tony accardo testimony

Accardo said profits from the 'Owl Club' in Calumet City, Ill., helped pay for a Palm Springs, Calif., condo and he had $700,000 in the bank from gambling savings. The CHAIRMAN. He was a three-time target of the U.S. Senates permanent subcommittee on investigations. And as he distanced himself from the Outfit, Accardo began to enjoy the spoils of his job. Before long, the mob was wealthier than it had been in years. In 1979 two Chicago Outfit mobsters were murdered. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Long-lost ship found at the bottom of Lake Huron, confirming story of tragic collision, TikTok to set default daily time limit of up to 60 minutes for minors, Jaguars, narcos, illegal loggers: One mans battle to save a Guatemalan jungle and Maya ruins, TikTok faces bans in a number of countries over security fears. The committee should know that that Mr. Peterson made every effort to have a copy of his statement that could be made public in the committee's hands by yesterday, so it could be mimeographed, but he found that the pressure of work was such that he just could not do it. That company has the cigarette-vending machines where you put in 20 cents and get out a package of cigarettes. He called 911 straight away. Mr. PETERSON. Sedway's testimony apparently did not carry a whole lot of weight, as the final 11,500-page Kefauver Committee report included just four pages from the Las Vegas proceedings. On July 30, 1931, O'Hara was indicted by the Cook County grand jury on a charge of conspiracy. In 1947 on financial records Peskin listed the name of his company as the Chicago Automatic Music Co. Among the numerous individuals sought by police as suspects - and they were just suspects - were Tony Accardo, Claude Maddox, and Tony Capezio. TESTIMONY OF VIRGIL W. PETERSON, OPERATING DIRECTOR, CHICAGO CRIME COMMISSION, REPRESENTING THE AMERICAN MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION. In March 1933 Humphreys and Charles Fischetti were taken into custody for questioning with reference to the murder of the secretary of the Hoisting and Portable Engineers Union, local 569. Jack Guzik was very close to Al Capone until the time he died. It is known that a burglary gang has hung around the Primrose Bar in Los Angeles. Now, of course, nobody can prove that that was the Capone syndicate, but there was certainly a lot of influence there on the part of people who didn't want the town closed up. The next individual of importance in the Capone syndicate is Ralph Pierce. It is a separate municipality? He did an excellent job for a few months, and then there was so much pressure brought that Stofel was forced to resign. The Italian-American Mafia, known as La Cosa Nostra, was doing great. Lawrence Imburgio, while himself not active recently, was reputed to be a muscle man in the Capone mob, was very active in helping the gang muscle into union rackets and later represented the Capone syndicate in the operation of handbooks. Mr. PETERSON. Matt Capone formerly operated a tavern called the Hall of Fame, 4839 Ogden Avenue, Cicero, Ill. John Larisen, a gambler and a doper of race track horses was shot and killed in the Hall of Fame tavern a few years ago. On June 27, 1933, Humphreys was indicted by the Federal grand jury in Chicago on a charge of income-tax evasion. Lipschultz at that time said he was merely a spokesman for friends. He worked as Capones chauffeur and bodyguard before becoming captain of his own street crew. He is a well-known gambler in Chicago for the past probably 30 years, I guess, and his last name is Ryan. About 1930 it was rumored that Ralph Capone then owned an interest in the Grand Central Surety Co., a bail bond company which signed bonds for numerous well known hoodlums in Chicago, such as Tony Accardo and other members of the Capone syndicate. Mr. PETERSON. Mr. Peterson also explained that there are some names in the statement that he has there that he would not want to make public, but will give the committee privately. On September 25, 1932, a doorman to a road house located on Lake Street west of Mannheim Road was killed. In 1936 Lipschultz, who was then residing at 4342 Ogden Avenue, pled guilty to income tax evasion in Chicago court and was fined $500 and paid $7,000 in a compromise settlement. And eventually, he would take over the entire Outfit. In testimony before Congress in 1984, Accardo acknowledged he had long been friendly with a number of organized-crime figures in Chicago. He is also a stockholder and director of the Citizens Brewing Co., of Joliet, Ill. in affiliation with other members of the Capone mob. It was charged by the State's attorney's office in Chicago on August 21, 1941, that Pat Manno together with the others that I mentioned a few moments ago had attempted to loot or actually spent a large amount of that $910,000 from the Retail Clerks Protective Association. No indictments were returned, however, and no further action was taken. I believe Willie Heeney admitted that "Little New York" Campagna got 60 percent and Corngold got 15 percent from the Cicero "joints." Once Al Capones bodyguard, Tony Accardo eventually rose to the top of the Chicago Mafia. In recent years he has operated the Primrose Path, 1159 North Clark Street, Chicago, and in recent months has operated a place called the Primrose Bar in Los Angeles. The CHAIRMAN. I think he was shot in connection with a union election out there. On October 5 his family reported him missing, and he hasn't been seen since. The CHAIRMAN. He has resided at 1927 North Normandy in Chicago. Mr. KLEIN. The next to turn up dead were Vincent Moretti and Donald Swanson. Well, there were some problems. He is vice president and general manager of the Gold Seal Liquors, Inc. In 1942 Hunt was involved in an automobile accident. Tony Accardo met and married Clarice Pordzany in 1934. He appointed, as chief of police, Joseph Horejs. He is still apparently active. Time goes fast. Despite receiving multiple convictions, he never spent any serious time in jail. I believe there was testimony introduced in the congressional hearings with reference to the parole a year ago. He was also one of those arrested in 1935 as a suspect in the murder of Thomas Malloy, boss of the motion-pictures operators' union in Chicago. Hunt has been arrested by the police on several occasions following gang slayings but has never been successfully prosecuted. As I will show you later, he then became tied up with Costello in New York. He was known as Joe the Boss, and was head of the Italian lotteries and similar illegal activities. And so he bought a twenty-two room mansion at 915 Franklin Avenue for $125,000. Of course, in the Apex Cigarette Service Co. he is one of the principal owners as I understand it, but I can't give you an estimate of the amount of money involved in the enterprises. Mr. PETERSON. At that time he lived at 1722 East Seventieth Street, Chicago. Senator WILEY. This company was chartered in Illinois in December 1937. No arrests were made until April 25, 2005, when 14 members of the Chicago Outfit (including reputed boss James Marcello) were . Accardo was arrested many times on allegations ranging from murder to extortion to kidnaping. He was 86. Accardo started out as a bodyguard for Al Capone during Prohibition and later had his own 40-year reign as a Windy City mob boss. A separate municipality. He was picked up, arrested, following that. The heat on Accardo intensified after that when the FBI searched his house and found $275,000, with some money bundles wrapped in bank wrappers from the Valley Bank in Las Vegas. Too much time. Do you solemnly swear the testimony you will give this committee will be the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? The CHAIRMAN. Hunt was wounded. During World War I Kastel was engaged - as a matter of fact, he has been convicted - was engaged in many illegal operations. Did he admit making the offer? Lester A. Kruse, alias Leslie Kruse, alias "Killer" Kane, has been actively associated with members of the Capone syndicate and has also been prominently identified with racing news service activities. You can get the information and furnish it to the committee later. After his recovery he served his jail sentence and then he abdicated his underworld throne in Chicago to Al Capone. At the time, he passed his days playing with his grandkids, including his daughter Marie's. All of you remember him undoubtedly. He has also resided at 9199 Collins Avenue, Surfside, Fla., just north of Miami. But despite receiving multiple convictions for several crimes, Tony Accardo only ever spent one day in jail when he was picked up for questioning in a gambling case. I would hate to say that definitely, but it could very well be. He also wasnt immune to time in court. They recently just built a large addition to it. However, Accardo would not hesitate to use violence to get his way which impressed the more experienced misfits of the crew. Capezio's wife Marie is the sister of Frank Nitti, former head of the Capone mob. His first employment upon coming to Chicago was that of a waiter in a coffee shop on Halstead Street and later as a waiter in a restaurant on Wabash Avenue near Harrison, where Frank Nitti and other hoodlums frequently gathered. Mr. Lahey said that Heeney testified that "Little New York" Campagna got 60 percent out of this joint I mentioned and Corngold got 15 percent. The couple had four children together, including two adopted sons and two biological daughters. His face had been burned off with an acetylene torch. I would have to check that, though. Mr. PETERSON. Tony Accardo has operated gambling places in Chicago in partnership with both Harry Russell and Dave Russell, and he has also been a partner of Lawrence Imburgio. In 1941 he had an interest in the Individual Towel Co. which at that time had a $45,000 annual contract with the Chicago Board of Education, resulting in action by the State's attorney's office. The CHAIRMAN. He has been the part owner of the El Patio gambling place at 5914 West Cermak Road, together with Joe Corngold. 4 or 5 months in connection with the reorganization. I might say that that resolution was one of the reasons that I happened to file the resolution in the early part of this Congress. The book also contained the name of Joe Batters, which is the name frequently used by Accardo. Anyway he wasn't a Wisconsin citizen. De Stefano controls a chain of retail liquor stores in which Fusco is supposed to have an interest or did have an interest. Vogel also has connections with certain other legitimate enterprises that I can give you in more detail perhaps at a later. He was indicted for kidnaping in Chicago in 1929, and that case was nol-prossed. Gambling is unquestionably closely associated with the top-ranking members of the syndicate. It begins at Cicero Boulevard or Avenue, which is about 48 blocks west. The CHAIRMAN. There is no indication he has been active in rackets in Chicago and in fact indications are to the contrary. As I understand it, today you are testifying on behalf of the American Municipal Association. I think that is one of the real significant points of the entire organized-crime problem. As I said before he has been associated in business activities with Tony Accardo. It was surrounded by a seven-foot-high wrought iron fence and two electrically controlled gates. Luckily for Accardo, he was a close confidant of Ricca, who had actually named him as his underboss before going to prison. Died: June 14, 1986, Bensenville, Ill. Nicknames: The Ant, Tough Tony. Email The CHAIRMAN. His last sentence being pronounced October 30, 1940, for violation of the internal Revenue Act. Mr. PETERSON. Another member, John Patrick Borcia - that I believe I mentioned briefly before - alias John Borcy, has been very closely associated with many prominent members of the Capone syndicate. In 1947 it was estimated that Joe Peskin of Universal Automatic Music Corp. had about 900 juke boxes placed on location. In recent months he has been living in California, I believe it is Tarzana, Calif. It seemed as if the group of burglars who were responsible for the grave insult had all been dealt with, but Accardo wasn't finished. But he never went on because he was murdered in 1975. In 1930 Costello and his lieutenant, Dandy Phil Kastel, were associated with Irving Hain. The following year he was convicted for robbery in St. Louis, Mo. Mr. PETERSON. 1. He is considered to be one of the right-hand men of Tony Accardo, who is now rated as one of the real big shots in the syndicate. The Chicago Crime Commission credited Accardos long life to his insistence that the Chicago mob should stay away from drug trafficking which exerted a corrupting influence on many other criminal organizations. However, they were subsequently released as a result of court action and are presently on parole pending appeal. Mendell decided to show his extreme displeasure by brazenly robbing the ritzy, well-manicured estate built by the legendary Outfit kingpin more than a decade earlier. Mr. PETERSON. That gives a brief background of the beginning of the Capone syndicate. Thank you very much, Mr. Peterson. He had been robbed of over $1 million in jewelry. Much to his dismay, he was later called as a witness before a grand jury. In 1940 a temporary injunction was granted to George McLane on the petition that hoodlums were attempting to take over the financial affairs of the Bartenders and Beverage Dispensers Union, Local 278, in Chicago. At that time McLane alleged that he had been told previously by some of the gangsters, namely Frank Nitti, Paul Ricca, and Louis Campagna, that they wanted to take over control of the union in order to loot the treasury. (That said, when Ricca was released from prison a few years later, the two men were said to share some power in practice for at least some time.). At the time of the accident Ricca was in the company of Charles Fischetti and Joseph Fischetti. I don't recall the exact figures, but I believe that Ricca admitted in testimony there that he got between $50,000 and $100,000 a year. I have no control over anybody, Accardo testified. Despite receiving multiple convictions, he never spent any serious time in jail. For a number of years Rocco Fischetti and a man by the name of Jim Bettinus operated the notorious Rock Garden Club in Cicero, Ill. They were holding the election in Milwaukee. Jack Guzik's father was naturalized on November 5, 1898, at which time he was apparently 10 or 11 years of age and received his naturalization when his father became a citizen. This was a night club which featured big-time gambling. The CHAIRMAN. Then, a known associate of Ryan was found dead. The CHAIRMAN. Senator WILEY. In September 1941 Peskin was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct growing out of a slugging of Lionel M. Nathan, who had been employed by Peskin. I believe Mr. Newton from Denver. Guzik has also been associated with Frank "Chew Tobacco" Ryan, Rocco Fischetti--. A photo of Accardo standing with a freshly caught 400-pound tuna fish would later earn him a new nickname in the press: Big Tuna.. Mr. PETERSON. These men did work for me and did take some spots away from me. Capezio has also been closely associated with John I. Mr. Brown has been here since yesterday and wants to go back home tonight. Up until 1941 his name appeared as one of the stock-holders of some of the dog tracks down there. Accardo died of heart and lung diseases, said Carrie Quidayan, night nursing coordinator at St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital Center. Shortly thereafter the entire loot was returned to Levinson. Shortly after the shooting, Accardo was seen in the lobby of Capones headquarters, the Lexington Hotel on Michigan Avenue, with a machine gun. I give you a clean bill of health on that. Evans was born in November 1898 in St. Louis, Mo. He allegedly owned a home at 5352 LaGorce Drive. He was asked if he knew who could've pulled off such a heist. Ricca frequently has used the name of DeLucia, and the owner of record of the property in Long Beach, Ind., is in the name of Nancy DeLucia. Until recent years Guzik has been associated with Hymie "Loud Mouth" Levin in gambling enterprises. Mr. Peterson's statement will take approximately 4 or 4 1/2 hours more and he has to leave at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon; so, much as the committee hates to work overtime and anybody else hates to work overtime, we will have to go on for 30 minutes this afternoon. Tony Accardo died on May 22, 1992, from congestive heart failure and acute respiratory failure. And for a while, it was unclear who the best man for the job would be. I think a man by the name of Crowley is the business agent of the union at the present time. This is not allowed by the union, and with the union's help I have gotten back all 50 of the 50 spots they took. . Accardo moved the Outfit into new operations and territories, greatly increasing its power and wealth during his tenure as boss. I think they are all citizens within my knowledge. The house was built by a millionaire manufacturer in 1930 for $500.000. The double homicide came to be referred to as the Strangers in the Night Murders because of the Johnny Mathis song playing on the jukebox as Moretti and Renno were slaughtered by an Outfit hit team. This burglary was a personal insult to Accardo, no doubt about it. One reporter wrote: "Accardo has more brains for breakfast than Al Capone ever had all day." But where the five New York families had to compete for criminal talent, and fight over territory, Chicago had no such problems. The CHAIRMAN. Ralph Capone surrendered on May 9, 1930, through the advice of his attorney, Joseph Lustfield. So he decided to call his friend Joe Batters. He was later indicted in connection with this matter, but not convicted. He had recently instructed a burglary crew led by associate John Mendell to return a bundle of cash, gold and diamonds acquired in a jewelry store heist pulled off in the days before Christmas 1977. That was what it was. Campagna has made a fortune from gambling activities in Cook County. In March 1943 Lester Kane, who gave his address at that time as 2437 Greenleaf, was arrested with Ralph Pierce, 6514 South Morgan Street, for questioning in connection with the murder of Estelle Carey. Capone, and Jack Guzik, together with others, were operating an efficient illegal organization which was engaged in operations netting millions of dollars a year. This association recently has taken place in Florida. It is a civic organization. It was also understood that Epstein visited Mexico City in the early part of 1949, where he met Virginia. Needless to say, Accardo bought the house for a very nice price. The CHAIRMAN. Another man in the syndicate, Ralph Cavaliera, alias Armie, 2815 Dickens Avenue, Chicago, was a close associate of Dago Lawrence Mangano at the time of Mangano's death in 1944. He threw an extravagant wedding for his daughter, took his wife on an extended vacation to Europe, and picked up deep sea fishing as a hobby. In 1944 information was received that Leslie Kruse lived at 4300 Marine Drive. Mr. PETERSON. The CHAIRMAN. In the early 1960s, it seemed like Accardo was in danger of serving a prison sentence. The CHAIRMAN. He was implicated in the million-dollar movie-extortion case along with the other Capone gangsters. Through Edward Vogel, plans were made for the underworld organization headed by Torrio to elect its ticket in the mayoralty election. By the late 1940s the "Capone mob" was called The Outfit, and was run by Antonino "Joe Batters" Accardo (photo right). The house included high vaulted rooms, an indoor pool, a gun and trophy room, a pipe organ, a walk in safe, wood spiral staircases, carriage and guest houses on the backyard half acre. I am not positive about that. They were released on February 14, 1945, Gincanna gave his age as 36 years and his residence address as 2822 Lexington, Chicago. Mr. PETERSON. In 1944 Gus Alex, age 30 years, 4000 West Washington Boulevard, was arrested, together with Willie Niemoth, in connection with the shotgun wounding of Robert Bock. Pollack associated with numerous other members of the Capone syndicate, and it was customary for him to take them on airplane trips from Chicago to Miami. I don't know whether the "A" stands for Arnold or not. He is still on the outside, but the litigation is still pending as to whether or not he will have to return in accordance with the decision of the court in New Orleans. It proved an ill-conceived endeavor, and it didnt take long for Accardo to seek his proverbial pound of flesh. And he and Swanson also had their throats slashed. He knew he wouldn't get his jewelry back even if the burglars were caught. In 1922 Humphreys was associated with the Meadowmoor Dairy. Capone had already established himself as a tough gunman with the Five Points gang of New York City. In other words, the law violators dictate law-enforcement policies and control certain law-enforcement agencies. Seventeen of the defendants were found not guilty and the charges against Humphreys, Al Capone, and others were stricken off with leave to reinstate by the prosecutor's office. I don't remember the exact testimony. That is right. Following a grand jury investigation in 1943 this establishment moved to Lake County where they controlled the Vernon Country Club, one of the most elaborate establishments in that area. His draft card in 1944 which was found on him when he was arrested carried the address of 5123 University Avenue. On May 2, 1933, the chief investigator for the State's attorney's office described Humphreys as public enemy No. On February 14, 1929 - I am sure you are all familiar with the St. Valentine's Day massacre in Chicago. And what better way to do that than by taking out his rage on traitors? But many experts believe thats one of the main reasons for his success and a testament to his intelligence. Tony Capezio was one of the suspects in the St. Valentine's Day Massacre in Chicago in 1929 and was also a suspect of the murder of Mike DePike Heitler. Since that time Humphreys has been arrested on numerous occasions in connection with labor racketeering, gambling, and vice activities. The first floor contained a saloon, cafe, and the office of Torrio. The price for the misdeed would be paid in blood. Several years before he was killed, Colosimo had imported to Chicago a bodyguard by the name of John Torrio. Las Vegas enforcer Anthony Spilotro was called back to Chicago to oversee this piece of business. In order to cover his tracks and cut ties from the purge he set in motion, Accardo turned his wrath toward his own inner circle and the execution squad he had dispatched to do his bidding. These boxes were in Chicago - except in the first ward, where the Century has the monopoly - Cicero, Argo, Calumet City, in Illinois, Hammond, Indiana Harbor, and Whiting. This is from recollection. Arrested in this raid were John Patton, Robert Larris McCullough, Joe Fusco, Frank Nitti, and others. Tony Accardo died on May 22, 1992, from congestive heart failure and acute respiratory failure. I think he has a filling station out there. We stand in recess until 10 o'clock in the morning. They settled for around $100,000. In a criminal career that spanned eight decades, he rose from small-time hoodlum to the position of day-to-day boss of the Chicago Outfit in 1947, to ultimately becoming the final Outfit authority in 1972. Bookmaking operations were in progress there under his ownership. On February 20 police discovered the body of John Mendell, the man who could defeat most burglar alarms and who was believed to be the mastermind behind the burglary had also been tortured before his throat had been slashed. Mr. PETERSON. I have no control over anybody, he said. Naturally, this constitutes an oversimplification of the problem, but it really is surprising when there is a full realization of the tremendous influence these two organized gangs still wield throughout the Nation today. From the East coast all the way to the West coast, and everything in between was controlled by twenty-some mob families. What sections have you been stationed in? Accardo said he first met Capone at a racetrack, but denied longstanding stories that he was once Capones chauffeur-bodyguard and that he had inherited Capones criminal empire. In Prohibition-era Chicago, there was no question that Al Capone ruled the citys underworld. Torrio even actually envisioned a vice monopoly for the entire county. He has been arrested with Claude Maddox as well as with Rocco De Grazio, Fred Rossi, and others. Mr. PETERSON. It was also alleged at that time that Humphreys and other hoodlums were attempting to muscle in to a milk-drivers union. Mr. PETERSON. Both a violent and obedient man, Accardo was eager to prove his loyalty to the mob. Unfortunately, I was under such pressure in trying to get ready; in fact, I just finished dictating it yesterday before I left and I didn't have extra copies. As a matter of background, he is a cousin of Al Capone and has been an important member of the syndicate for the greater part of three decades. Among the secret names and addresses of underworld characters found in that address book was that of Humphreys, who was listed as J. Harris, 7701 Bennett Avenue, Chicago. Would you say Mr. Annenberg and Mr. Molasky were jointly indicted on income-tax evasion? Mr. Peterson, will you come around, please? Campagna was paroled from the Federal penitentiary on August 13, 1947, together with Paul Ricca and Charles Gioe. In May 1931 Ralph Capone was allegedly operating the Casanova Club, 1025 North State Street, Chicago, Ill. With reference to the Federal income-tax violation Ralph Capone received a sentence of 3 years in a Federal penitentiary and a $10,000 fine in one case, a similar sentence in a second case and a year in the Cook County House of Correction and a $10,000 fine in the third indictment. To kidnaping was killed, Colosimo had imported to Chicago to oversee this piece of business recovery he his. 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