star wars theory what if anakin killed palpatine

In one early scene, Anakin confronts Count Dooku, and is goaded into killing his prisoner by a watching Palpatine. This is prior to him receiving the training to become a Force ghost, so Vader striking him down in this case might not have made the Jedi more powerful than he could have imagined. Here, Vader leaped over Kenobi on the shore and stabbed him in the back and through the chest. Then the children would have been taken and trained in the dark side, which would have been bad news for the entire galaxy. By having Palpatine murder Padm, the origin of Darth Vader becomes that much more powerful. One of Anakin Skywalker's most pivotal moments in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith is his choice to save either Mace Windu or Palpatine. Padame delivers twins and because Anakin is there and Palpatine isn't drawing her life force to save him, she lives. by Dais Johnston Aug. 30, 2022 Everyone knows that Emperor Palpatine. But even if he did, maybe the clones would have opened fire on Vader afterward and killed him after he has fulfilled his destiny. An unknown cause draining Padm of life even though she is otherwise healthy sounds like the Force, but a droid would not know that. Also I'd imagine there would be evidence of the fight and Palpatine's lightsaber. Related:Star Wars Reveals How Palpatine Hid His Survival From Luke Skywalker. Palpatine's Contingency Plan To Kill Vader: Order 151 Explained (In Legends), Anakins ultimate desire to save Padm from dying, How Count Dooku Turned The Galaxy Against The Republic, Every Clone Wars Trooper Who Also Appeared In The Prequel Movies, Empire Strikes Back: Yoda & Obi-Wan's Advice To Luke Was Terrible. While Anakin choosing Windu over Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) seems like it would solve every issue in the Star Wars saga, he, the Jedi Order, and the Galactic Republic would still have plenty of issues left to tackleconsidering the sheer scope of Palpatines schemes. At the moment, it's unclear just how the Emperor will return inStar Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. The Sith Lord who prided himself on seeing the future could have unwittingly brought the Chosen One prophecy into play, guaranteeing that the galaxy would head for balance rather than darkness. Would Darth Vader still be born? The Empire did try to frame the Tusken Raiders in A New Hope for the murder of both Luke's aunt and uncle, as well as the Jawas. At this time, Anakin is desperate to save Padms life as he has had a vision that she will die, and so this scene had audiences believing this power was another manipulation tactic by Palpatine to get Anakin to trust him. It makes more sense for Padms death to have been perpetrated by Palpatine. Star Wars: Could Palpatine Have Wiped Out The Jedi WITHOUT Order 66? Right after Anakin becomes Darth Vader, Padm passes away, which according to a droid is because she lost the will to live. Related: Star Wars: Could Palpatine Have Wiped Out The Jedi WITHOUT Order 66? He would have seen his dying wife and regretted his actions. "The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural," Palpatine observed inRevenge of the Sith as he told the story of Darth Plageuis the Wise. One such pivotal moment is the duel between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar at the end of Revenge of the Sith. That's led viewers to eagerly run through all Disney'sStar Wars canon, and it's swiftly become clear that the Emperor was always focused on the idea of conquering death itself. It is unknown whether Padme would have lost the will to live. By popular request - What would have happened if Anakin Skywalker never Killed Count Dooku in Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith? All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. On the one hand, Vader killed Kenobi and many others. If Palpatine bribed the Tusken Raiders to kidnap and murder Shmi, they would have requested a lot of technology or weaponry which they do not have when Anakin raids their camp. Anakin and Leia went to the opera and sat in Palpatine's box. !What if Anakin Skywalker Killed Palpatine in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith? Darth Maul, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon are all fighting over the fate of the young Anakin Skywalker at the time. With Vader's return without Kenobi, perhaps the droids would have tried taken off without him. Again, he is the Chosen One, so maybe he could have killed him. Anakin would then pledge himself to the dark side and was thus named Darth . If Palpatine did manipulate circumstances surrounding Shmi, then it would stand to reason that he might have manipulated circumstances to create this point of leverage over Anakin. Let's look at both scenario.- Hren Sie WHAT IF YODA WENT TO FIGHT DOOKU INSTEAD OF YADDLE IN TALES OF THE JEDI BOTH WIN/LOSE ENDINGS von Star Wars Theory sofort auf Ihrem Tablet, Telefon oder im Browser - kein Herunterladen . A recent tie-in novel even has suggested that Darth Sidious took Dooku on as apprentice several years before Maul's death; Dooku himself was also discarded ruthlessly, of course. RELATED: All Star Wars Movies, Ranked Worst To Best. As shown in both canon and Legends, however, Palpatine is capable of returning from the dead. Now, if it werent for Anakins arrogance, losing his fight with Obi-Wan, and if it werent for Sidious unable to find Yoda to finish him off, the galaxy would be a different place for sure. Palpatine presented Vader with his red-bladed lightsaber, which Vader then used to kill Palpatine right then and there. The Prequels established Anakin Skywalker as a uniquely powerful Force-user, with a Midichlorian count that exceeded even Master Yoda. Curiously, when he was writing the script of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, George Lucas toyed with the idea of having the Sith be responsible for the death of Anakin's mother Shmi Skywalker. if Mace Windu Killed Darth Sidious? "He killed Masters FIsto, Kolar and Tiin, Anakin!" Windu yelled as he dueled young Skywalker. Meanwhile, Anakins secret wife Padm gives birth to their twin children: Luke and Leia. Which leads to the other aspect of the theory suggesting the Tusken Raiders were framed. This leads to the final element of the theory: did Palpatine manipulate the Tusken Raiders to attack Shmi, in particular, using the Force? Manipulating Anakin in much the same way is very much in-line with what would happen. One of the earliest signs that Anakin Skywalker was destined to be one of the galaxy's greatest villains was when he murdered the men, women, and children of a Tusken Raider tribe that kidnapped, ravaged, and murdered his mother, Shmi in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. Earlier in Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine sits Anakin down and tells him the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. Coincidence?". Does Anakin kill Obi-Wan in Clone Wars? More:Star Wars: All 30 Light & Dark Side Force Powers In Canon. Star Wars Vs. Star Trek: The Crossover That Will Never Happen - and Why, Star Wars Legends: The Reign of Darth Krayt and the One Sith, Incredible Star Wars Fan Comic Retcons Boba Fett's Biggest Blunder, Star Wars: Boba Fett Vs. Darth Vader Nearly Ended in a Surprising Death. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith is the third film in the Star Wars prequel trilogy and is regarded as the best prequel film. Star Wars: The Force Awakens SPOILER Discussion Thread Movies What if Anakin just prodded his lightsaber deep into Palpatine's spine as he turned his back on him? Anakin would likely want to raise Luke and Leia, which would cause problems if the Jedi Order isnt reformed. Also if Anakin was still concerned about his visions he In Charles Soule's comic series Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith, Vader had to corrupt a Jedi's kyber crystal in order to create his red-bladed lightsaber. The one who gives this diagnosis is a droid, and droids know relatively little about the Force. Tom Bacon is one of Screen Rant's staff writers, as well as a Peer Mentor for new writers and a member of the Care Team, offering support and a listening ear to members of the Comics group. The key may lie in one of the traditional Sith methods of immortality, a power known as Essence Transfer. Molded and shaped by external forces that amplified his latent dark inclinations, Anakin first killed in anger after the murder of his mother Shmi in Attack of the Clones. We all know how the Galaxy unfolds with Anakin turning into the. One might wonder how different things would have been had pivotal moments in the saga gone differently. Earlier in Revenge of the Sith, when Palpatine is battling with Yoda, Palpatine can sense when Anakin is in danger, suggesting that he can sense the state of others Life Force from across the galaxy. Since Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi were not part of the decision to assassinate Palpatine, theyd likely remain leading members of the Jedi Order. As the sun slowly rises over the landscape of Coruscant, Anakin Skywalker opens his eyes and looks around, seeing his wife asleep beside him. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Padms death disappointed audiences when they saw Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, but one theory posits that Palpatine was the one to kill Padm. Once in a while I will come across a Star Wars fan wondering if the Kaminoan Nala Se could be in the Mandalorian. But this may well have been a critical error, because the prophecy doesn't hint at justhow the Chosen One would be born. But why would the Sith Lord do this? Anakin ignites his lightsaber and starts fighting Windu. But this does raise an intriguing question; did Palpatine merely take advantage of the tragedy, or did he in fact engineer it? Every Star Wars Theory Explained. "The Lars farm was attacked twice. This was actually the time when Palpatine was at his most vulnerable - for Luke Skywalker was at his strongest. NEXT:Rise of Skywalker's Palpatine Reveal is Star Wars' Smartest Marketing Yet. GivenStar Wars 9 is calledThe Rise of Skywalker, it's safe to assume Palpatine will somehow be defeated by the Chosen One's legacy. In order to truly defeat Obi-Wan, Vader would have had to kill his former master. The Star Wars franchise is filled with many "What if?" He. Manipulating Anakin in much the same way is very much in-line with what would happen. And in one last stand to protect his children, Anakin would have tried to strike down Sidious if he were the one who arrived. Darth Vader wasn't the Emperor's only enforcer; but what happened to his Inquisitors? The bigger question in my head, is what would have happened to the Jedi Order and Republic? Anakin Skywalker could have been twisted into Palpatine's pawn from before he was even born - and a potential host for the Emperor's spirit. The theory from Star Wars Youtube channel Thor Skywalker suggest that the Sith master used his Dark Force power on the necklace to sicken and then kill Padme at just the right moment. While Mace Windu was completely justified in battling Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith, his actions, from the Republics standpoint, would amount to the extrajudicial killing of a politician based on his religion, which would be extremely difficult to explain to the general public. The vision changed, showing Palpatine's shroud encircled her, his hands curled in Sith sorcery, a swirl of dark side energy forming in Shmi's womb. As both the Supreme Chancellor and the secret leader of the Separatists as,Darth Sidious, Palpatine already controlled the galaxy by the events of Revenge of the Sith, gradually turning the Republic into an autocratic regime through emergency powers given to him in response to the ever-growing Separatist threat. While a surface reading ofDarth Vader #25 does indeed suggest this, Force visions aren't necessarily supposed to be taken literally; indeed, Shmi is already pregnant in the vision, so it may just be a symbolic way of saying Palpatine's darkness would dominate her son's life. Most beings arent familiar with the Sith, and the few that are might not believe them to still exist. Who did Sheev Palpatine marry? It is possible, however, that the rise of the dark side led to increased aggression across the galaxy, triggering fresh outbreaks of violence on Tatooine. Maybe the twins would have eventually teamed up against Sidious to take his place. That would certainly be in keeping with his casting similar dreams into Anakin's mind years later, inStar Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. "Padme said. The prophecies don't appear to have originated with the Jedi Order, and there's no reason to assume the Sith weren't aware of them - even Maul acknowledges a Sith version of the prophecy inthe final moments before his death. It feels too convenient for Sidious to just have one ready as he's on his way to check on Vader, whom he had sensed was in danger. Anakin Skywalker, the greatest figure in the entireStar Wars Saga, could have been created by Palpatine as part of his quest for immortality. "Palpatine wants to see both of us at the opera tonight. Windu would finally respect Anakin for telling him Palpatine was the Sith Lord and thus possibly be granted the rank of Master. Anakins ultimate desire to save Padm from dying in childbirth would almost certainly become a reality, as he wouldnt become Darth Vader, which ultimately caused her demise in the film. He promises Anakin he can save his wife but if he becomes. WHAT IF THE YOUNGLINGS KILLED ANAKIN (ANIMATED) FUNNY - STAR WARS THEORY FAN FICTION Enjoy this podcast, and so much more Podcasts are available without a subscription, 100% free. We have actually seen this type of scenario play out in an alternate ending for the Revenge of the Sith video game. With Anakins mother dead, his padawan Ahsoka estranged and his faith in Obi-Wan and the rest of the Jedi council fading, Padm was all he had left by the climax of Revenge of the Sith. If Vader did kill him, however, I believe that the clone troopers would not have been loyal to Vader. Loves different varieties of coffee. But whether it would have taken a short while or a long while, I have a feeling that Sidious and the Empire would have eventually found them, just as Krennic found the Ersos. Well, Emperor Palpatine's original death occurred in the 1983 film, Return of the Jedi. The Jedi came to assume that this meant the Chosen One was destined to destroy the Sith, and when the Clone Wars began they were eager to bring Anakin into play against the dark side. Thank you for listening to today'. As such, Palpatine may have believed that through manipulating the Midichlorians he could personally bring about a twisted version of the Chosen One, creating a being of unique and unprecedented Force potential. -\u0026t=2sHow Darth Vader Found Out The Jedi Council's BIGGEST Secret - Darth Vader Saved Palpatine From Death ALL of Darth Vaders Injuries and His Thoughts About Them if Anakin WAS Granted the Rank of Master -'s Thoughts While Being Burned on Mustafar and Turning Into Darth Vader - 8 Jedi Master Who Became Sith Lords - Did Anakin Kill All Jedi at the Temple During Order 66? I believe that had Anakin made a hasty decision, disposing of Palpatine, that he would still fall to the dark side, just as it is said if Luke were to have killed him on DS2. Anakin is the idiot that feels betrayed and casts her away after almost force-choking her to death. Whether it be Polis Massa or elsewhere, maybe even aboard the ship itself, the babies could possibly have been delivered alive. This would suggest that Palpatine killed Plagueis, which has been a long-running theory within the "Star Wars" community. As has been speculated, Vader may not have been using his full dark side potential, seeing as how his eyes are not Sith yellow during the duel. In the comic series, he has to seek out and kill a Jedi and then corrupt that Jedi's crystal, so corrupting the one from his former master would have been the ultimate test in this scenario. However, one of the biggest problems audiences had with the film was Padms death. What if Anakin had killed Palpatine in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith? By having Palpatine lie to him about how Padm died, its easier for audiences to buy into Anakin fully succumbing to Palpatine and the Dark Side. Revenge of the Sith -Star Wars Explained if Order 66 Failed? Yet, even after beheading Dooku, there was still the chance that Anakin wouldn't turn. Star Wars Theory Story and Reason Behind Darth Maul's Double Bladed Lightsaber Dooku's Reaction to Qui Gon Jinn's Death If Qui Gon Jinn Trained Anakin Skywalker? "Padme will die because of you, so you will suffer the same fate!" Anakin screamed, "I hate you!" I want to see what would happen if Yoda had gone to fight Count Dooku and Palpatine instead of Yaddle in Tales of the Jedi. Perhaps the Kaminoians? Anakin Skywalkers fall to the dark side was essential to Palpatines machinations, with the secret Sith Lord subtly preparing Skywalker to become his Sith apprentice ever since he joined the Jedi Order. More likely, Palpatine probably would have wanted Vader to corrupt the crystal his own blue-bladed lightsaber, or perhaps even that of his former master. Thanks to her, peace would be restored to the galaxy and the Force would . By eliminating her, Palpatine would be the only one left for Anakin to turn to and therefore would have complete control over him. Vader denies it, saying he sensed Padm was still alive, which the audience knows she was as Obi-Wan escaped on the ship with her. In order to truly defeat Obi-Wan, Vader would have had to kill his former master. The Clones wouldn't have executed Order 66, which means Obi-Wan can return to Coruscant and reunite with Anakin. While Anakin would later tell Palpatine about his attack on the Tusken Raiders, Palpatine very readily uses it as a point of manipulation against Anakin, to convince him to give into his violent urges once again. Related: Star Wars 9 Theory: Palpatine Never Existed, It Was Always Darth Plagueis. Qui-Gon Jinn believed that Anakin was conceived by the Force itself, but recent tie-in comics have suggested that wasn't the case. What if he actually killed the mighty Count Dooku? Related: Star Wars' Plagueis Retcon Makes Anakin's Dark Side Fall Even More Tragic. A man like Palpatine wouldn't be satisfied with the idea of living on in a helmet, or indeed in any other artifact. Not hearing the sounds of the twins crying, Anakin carefully slips out of bed, slips on a robe, and walks out into the living room of his and Padme's apartment. He's already planning on making Anakin his apprentice long before he disposes of Dooku. But I truly believe that, in the end, Anakin cares most about his family, and the light would have won him over sooner or later. While Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) chooses to save the latter in the film, the Star Wars saga would have been completely changed if hed saved Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson) instead. The Tusken Raiders would not be so easy to mind control. I hope you have a great day, and I'll see you in the next one! Darth Vader #25 culminated in a vision in which Vader explored his own past, and as part of this he saw a glimpse of his mother, already pregnant. If Shmi's kidnapping was somehow framed on the Tusken Raiders, it would have been obvious. Right after Anakin dons the Darth Vader mask and takes his first mechanical breath, Padm takes her last breath and passes away. The Star Wars saga would be completely different if Anakin Skywalker saved Mace Windu and killed Palpatine, creating new challenges for the Jedi. The Tusken Raiders would not be so easy to mind control. I would have to believe if that was the case then the Jedi Council would step in for some type of transition. R2-D2 served Queen Amidala and later Anakin Skywalker, accompanied by C-3PO. Vader then told the clone troopers that the galaxy belonged to him now. However, some components simply do not add up. When the Mandalorian and Toro Calican ask for permission to cross the Dune Sea, they request to barter. Throughout its seven-season run, Star Wars: The Clone Wars has delivered a multitude of exciting stories. In Revenge of the Sith, after a now Sith Anakin Skywalker is defeated by his former master Obi-Wan Kenobi, he is taken by Palpatine to be put into his Darth Vader suit to save his life. Marie also has a YouTube channel called Barros Productions where she makes film and television tributes, montages, and trailers in her spare time. Keep in mind, in the regular timeline, Anakin only goes through with Order 66 after Palpatine gives him a. Palpatine confronts him about it and reveals he's a Sith Lord. Lifelong lover of comics, anime, and weird films. Sheev Palpatine, also known by his Sith name Darth Sidious, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas.Initially credited as the Emperor in the original trilogy films, he serves as the main antagonist of the nine-film Skywalker saga, in which he is portrayed by Ian McDiarmid.. He's heavily involved with his local church, and anyone who checks him out on Twitter will swiftly learn he's into British politics too. type of questions. The trailer forStar Wars: The Rise of Skywalker revealed that Palpatine somehow survived - or returned from - his death in the Second Death Star over the Forest Moon of Endor. After all, without Anakin, Palpatines galaxy ruling plans would fail. Many people might say Luke Skywalker and others might even say Anakin. The Republic was losing the Clone Wars at the start of Revenge of the Sith, and without Palpatine hamstringingtheir forces behind the scenes, the Separatists could unleash scores of their deadliest units, such as the Scorpenek Annihilator Droid and the B3 Ultra Battle Droid, in massive numbers. This was then followed by the arrival of Emperor Palpatine and some clone troopers. This visionseems to suggestthat Palpatine himself created Anakin Skywalker. Mace Windu? 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