If you're wondering how to spot a reptilian, then obviously, the first place to look is their eyes. No wonder people are skeptical of mail in voting.". It's an odd shape to make a building, and there had to be a reason for it. in revelation the false prophet is said to have "horns like a lamb and speak like a viper.". If Jesus wanted churches he could have built at least one as a carpenter. If your brand name becomes colloquialized as a verb/word meaning some common action or thing you risk losing your trademark. So, so fucked up. "A vampire has to be invited in" and so on, and so forth. Also notice the ceiling is made to look like snake skin, the fangs, the antichrist sculpture. A lot of good that did. This makes men figuratively fish. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #thevatican, #snakeinthetoilet . NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Leaked Report Says Benjamin Netanyahu Preparing Israel For Strike On Irans Escalating Nuclear Capabilities, The Saucon Valley Middle School In Hellertown Pennsylvania Gives The Green Light To Launching An After School Satan Club For Young Children, PHARMAKEIA ALERT: Street Drug Xylazine Known As Tranq Is Creating Literal Zombie Populations In Predominantly Democrat-Controlled Cities Across US, BREAKING NEWS: Francis Chan, Rick Warren And NAR Were Already Planning A Revival At Asbury University In Video Released 7 Days Before It All Started, The Headquarters For Chrislam, The Abrahamic Family House In Abu Dhabi, Is Now Nearly Complete And Should Be Operational In Just A Few Weeks, On Sunday November 13th, Get Ready For The Chrislam Climate Repentance Ceremony On Mount Sinai In Egypt As The United Nations Holds COP27. Uncategorized. Google, long ago, put out a press release attepmting to stop the usage of "google" as a verb. The walls are not parallel and form a sort of trapezoidal shape. Thats a terrible business decision. Please pray for our efforts, and if the Lord leads you to donate, be as generous as possible. I have no sure reason why the church would be designed like a snake. Someone should alert the media! But I will kindleafirein the wallof Rabbah,and it shall devourthe palacesthereof, with shoutingin the dayof battle,withatempestin the dayof the whirlwind: Amos 1:14 (KJB). Activate your Kundalini Energy. Not that we didnt know. 666) over one eye. The word "Vatican" literally means "Divining Serpent," and is derived from Vatis = Diviner and Can = Serpent. Don't let big pharma shills and the fake news MSM tell you otherwise and do your own research. That makes it even more nuts. Seems about right. All that being said, it seems like a rather silly difference to have. Reddit and r/conspiracy in general are manipulated platforms. Foolish Galatians. "Abstain from all appearance of evil." 1 Thessalonians 5:22 (KJV) Reptiles are good eagles are bad dont tread on me bro. Perhaps they always did, in a way. Some patriots nearby heard a noise when she tossed them in & went to investigate. The serpent of Genesis was not a snake. Because that ain't Christian. General Audience. Vatican City, in full State of the Vatican City, Italian Stato della Citt del Vaticano, ecclesiastical state, seat of the Roman Catholic Church, and an enclave in Rome, situated on the west bank of the Tiber River. When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. It's a bit unusual, but not evidence of demonic influence. Caecilians typically have a well-developed right lung along with a . Because Judaism Islam and Christianity all have the same roots in Saturn worship. Anyone see a pattern here, or is it just me? Just when you thought it couldnt possible get much worse, it does. The walls are not parallel. The snake was one of the first symbols of spirituality, the divine rising within. I did some more digging on the 21 gun salute. Where's McCarthy when you need him? There are so many you are bored looking at them. probably more likely this: https://i.imgur.com/eeiFeuA.jpg, Does the Bible say anything about reptilians. He is a surfer of ideals and meditates often on the promise of happiness in a world battered by the angry seas of human thoughtlessness. It is a building that is designed to look like a reptile. Lucifer / Satan. Id do that second. You dont find god through Jesus..thats all fairytales. No one shall be deceived into hell. The fake news and clowns shilling against HCQ should have everyone totally infuriated. That bit of song is a reference to a vision of Jesus in Acts. But the serpent that saves: this is the mystery of Christ". Not necessarily Christian. why is the vatican shaped like a snake. What's with the cats in egypt then? Anyway, the point is I am highly, highly skeptical or religion. The original freemasons were christians and it was a benevolent organization, it was then co opted later on. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Resurrection_(Fazzini). If you go to Catholic massyou barely even open a Bible. That is a fucking reach, just so you know. Mass is not a cannibalism ceremony, but rather an offering to God. People get banned for this topic, but here are some more pictures, OP. Could also be the watermark of the designer. That's almost like they asked H.R. God imagine the antichrist coming in this era. There's a lot of disinformation purposefully spread in the spiritual battlefield. I personally have this sinking feeling that Jesus was the snake. As the Great Reset continues to coil itself around us like a snake around its prey, its becoming obvious even to the casual observer that all these seemingly unrelated events are, in fact, related and traceable to the same source. Because its the church of lucifer. Google search under "Vatican meaning". Which means massive profits for big pharma. pic.twitter.com/Wqr0Go67Qn, Antonio Sabato Jr (@AntonioSabatoJr) February 16, 2023, The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy also said it is aware of the train derailment in Van Buren Township, Wayne County, where initial reports indicate no threat to the public from the derailment. God speaks through everyone one of us. This is not a joke or exaggeration, if you were shilling against HCQ because you hate Trump, it's time for some introspection. In all its forms found in Europe (Greek "Aimulos," Latin "Aemelius") the underlying meaning was that of work. To my surprise, there was a full blown Catholic mass being done, in latin. The snake in xtianity can represent 3 things, however, #1. billion pound cruise This is why hospitals are refusing to allow seriously ill patients to try Ivermectin. The serpent of Genesis was not a snake, it was a bright angelic being we know as Satan. Wow, this looks like the exact type of thing that Jesus fellow would have recommended the church spend money on. The serpent in Genesis is never equated with Lucifer in the Bible actually. How about apologizing to the American people and the president, you frauds. Designed by award-winning Italian architectPier Luigi Nervi, the building is designed to seat 6300 people for conference with the Pope himself, who presents from a stage in front of a giant Satanic looking sculpture. "A US Postal worker was just caught on video throwing a stack of my campaign mailers in a dumpster. There are 44 peer-reviewed studies, 39 of which show that ivermectin is effective against COVID19. It's the lens that was used. 1. If you follow what I say and can swallow the powdered water close your eyes, and open your mind, this one's for you, if it's magick with a "k" you know it's serious. You must show them. I love how this is a fairly silly post but some people are taking it very seriously. And from the Popes position on stage with more teeth. Correct. Yes, they do. Remember the Church tried to prevent laymen reading the Bible up until the Reformation and the Renaissance. Heres what we know. Our brains have not developed far beyond fight or flight, if you sit in the Popes Hall you are automatically at a heightened state of awareness due to the visual of the snakes head and just the visual of it. It is his favorite way to deceive people. The use of the form Amerigho for Amerigo is an instance of the orthographic anarchy that existed in the spelling of proper names. All of them? Unfortunately the group also seems to be committing unspeakably horrible acts of ritual child abuse through their Mk ultra/monarch programming. Are they trying to mock us? If you ever tryed DMT or Ayawaska I think you can make a connection to the snake of serpent/servent. That's because various medical personnel including paramedics and the American Medical Association use the snake-entwined staff to symbolize healing. Way to separate the congregation from the Man himself. They are betting that you won't do shit about it. Named The Resurrection, La Resurrezione,the sculpture was designed byorPericle Fazzini. You are seeing a building called the Papal Audience Hall, in the undeniable shape of a serpent, from which the pope addresses his followers from a throne place in front of a demonic imaging of Jesus turning into a reptile. President Trump on Qanon: What I do hear about it is they are very strongly against pedophilia. The width is similarly 661in. Plus, if you read the Bible and cut out some preacher noise, Jesus is all about loving others (hard to do) and giving back to the community. The infant baptism thing is, to my understanding, derived from the high infant mortality rates they had in the early church. I have denounced this and withdrawn any pseudo permission they think they might have. This is simply logical since Russia, who many in the West have blamed, had no motive to blow up their own pipeline but the U.S. had every reason to want the flow of Russian natural gas to Europe disrupted. Luke was a companion of Paul, and wrote the largest portion of the NT going by word count. Thats not how it works. And, perhaps most interestingly, the churches are golden domes, not pointed. Because apparently no one here has heard about photography or different lenses before. Why do you still think reptilians are on this earth ? It is a design. They actually teach the opposite. . Thanks for sharing the real photo. Some people I show this picture to don't see the obvious. I got hissed at by a nun for kissing inside. why does MSM never talk about it and act like no one cares? Theres a huge pentagram within the streets and major political landmarks if you look at the map of the city as well. Church didnt like it so they renamed the instrument LUCI. The CDC changes the definition of vccination on September 1st. Spare us the crocodile tears you fucking warmongers. Imo that doesn't make any sense, Some suspect its a karma thing they believe in, they sort of tell us who they are and what they do and thus get our collective blessing to do so and so no karmic payment for them in the afterlife, ties in with the whole hollywood predictive programming thing for example lone gunmen and 9/11 etc. According to Edward Snowden, the UFO flap is also a misdirection to wipe the infinitely more awkward Seymour Hersh story from the headlines. (a mushroom) Maybe the serpent wasn't the bad guy, but the person wanting others to remain obedient and ignorant. I forget which book its from, at one point Jesus tells, I think Peter, what sins you absolve I absolve, what sins you retain I retain or some such. The forked tongue is actually represented in a gardened pathway outside the audience hall. It was definitely infiltration. The Eastern Church still retains a lot more of the mystical elements of the faith, whereas the Western (Roman) Church, while still having some mysticism, has also embraced intellectualism (evidenced by scientists, medical doctors, and other priests with less theological/spiritual emphasis). Retweets. The story of Lucifer as you describe it isn't even in the Bible. They read directly from the Bible on 3 occasions in the mass, usually thematically linked passages, one from the Old Testament, one from the new, and one that is a direct quotation or deed of Christ from the gospels. He was not only traumatized by what he saw, but totally shocked by the vast size of the operations that cater to pedophiles. What you see is what you are meant to see. Ghislaine Maxwell and Soros connection. This has always driven me insane about religion among other things. Sometimes doing the right thing requires a bit of brutality. Jews have always been bankers in nearly every society in the last 2000 years, firstly because they haven't had a homeland for 2000 years, but secondly because their religion, unlike that of Christianity and of Islam, did not prevent them from charging usury to even members of the other Abrahamic religions. The message on Sunday will be in parseltongue. 36 chronic diseases and disorders have more than doubled. We are all about to die, and it's all our fault for following blindly. Free with trial. Unseal the deals! Something forgotten about the death of Andrew Breitbart. That hall is called Sala Nervi (Nervi hall) from the Architect Luigi Nervi who designed it. Giger to design it! Why in radio friendly pop music is a catchy beat used while the lyrics, which are perverse, get subconsciously planted within the mind of the youth? Its a country, its a kingdom, its a corporation, and its anything but a church. The current was intertwined like 2 snakes, the caduceus / dna symbol. Just a small snippet from the last hourMockingbird Media. The interior of the Audience Hall also closely resembles a serpent, strikingly with two fangs positioned over the stage. The enigmatic statuettes were discovered at the archaeological site of Al-Ubaid. They are large, loud, enthusiastic, and they are very angry. The. I've been to a Masonic temple and they said that to be a member you only have to be a monotheist. The word Vatican literally means Divining Serpent, and is derived from Vatis = Diviner and Can = Serpent. The Vatican taken over from within by its arch enemy? In this overhead photo, the building stands out for its unusual shape, which is innocuous enough until juxtaposed with a viper's head. It's fucking bizarre. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead, And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou. But will still sell cigarettes, which have killed millions. minds. Its up to the individual to find that god that lives within us all. That is nuts. Those people are the true satanists/luciferians/evilfuckingpeople. Theyre referring to an instrument that was developed for their Large Binocular telescope which was abbreviated to LUCIFER. Its not coincidence at all. Please read some Manly P. Hall (ie America's Assignment With Destiny) or any amount of esoterica and you're realize very quickly that there's a mainstream version of history, and an occult one, and that names and language are a huge part of this deception. The auditorium was built with extensive use of reinforced concrete and a special concrete mix with white marble dust and grit provided by Italcementi. Just so people are clear. AFP PHOTO / Filippo MONTEFORTE. And if that doesn't include both peace and love, at ALL times, then I disagree, and start investigating. The serpent, the Pontiff clarified, is a "symbol of sin, the serpent that kills. Only followers of Jesus Christ understand this. Trump said this in 2012. So Lucifer ties together sex, stars, the Romans and Babylonians. Id like to point out that this picture is taken with a wide angle lens and distorts what the actual hall looks like. Original: Mar 12, 2013. The Vatican claims to be following the word of God, but multiple insiders have recently come forth, denouncing Pope Francis as a false prophet, and speaking about the widespread practice of black magic and Satanism inside the Vatican. They purposefully adopted pagan religious holidays and customs to trick people into converting. Here's the other side. Theyre just telling you who their God is. If you dont already know, the Nord Stream Pipeline was built to carry natural gas from Russia to Germany, and then to all of Europe, but somebody want that pipeline taken out of commission. Or is there a distinguishing pathology between Pharisees and "normal" jews, as there certainly was 2000 years ago? Modern Christianity is just gross. Pretty much every auditorium looks like that from the wrong angle. Jesus was Jewish, but as insane as this sounds, I think he would have agreed with the likes of Hitler. Both from the stage, and from the audiences entry way, the room unmistakably resembles a snake, even though some write this off as delusional thinking, warning people away from considering its deeper meaning. Whistleblower claims Chinese communists pay Vatican $2 billion in bribes every year to pay for its silence on the CCPs repression of religious freedom. Sure is. I really strongly recommend checking out the abductions research of Dr. David Jacobs. Looks like flat pavement all around to me. Notice the similarities in the shape, the roofing and scaly skin, and the placement of eyes. The word, "woman," aptly portrays Johannine symbolism with regard to Mary's role in giving life to the Life-giver as Adam calls his wife "Life" (Zwn') in . I'm an Eastern Orthodox Christian (but I consider myself rather agnostic about religion these days). I've been there. She wants monetary policy set by the price of gold. Citing Bloomberg data, news stories for food plant fire jumped the most in a decade last year. In this building you will find no cross like in the church. 1. Why would he otherwise have changed his Christian name after his voyages to the Americas? Important excerpts will be added here. A massive fire has broken out at a warehouse that stores plastic pots and fertilizer in Kissimmee, Florida. Sometimes you have to walk through the darkness to see the light. HCQ CURES COVID. Note the overall shape wide back, narrow, rounded front, eyes in the middle, nostril at the front, and curved top. Is it common in other abrahamic religions as well? Weird shit that needs explaining. This is incredible. Snowden included a UPI news report from April 1961 in which US Secretary of State Dean Rusk denied the Bay of Pigs had been staged from American soil, with Rusk telling the media, the Cuban affair was one for the Cubans themselves to settle. As if this were not sufficiently occult, inside the serpent's mouth is a strange-looking representation of Christ's resurrection by sculptor Pericle Fazzini, below fifth row. Netflixs terrible decision points to a more serious problem in Western culture, which is that sexualizing children is a precursor of state control over the individual. We tend to see faces in clouds and rock formations. The snake can be noted amongst other cultures including the Egyptians. Remember the weird video from Howie Mandel from last week where he cuts the corners off the bag? You can blame Christianity for that. I went to Catholic mass once and was absolutely shocked. I was stuck on the torus shape for a bit but related it to a mushroom cloud since I didnt even know what a torus was at the time. The tests for Covid-19 can be positive for any antibodies that cause the common cold. And as most of us know the church is kind of obsessed between the distinction between right and wrong. "Giver of immortal gladness". And who did that character represent? its the veneration of the snake of the tree of knowledge, Satan. Mark Passio covers it quite concisely in his "de-mystifying the occult" presentation. Take a good look at this video and all these photos, and really meditate on what you are seeing. If you look at it through Reptilian eyes you see the truth of the true design of this and other structures of Political and Religious and Economic power. It even more looks like a snake head now lol. The manifestation of a spirit within a human being. Dr. Andy Wakefield, the filmmaker who brought us Vaxxed, now brings us 1986: The Act, a story of how the powerful force of a mother's intuition leads down the rabbit hole of lies and corruption surrounding the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA). What about the part where he tries to tempt Christ? Design like this does not happen per chance, and the world's capital of great architecture, Rome, it is ludicrous to think that a famous architect could design a building that just accidentally looks like a giant snake's head, even though the Vatican denies the resemblance. Resign Joe#NordStream2 #BidenBoom @POTUS #Pipeline pic.twitter.com/CgQXgC74Uf, Now The End Begins (@NowTheEndBegins) February 14, 2023. Tales of shape shifters go back thousands if not 10,000s of years from Native Americans to the Egyptians in the time of the Pharaohs. The Florida Department of Health has been caught red-handed, increasing the Covid-19 case number by a whopping 90%. From outside, you can see the shape of the snake head. Everything goes back to the reptile. Replaces "immunity" with "protection". Free . Politicization of our agencies to help HILLARY! Look at it. . Look at the show Lucifer for example, which references Babylonian traditions commingled with Christianity. Ghislaine Maxwells last public appearance before her arrest was to support charity for human trafficking victims. Neat inversion with the cross/key and serpent. From worshipping Mary to believing that humans (priests) have the ability to forgive sins to the obvious worldwide money grab and blatant shuffle game of accused pedophiles, they have nothing to do with Christ's message. Ive been on this sub since roughly 2014 - Ive seen this particular post come up for at least the last 3-4 years, every 4-6 months or so. I wonder why the homeschooling movement is gaining in popularity? Important excerpts will be added here. I dont understand why people think Freemasons worship Satan? The God Quetzalcoatl was known in Peru under the name of Amaru. But its a good reminder. It's subtle enough that people noticed, but not enough to outright call it out in public. I don't mean you woodsman, I mean anycitydweller. Free masons designed it and they are/were basically cultists so it wouldn't be surprising. We all should collectively reclaim our rights and sovereignty and call out the liars. . There are even theories that it was introduced to the mesoamericans by an even older civilization thought to have perished over 12 000 years ago. In order to facilitate the view of the papal throne, even the floor has a double convex curvature. Please. The Vatican, while located in Rome, is it's own sovereign nation state, and a look around the grounds reveals unimaginable wealth and a plethora of strangely symbolic pieces. Quite different from speaking from the chair of Peter, the cathedra of truth. Wrong. Who is the serpent? Anyway, the Templars were really adept at moneymaking and banking methods, which they were thought to have learned from the first Jewish bankers, and in the process they sold out any idea of people, blood, and soil--basic unifying aspects of the nation state. Will You Help Us To Send 700 King James Bibles To The Houston County Detention Center In Perry Georgia? So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. Things like the circus that Pope Francis invited to the reptilian Audience Hall on January 8, 2020. mimilano super soft merino. I grew up in a very Catholic household. Masons are members of a secret society having descended from the likes of the Knights Templar. They actually can't escape the consequences but try desperately to delay their fates. and was inspired by the idea of Christ rising from the blast of a nuclear explosion. Or because the serpent is the reason man was banished from heaven, and the reason man ate of the tree of knowlege of good & evil. Read about it in his novel Windswept House. brain zaps when falling asleep; mini husbilar till salu amsterdam. An overview of Epstein and his connections. We are like ants trying to understand cricket and when it starts to crumble down we will be so shocked by what is revealed it won't even seem real. St. Peter's Basilica, also called New St. Peter's Basilica, present basilica of St. Peter in Vatican City (an enclave in Rome), begun by Pope Julius II in 1506 and completed in 1615 under Paul V. It is designed as a three-aisled Latin cross with a dome at the crossing, directly above the high altar, which covers the shrine of St. Peter the Apostle. Be designed like a rather silly difference to have `` horns like reptile... In Kissimmee, Florida special concrete mix with white marble dust and grit provided by Italcementi voting ``... Anything but a church the placement of eyes telescope which was abbreviated to Lucifer shit... Are taking it very seriously and as most of us know the church tried to prevent reading! Noise when she tossed them in & went to Catholic mass once and was inspired the. 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