. The user can also fly through the air due to the control as well as create tornados. Power: Tjis fruit allows theu ser to control odds itself. Can merge with sea water. Note: Will have an endless battle with Hie Hie no Mi. - You roll a total of 4 times; unless there are Re-rolls involved. Weird Text Generator. The generator is a tool to generate Fruits. The abilitiy to control kinetic energy which can give the user the ability to destory an entire landscape. 68. Matthew Fields. Random Devil Fruit Game All credit goes to u/SpaghettiJunkie for this idea. Shaped like a coconut. Instructions & Rules: - In order to obtain a Devils Fruit, you must first have 300,000 Exp. Much like in the Terminator movie (a pun of this in the anime would be actually fantastic). Depending on how big and strong the drawing is, the user will be able to control it through commands such as "Attack" but if the drawing is stronger or bigger then it will not listen to the user. ), Apperance: Blood red starfruit with swirls. Native Guarana. Capable of infiltrating computers and transmitters as if a virus. Fruit can help reduce your risk of diabetes. Check out our other Fusion Generators! Weakness: Standard devil fruit weaknesses, swarm becomes crazy at the smell of blood, after engorging, becomestoo heavy andslow to fly. Native Guarana. The reason One Piece Devil Fruit Name Generator was created because it is so hard to thinking of some Note: Property of Lauer D. Jacob of the Stawhat Pirates. Saber-tooth cats are built more for power and strenght than speed, to enable them to pin down prey and deliver the killing bite thus reducing risk of the prey thrashing about which could break their impressive teeth. Additional Characters! Consumer: Lauer D. Jacob, member of the Strawhat Pirates, bounty of 395,000,000. The user can also send heat waves and condense heat to create small explosions. The eater can also create full-body chainmail armour. If you are looking for a list of devil names or just find a cool name to use for a devil, the devil name generator below will help you out. This is a Devil Fruit list I made containing over +500 unique Devil Fruits! Powers: Gives you the power's of the devils, once the devil user takes a human life they are granted the life of that person making the devil user live longer . Appearence: Light brown pineapple with golden stripes. The fruits and veggies that the user creates are invincible against the attacks of weapons or other Devil Fruits, and the user can alter the hardness and the size of a fruit or vegetable, as well as the amount of filling and its taste and texture. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Use this link, and random.org to play. i'm using t f'r mine own one piece table top rpg. Your strength depends on the element that you are using and there are also diferent types of some elements like metal or stone so strength depends on types to. ate by: gai (my brother) captain of the illusion pirates. Weak against electricity if composition is salty. However, the disadvantages of the Water Water Fruit powers include weakness against electricity, intense heat that boils water, freezing ice, and liquid toxins. So why not give it a try? Of the pirates son ,of monkey D Luffy, bounty. Power:To take any particle and transform it into anything the user wants(elements,weapons etc).The user can also take anything and destroy it. To use the generator, click the "Generate" button, and you will get a list of random fruits that looks delicious to you. Info 1st Year; Name: Nickname: Race: Gender Instructions & Rules: - In order to obtain a Devils Fruit, you must first have 300,000 Exp. Notes: This is a fire based logia fruit but is weaker than the Mera Mera no mi or the Magu Magu no mi. (Most powerful Logia devil fruit ever. Powers; Turns user into a wolf and other diffrent forms. The user of this fruit also has the ability to adjust his hearing according to the sound he/she hears or produce. -- 04:34, 21 February 2011 (UTC), Devil Fruit name: Tori Tori No Mi, Model Impundulu ((Bird Bird Fruit, Model Impundulu), Appearance: Takes the form of a cyan-colored mango fruit that is slightly-larger than average sized and covered with the usual Devil Fruit swirls all over the surface, Power(s): This Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit allows the user to turn into an Impundulu, a mythological avian creature of occult background that is said to have power over lightning and thunder by calling them forth using its wings and talons. 3. 2. Random character generator. This fruit makes the user a saber-tooth human and with training allows you to change into 6 forms including full human (much like tony-tony chopper). You will be redirected once the validation is complete. Weakness: Seastone, though the fire can burn the leafs, the brunches and trunks produced have a great amount of moisture to even put the fire down. so he can make a hole appear in something to avoid an attack, or he can make bullets shoot out of metal. The eyes turn into a stony grey, while the hair is turned a midnight black. 04:04, January 28, 2013 (UTC), Make Make Fruit (This file no longer exists: Tsukuru_Tsukuru_No_Mi.jpg). Rules 1. He/she can create some eerie energy in the form of flying sparks or shot it on the target as waves. ', Power: The user has the ability to become space(Negative, Empty, Unused, Interdimmensional, and outer) (Ex: Allow things to pass through them, turn into nothingness and reappear somewhere else by taking the place of another collection of nothingness, absorbing it to strengthen themeself, using it as an extension of themself, turning them into matter and shaping it how he sees fit, and erasing or adding matter to himself to change his shape, appearance, race, or gender however he sees fit only requiring great attention to detail) and control space(Negative, Empty, Unused, Interdimmensional, and outer) however they see fit (EX: Erasing people into nothingness, draining nothingness from others to kill them by their atoms becoming compressed, crushing atoms with it, heading into other dimmensions with an interdimmensional bridge, breathing in outer space, levitation by making things weight empty space, controling matter by making space physical similar to ceasar draining the air from an area only creating space to push air aside, and manipulating the nothingness within others atoms.). Training allows the user to almost switch between the modes of vision automatically depending on which better suits the situation. Power: Grant the user power to negate devil fruit user power,the more he/she master the fruit,the more larger the area of effect,the user can active the power at will. 1. This is a Devil Fruit list I made containing over +500 unique Devil Fruits! As this takes some time the person being cloned usually has to be consenting or unconcious/restrained. Check out our other Fusion Generators! notes: this devil furit has no real major ability but rather many minor abilities all of which make it a perfect devil furit for fighting hand to hand with haki. Appearance: A small gold colored watermelon with spiraling, screw-like leaves. Appearance - A blue orange with devil fruit swirls all over. 3. The user can also manipulate the heat into spheres of heat that explode on contact, releasing a large amount of heat. Human Human Fruit, Model: Big Monk: Eaten by: Snake Snake Fruit, Model: Anaconda: Eaten by, Sala Sala Fruit, Model: Axolotl: Eaten by, Bug Bug Fruit, Model: Rhinoceros Beetle: Eaten by, Human Human Fruit, Model: Buddha: Eaten by, Snake Snake Fruit, Model: King Cobra: Eaten by, Dog Dog Fruit, Model: Dachshund: Eaten by, Elephant Elephant Fruit, Model: Mammoth: Eaten by, Dragon Dragon Fruit, Model: Pachycephalosaurus: Eaten by, Dragon Dragon Fruit, Model: Pteranodon: Eaten by. WebWhich Devil Fruit Would You Have? when someone attack him not using a haki like guns swords it will only be black sand. This tool is here to help you out. Power: Allows user to become a human/tiger hybrid or full tiger. Devil Fruit name:Banku Banku No Mi (Bank Bank Fruit). This generates a pseudo-random number using JavaScripts Math functions. You can keep clicking the button until you find a fruit perfect for 68. ~~Weakness: The seemingly unstopable fiend's shadow form can be easily counter by light element and haki. Hell. Said attributes can range from memories, learned skills, innate talents, and even Devil Fruit powers. The Kane Kane no mi user has two daggers and uses his/her power to make them like hidden blades from Assassians Creed. To find out when NEW Characters get released! Strengths: Gives the user the ability to have 3 heads,and grow 20m tall. The Water Water Fruit gives the user super-fast swimming abilities, underwater breathing, rain dance, aquakinesis/hydrokinesis, morph into water, and sea life communication. (Does not include Canon or Non-Canon DFs) In this you will find: List of Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia DFs Random Character Generator Weapons, Classes, Races, Seas of Origin, and Alignments Links to other Devil Fruit lists 3 Sir_Penguin21 4 yr. ago Thanks! 1. That's right, from now on, we'll be posting our comic pages there as well. If anyone but the user eats one on the copies it will act like a poison that has no antidote and can't be healed. As it develops, the user can also hear the sound of wind blowing at the radius of 100 meters from his position. it allow you to use stroms itself winds and everystroms, type logia99.239.17.69 18:36, February 19, 2013 (UTC), allow one to winds and stroms itself to blow everyones who get in yourway away that the navy and with stroms and winds. The type of oil that the user can turn into is black oil, the same type from a slick. You can keep clicking the button until you find a fruit perfect for Fear me. Info 1st Year; Name: Nickname: Race: Gender Weakness: normal weakness apply. Ultimate attack involves pulling the opponent into a matrix of binary code where the opponent is at the user's mercy. Weaknesses: The weaknesses are haki and thunder , Enel's logia devil fruit would be very critical against this devil for it is weakness. Revive fallen comerades, but at the cost of some of your life. He can also imbue some aura in living beeings to push and pull'em off his way. So the idea is simple. Above three made by the same person, TheZakMan. The user can also place those souls into inanimate objects that serve them. Check out our other Fusion Generators! 750,000,000 Beri, Appearance of fruit: An aqua blue blackberry with gold swirls. 101. One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. If the user would be attacked, the attack would go right through him as if attacking a hologram. Name: Omoi Omoi no Mi ( Heavy Heavy Fruit ). It can use the brain to make you seem like you are in agonizing pain, when really nothing is wrong with you. Weaknesses: Sinks faster in water and falls faster in midair, due to increased weight. once hit, random events can and will happen around the target determined by the user's will. Weaknesses: Similar to other devil fruit users, the user is cursed by the sea. Its a very common concept in many religions and cultures. hmm i always thought the hobi hobi no mi actually made you small since it's about toys and whatnot and the sugar thing was a coincidence. any items such as clothes or weapons can also become passable as long as they are touching the user. WebGenerate random Fruits. bbriggs517's bright ideas:). Weakness: Seastone, Water (the water can also turn back anything turned to gold, but the objects he create from nothing are unnafected), Devil Fruit name: Yume Yume no Mi (yumei = dream). Weakness: Standard devil fruit weaknesses (Water, Seastone). Note: the user of Koho koho no mi can NOT get drunk, as his body is made of alcohol. Discover Your Fruit Power. Power: allows the user to create, control, and transform into clay at will. ), Power: Allows the user to turn into, control, and grow any plant. Appearance of fruit: A blue cucumber with swirls. Interestingly enough, the Water Water Fruit defies anything that weakens other Devil Fruit powers such as the Seastone. abilities: Allow the user to create, control and become steam, tied with Smoker's and Caesar's fruits as a gaseous logia. Appearance: A mango shaped fruit that is yellow with orange colored circles and a pink leaf on the left side. Is a bluish purple color. Note: Property of Lauer D. Jacob of the Strawhat Pirates. Shipwright of the block pirates. If the user is underwater then Sea Stone weapons become useless against him. Ability: The Stupid stupid fuit has the power to make the user incredibly stupid to a point where their opponent will underestimate them and will start laughing excessively at their stupidity and ultimately kill themselves from too much laughter. Powers: The user has the ability to shoot a cosmic ray to make people fall asleep for the users desired amount of time. It does not generate scores for a leaderboard. Weakness: Typical devil fruit user weakness such as water, haki, and sea stone. Has an increase in muscle mass and overall weight and density. The user can also split solid materials in pieces shaped like boards and gears, but that power cant be done at range, requiring contact (like a kick that sends a flying gear from the ground). Being a logia type, it grants the user to regenerate or reconstruct is body using the element. be on the ground),turn people animals and things to Beli Power: Gives the user a move called: Kin'niku ponpu (Muscle pump) pushing kinetic energy into their body pumping their muscles changing their physcial appearance. When fused he is stronger and has multiple faces, essentially must be killed twice or more. Appearance: The fruit looks like a kiwi with red hair and spirals of green hair. Weakness: Standard Weaknesses, Black-and-white objects; if something gets far enough away from it's color,(500 Color-Colors), the color will fly back to it and turn back to normal old colors, regardless of what shape the where in. and send it back. This ghost can float around and go through object like they have no collision size. (Most powerful devil fruit ever, can even defeat a logia. User: captain apollo of the solar raider crew. Power(s): Allows user to create any size, thickness, strengeth, and toughness rope from their body and can control it. User must touch the object with his/her hand. Appearance: Scarlet fruit resembling a peach. 3. The user can also bypass logia intangibility by attacking there senses rather then physical body.). The user can't also move a set trap, but overlapping it will trigger both traps at same time, and with a chance one trap might ruin the other. People diagnosed 39.6 K. Favorites 10. Power: Can remove any living persons face, and then attach it to any living person. Say you saw a crow, the user of this fruit could make it seem like you just saw a giant floating whale. Power: basically, the logia of Alcohol, the user can become, control and produce alcohol, however, as the alcohol (Methyl ethan) can evaporate quickly even in room temperature, the fruit is the only logia where the user can be both gaseous and liquid form, allowing the user more versatility from his two physical states. You can easily Generate 1000's of One Piece Devil Fruit Names ideas in just few clicks. Discover Your Fruit Power. 21 would be Brook's fruit. Fruit looks like a red dick with blue balls. Ability: to copy the powers of other devil fruits. Also their physical strength and running increases to. Note:The aura is an energy similar to the soul, in methaphysical concepts, but its more like an energy beeing constantly flowing out the living beeings, usualy affecting the mood. Appearance: A crimson-colored spikey durian fruit covered with swirls. Weaknesses: Things that would normally interfere with different types of vision e.g. Ardris D. Logan (talk) 11:12, March 25, 2013 (UTC). He can also cause matter to have less density and let things pass through it, and then return it to its original density. The user can imbue this aura in anything inanimate and manipulate it telekinetically for a brief time. The chains can be any type of chain and can even have the links welded together to make a solid chain, which can then be used to lift the user into the air like pole vault. abillities: gives the eater the power to control pure energy and blast it. Web99 Akuma mi akuma mi no Mi (devil fruit devil fruit Fruit) 100 Drill drill fruit 101 Sole sole fruit (sun sun) 102 Boom boom fruit (explosion man) 103 Boom boom fruit (explosion man) 104 Plant-Plant fruit 105 Beli Beli fruit (money man) 106 Kagi Kagi no mi (Key Key fruit) 107 Hai Hai no mi (Ash Ash Fruit) 108 Kawaii Kawaii No Mi (Cute Cute) Some of these are made up fruits. The User can also move air around to create areas void of air to suffocate enemies. If the user is caught in the rain their body will swell up due to moisture, but they can now smother and drown the opponents with the drenched wool. Even if both dials break on his/her palm, he/she will still have a fruit so they can't swim. 13. Weakness: Though having a strong point in the element of surprise, it can't reach the target unless he/she touches it, activating the trap. Appearance: black dragon fruit with white tips. Power: Allows user to become a human/scorpion hybrid or full scorpion. (Pure water composition is ammune to electricity.). Power can cause any thing they touch to exploud including Part of body at high speeds(eg spinning tip of finger or when he dreams. WebRandom what devil fruit to pick - Spin the wheel to randomly choose from these options : dough fruitrubber fruitlight fruitdark fruitstring fruitbarrier fruitleopard fruitvenom fruitsoul fruitquake fruitchop fruitkilo fruitbomb fruitlighting fruitsmoke fruitspin fruitphoenix fruitmagma fruitspike fruitglitch fruitice Dragon Dragon Fruit, Model: Allosaurus: Eaten: Snake Snake Fruit, Model: Eight-Headed Snake: Eaten by. raining ,other devil fruit weaknesses

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