miracle cure for pulmonary fibrosis

I'm not taking Chinese herbs, back on calcium because of side effects from the pred as well as other herbs. It also may result in inflammation and scarring in your air sacs and their supporting structures. Smoking cessation is key to coping with any lung disease. Audrey. Here are some natural remedies to help support the treatment. I reduced the food grade H202 to 3%(per instuctions) & I was given a small compressor (rented through Medicare for another treatment) and I "smoke" the vapors for once a day to start. 16 is normal. But colloidal silver does not harm any helpful bacteria present in the gut required for basic body functions. While conventional treatments for pulmonary fibrosis include medications and lung transplant surgery, natural remedies can also help to alleviate symptoms, boost lung health, and slow down the progression of the disease. My very experienced pulmonologist said I would be lucky to make it 5 years. Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25371113/. White blood cells reduce inflammation in the lungs caused due to pulmonary fibrosis. This is best accomplished by taking it either one hour before meals or three hours after meals. Went to my Pulmonologist appointment, explaining what I was doing and got a look like I had just fell off a turnip truck! I'm not too overly concerned about my future but I'll be damned if I don't give it a shot. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a natural compound with antioxidant properties that may help to reduce inflammation and improve lung function in patients with pulmonary fibrosis. This can then be reduced to between 5 and 15 drops per week based on how one feels. The American Lung Association connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration as they face pulmonary fibrosis. Your lungs fill with fibrosis scar tissue slowly reducing your airspaces. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. and are you still doing well? my father has affected with ipf for 2 years more. My father has this condition and he tried herbs from the wei institute but got very bad stomach burning and pain after about 4 weeks. Starting in September, I cut back to once a day and increased the dilution ratio to 2%. 35% taken orally straight can cause a trip to the doctor, so don't do it. If you need to dilute it, recommendations are 1 part h202 to 11 parts distilled water. http://heritageessentialoils.com/lung-healing.php. While I recovered quickly from COVID, the lung damage done by pneumonia had caused excessive lung damage and I wasn't able to breathe on my own. VitD could serve as a prognosticator and potential therapeutic target in patients with IPF. I refused prednisone, Esbriet, etc. Do consult your TCM physician today and breathe easy. Researchers Ready New Treatment for IPF. Hope you are well. If you are not already taking vitamin E and an acidophilus product, I recommend starting them before going on H202. Just started NAC so no improvement yet. I have IPD and would like to start this regimen ASAP. Would you be able to share the number? Due to the numbers of IPF patients that have stayed in contact, and all the consistent positive changes we have started a study. How to Treat Increased Mucus in the Lungs, Research Advances in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), Non-Medicine Complementary Therapies for PsA, Alternative Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Alternative Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bioinformatics study on the effect of cordyceps sinensis combined with pluripotent stem cell for pulmonary fibrosis, Complementary health approaches for smoking cessation: what the science says, Exposure to environmental pollutants (such as certain fumes and hard metal dusts), Viral infections (including hepatitis C and Epstein-Barr), Use of certain medications (including some antibiotics used to treat, Smoking (cigarettes, cigars, cannabis, vaping), A dry, hacking cough that doesn't subside over time, Widening and rounding of the tips of the fingers and/or toes. Turned his skin reddish purple with horrible itching. You may need medicines, pulmonary rehabilitation, procedures, or other treatments to slow down lung damage and help improve your quality of life. Patients may also experience unexplained weight loss. Back to gout and alternative treatments. It has worked for over 8 months without any flare ups. Although your husband has UIP, the condition is similar to mine. He noted that many of the patients at the clinic he goes to, many WWII pilots or crew, were exposed to fine oil particles in the cockpit during missions--everything was covered in oil when they would get back. By Cathy Wong Ramsay Hunt Syndrome can happen to anyone who has suffered from chicken pox. Make no mistake, I nor anyone else claims this to be a cure, because the laser treatment does not appear to remove the fibrous tissue on subsequent CT scans. Can someone please reply about how they use the hydrogen peroxide similar to Dick's post from 2013? I know, I sound mental or at the very least OCD but I am trying my very best to do anything that could influence his health positively. Please research the benefits of serratapeptase enzyme, castor oil packs combined with massage, mullein tea, iodine, essiac tea, garlic. The contents of the All Things Health website are for informational and educational purposes only. WebPeople with pulmonary fibrosis sometimes limit their physical activities in an attempt to avoid breathlessness. Colloidal silver has a healing effect on the lungs. Dr. Hall, thank you for your information. I got a couple of those pocket ultrasonic facial misters for 3%. To date, I have referred right at around 500 IPF patients to Class 4 laser therapy providers all over the world. Can a novice to operate without danger? You could do a local search by going to either Litecure's website or Klaser's. This is the first time I'm hearing of this Laser therapy, where can I have it done? A one-year observational study of people with interstitial lung diseaseswhich can lead to pulmonary fibrosisfound that a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program has the potential to improve mood and stress with a lasting effect. : I read in a book (Maria La Justicia Bergasa, she is from Spain) that some people got cured from pulmonary calcification using magnesium chloride. Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26306790/. Can you cite any actual scientific evidence of this claim? Ok. Discover the truth about it so you know whether you should try it. Just plain can't do it. Hi Teena. WebVitamin D prevents experimental lung fibrosis and predicts survival in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis VitD could serve as a prognosticator and potential therapeutic target in patients with IPF. If I don't get worse than I am, I can live very healthy for a very long time. I also bought an essential oil nebulizer for my daughter with an essential oil blend called "Lung Healing. " I hope locally. You mentioned that you know a doctor specializing with peroxide. What about Natookinase? Regn No 200101999C. Oxygen therapy. With a number of cases of Pulmonary Fibrosis is the presence of mycoplasma infection, which has been my nemesis for many yrs. Johann is still on all the natural medicines that I mentioned before. This will make 3%. Discover how oxygen therapy can help your wellbeing as a patient. Weddy, thanks SO much for posting that gout info! In many cases, the cause of pulmonary fibrosis remains unknown and is referred to as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. It has been shown to decrease mucus production in the lungs and improve cough symptoms. I have made a lot of improvements but have a ways to go. This is Dr. McCullough's recipe as well, I believe. If there is food in the stomach, the reaction of H202 on any bacteria present may cause excess foaming, indigestion, and possibly even vomiting. I know this is related to body acidity, but like someone says, if your kidneys can't get it out of the body, you still have a problem. Hi Art - do you know the recommend dose of melatonin for pulmonary fibrosis? Now on Ofev with side effect of diarrhea. A full glass of water (4 to 8 oz.) I've recently been diagnosis with pulmonary fibrosis and was first with pneumonia, probably common in the first stages but after 2 months is when I get a diagnosis. So it has to be connected. My daughter is also expelling thick mucus esp from 03:00 AM. Hi Edward. God Bless and good hunting Hi, my consultant gave me 10 months to live in 2015 and I am still working. Thank you so much. Cathy Wong is a nutritionist and wellness expert. I still have a cough, but much less frequent and severe. The dose with the laser I use is 10 watts, 4 minutes on the front of the chest and 4 on the back for a total of 4800 joules. I still do a couple inhales every once in a while just because I smoke. Next thing go to george eby research and spend a few days there studying gallium nitrate. Reviewed by Veena Angle, MBBS, MD and Physician Brandon Yew. It will whiten the skin and cause sharp nerve pain, which can be lessened by running under cold water. I came down with a nasty bug that turned into pneumonia (thanks to my doc who didn't do anything after a week and I was too out of it to think or come here). I told him how but, its not part of Western Medicine. Combined with your NAC working on the biofilm and mucous (hiding place) I would expect even better results. By the end of December, I was at 3.5 miles a day in walking forgot more often than not about the Nebulizer treatments. And the oxygen levels have improved, according to doctors tests. Five Supplements for Pulmonary Fibrosis and IPF. I am so sorry about your father's suffering. He is taking 2 Chinese herbs, Clear Air (Perilla Fruit) AND Cordyceps PS (Dong Chong Xia Cao) One in the morning and one at night. Scientists have discovered that a drug, originally used for the treatment of diabetes, can reverse a fatal lung disorder. Her work is regularly featured in media such as First For Women, Woman's World, and Natural Health. Could you tell me the ratio of the oregano oil with carrier oil that you use? I was very interested in reading about the use of H2O2 (peroxide) and am going to try this, initially taking it as drops in water. For this remedy, you need to mix one tablespoon of baking soda powder with a glass of water and drink it before every meal. My pulmonologist said that it is incurable but that the symptoms could be relieved to an extent by taking ACC 200 mg effervescent tablets (1 three times a day in water). It's also important to note that self-treating a condition and avoiding or delaying standard care may have serious consequences. Pulmonary fibrosis can be caused due to inhaling toxins present in the environment, or certain medications of chemotherapy, or other medical conditions such as pneumonia and lupus. I am a chiropractor and the pulmonologist said it probably started from 40 yrs exposure to xray developing chemical. There is a steady progression of symptoms. There are several points to keep in mind, however. If my problem doesn't get better in 2 months then my pulmonologist will do a lung scope and biopsy for a more true dx. Exposure to certain substances like chemicals or hazardous fumes can damage your lungs and cause pulmonary fibrosis. Medicinal mushrooms, acupuncture, and meditation may offer relief. He got this illness due to dust in his workplace. If you are interested in trying natural remedies for pulmonary fibrosis, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider first. As the disease progresses, this scar tissue impairs the ability of the lungs to transfer oxygen into the blood. The next thing I realize I am waking up in a hospital bed and two months had gone by. as you told, I agree . The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Thank God for Earth Clinic! If you or a loved one has IPF you should seriously consider laser therapy for this terrible disease. In your case, the laser may be killing mycoplasma. For my family member she also (reluctantly) ate raw garlic clove morning and night, maybe you can try extract or pills, and added turmeric, cayenne, clove 1 tsp ea to her tea. Being the royal pain I have always been, I survived and eventually recovered enough to be brought out of the coma. 35% Food Grade, that it wasn't any good for me. Last November after seeing an M.D., they told him he had Pneumonia (which now the pulmonary doctors say he "never had", but has IPF.. And this November will be a year. The symptoms and course of pulmonary fibrosis vary widely from person to person. This therapy involves inhaling a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide, which is thought to help break down mucus and reduce inflammation in the lungs. The immune & repair mechanisms of the lungs are inhibited by the mycoplasma, thus chronic conditions and sometimes fatal. what is the best medicine to cure lung scar. I've also started with rx digestive enzymes which also may be contributing to the perceived benefits. Hi Robert! The program is not carved in stone and keep in mind that it can be adapted to fit individual needs. Never giving up! All of this was good but I wanted more. Her work is regularly featured in media such as First For Women, Woman's World, and Natural Health. (Ha ha I bet you think that I am mad but I am not just anxiety filled stressed and very very concerned about this wonderful man who I have been married to for nearly 40 years). Actually again nobody except victims pay much attention to why it occurs. These have helped but just before Xmas I was involved in a major motor accident in which the seat belt and airbag saved my life, but gave my thorax quite a knock. All Rights Reserved. WebThere are a number of treatment options available for pulmonary fibrosis. The I am seeing the doctor again soon, and will see what his reaction is, as he never mentioned this idea to me. What do you know about vilac plus and where can it be purchased. It is chronic and progresses dangerously over time. I would like to update my progress. My father has Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis lung condition and sadly is getting little relief from the drugs his consultant has prescribed. Yet 99.9% of the world has never heard of it. If you have a way to make him fresh carrot juice, that would be really good for him. During the program it's not uncommon to experience what is known as a healing crisis. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. That being said he put me onto Alpurinol @ 100 mgs to start. Regular exercise can strengthen your muscles and make them Please note oregano oil is very powerful and is usually sold 25% diluted, and I have no experience with contraindications of your stated meds, please research. (It's also why H2O2 bleaches hair and materials). Other issues I have include diabetes which I control so far with herbs and vitamins. I'm remaining optimistic, accept that I'm on prednisone and it's risks. During the initial stay, I was given a tracheotomy to assist in breathing, placed into a medically induced coma to assist in breathing (supposedly I was told because of my age {62} I might not come out of it) and had a gastric tube inserted to provide needed nutrients along with being placed on a ventilator. 1.5 - 3 % seems very high. Reply to all but to those in S.A. in particular. Good afternoon to all from a wintery South Africa - I am back once again to inform you of my husband's IFP and what we have been doing. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before trying any new treatment or supplement, including enzyme therapies. Kenny Walter. This can keep your internal organs from getting the oxygen they need to function properly. That's why there was great excitement in the cystic fibrosis community when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Trikafta on Monday, the first triple Now you got some serious home work to do but I will point you in the right direction. I dont know where to start. Hopefully more benefits of HP oxygenation will be forthcoming. But medications and supportive oxygen therapy allow patients to live more comfortably and have more productive lives. Coincidentally I already have hydrogen peroxide 3% food grade, which I use for both cleaning fruit & veg, and as a mouthwash. While research is ongoing for new therapies to treat the condition, there are traditional remedies that can delay the progression of the disease. That is a typical response to get nowhere from conventional doctors. Help me cause I am travelling to the Gulf for employment. Did some basic math and determined I needed to dilute it to 1.5% (to start) and around 4-5 cc's at a time in the Nebulizer. For help in coping with the stress of pulmonary fibrosisincluding anxiety, loss of confidence, and lower quality of lifecalming mind-body practices have been shown to provide tangible benefits. This is certainly not always the case, but where there is infection and fibrosis, the chances are likely. Become a member now! Since there is no exact medical cure for pulmonary fibrosis, it is important for us to turn towards natural treatment methods. 1. Cod liver oil Cod liver oil contains fatty acids that can help with the smooth functioning of the body's processes. It can improve lung health. It contains Vitamin D and alleviates the inflammation of lungs. If you would like to find a laser provider near you go to Klaserusa.com. Until now, scientists had been working to cure and understand the mechanism of pathological fibrosis. Feb 28, 2021. The plan is here on this link. I started with twice a week for the first month and then went to one treatment per week. After 3 days of this I could breathe again and I could feel the congestion breaking up! And had significant improvement in a week. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. So I have been on this oxygen machine for over 2 yrs now and still have to go to work, drag these heavy tanks around and be connected to something at all times. I was recently diagnosed with Pulmonary TB through lung x-ray but I have faith it will clear. There is currently no cure for IPF. Miraculously, got well no fever but pain in the back. The researchers concluded that bromelain may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis. Have P.E every year my GP said I was lucky. If you smoke, look to alternative therapies like acupuncture and hypnosis for help in quitting. I know the chemical process - essentially the hydrogen peroxide is unstable and produces molecular oxygen and water. My breathing has rapidly got worse since then. Posted by Sweetdevilwitch (Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam) on 05/17/2011: "Good day to you. Oil packs combined with massage, mullein tea, iodine, essiac tea, garlic Seri Begawan, Brunei )... Of IPF patients to live more comfortably and have more productive lives be! Is important for us to turn towards natural treatment methods relief from the pred as well, I cut to... Flare ups standard care may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis, the,! 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