going beyond scripture

In fact, the Bible says the opposite. You are teaching me and I didnt even realize it! What is your belief regarding Israel and the plan God has for the future of Israel? Then you won't arrogantly place one of us in opposition to the other. She has no control over who reads her blogs. Rebekah gave the servant water but also volunteered to water the 10 camels as well. Here they are promoting silence. I can always use more people praying for me. Thats not an accusation, its a statement of fact. Still, knowing his perspective and the fact that hes her father doesnt change the fact that what Priscilla Shirer is doing is wrong. 2 Timothy 4:5 Verse Concepts Priscilla Shirer is a wife and mom of three boys hailing from the Dallas area. Evangelical Dark Web. I dont want to lead us astray ). Wolters begins with the shrewd observation that the four authors understand what moving beyond the Bible to theology means in at least four overlapping but distinguishable ways: (1) bringing the authority of Scripture to bear on issues that Scripture itself does not directly address (e.g., in contemporary bioethics); (2) dealing with ethically . I dont know half of your theological terminology, 5:7 ). (Ive addressed that here in case you might be interested.). If you wouldnt follow a male pastor or Bible teacher who was open and unrepentant about committing adultery or shoplifting or getting plowed every weekend, why would you follow any female Bible teacher who preaches to and instructs men? My wife is grateful because of the resources, and because of what she said is best described as like mindedness,(She is sitting beside me by the way!) I think it should be obvious that a face to face discussion is different from a written one, so theres no need to go into that. TEXT: read more, Scripture: Heres more info. Another important point on this subject: Can you think of a Scripture that says pastors can give people permission, guidance, or authority to sin by disobeying Gods word? Stories such as these are easily remembered, the characters bold, and the symbolism rich in meaning. Remember, Scripture, not our ideas and opinions are what we must follow and obey. 1And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things. Ive heard her recommend Christian women to go to a quiet place to pray. Also, and I am not downing what you say, as you obviously have many wonderful people reading your blog, these women are an excellent entry way in to the faith. Yes, thats basically the requirement for salvation, but Christians are required to obey ALL of Gods instructions, including the ones about not joining with people who call themselves Christians yet hold to teachings and beliefs that conflict with Scripture. Although that interpretation of the text is a possibility, being consistent with the rest of Scripture, it is by no means certain. Day and night they go around her upon her walls, And iniquity and mischief are in her midst. Grace&Peace in Christ brother travis & sister tori, Thanks so much, Travis. Im not seeing anyone speaking against her except small sources. read more, Scripture: SCRIPTURES YOU CAN USE: I will give them a heart to know Me, for I am the Lord; and they will be My people, and I will be their God, for they will return to Me with their whole heart. If a woman is supposedly knowledgeable enough about the Bible to be in the position of teaching and authoring, yet doesnt understand or obey such a basic biblical truth, what does that say about the rest of her knowledge of the Bible? Scripture: In Japan there was a man in the imperial orchestra couldnt play a note. There's more to my answer than you might think. ), but 2 Corinthians 6:14ff and 2 John 9-11, among other passages, are very clear that we are not to partner with those who teach false doctrine, which Catholicism, Word of Faith, and many other churches do. I and my attendants will fast as you do. The MEGA Live Event July 23rd, 2021 Tulips & Honey. If your ladies need a doctrinally sound Bible study in the future, theyre welcome to use anything under the Bible studies tab at the top of this page. Finally, you summed up your blog post on why Christian women shouldnt follow, support or receive teaching from Priscilla Shirer because she teaches men (though I cant find evidence of this but Im still lookin! I dont know half of your theological terminology, but I do know that I love Jesus and Im going to heaven, so Im just fine with that. I have applied all these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, brothers, that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up in favor of one against another. Neil knows much more about New Testament studies than I do, but I'm not sure how far forward we can go with the New Testament, given that most of its writers believed their world was about to pass away. Love Your Life 2018 (March 20, 2019) with Victoria Osteen and Terri Savelle Foy, Know Your God | Joyce Meyer and Priscilla Shirer (In this clip, Priscilla also gushes over Henry Blackaby who mishandles Scripture and teaches a form of mysticism. BEYOND ENCOURAGEMENT Why would the Bible give us both descriptive and prescriptive instruction to warn against false teaching if doing so is a sin (gossip)? Why didnt you just study your Bible instead? Beth and Priscilla both teach a false Jesus and a false gospel. There CAN be women from different denominations there, what is so wrong with that? - Jonah didnt smell good. Michelle Thank you for your work in the area of discernment. read more, Scripture: I felt the Lord provided it at the very time I needed it. Astonished Beyond Measure With all that said, I do not say any of this out of ill intent, anger, or anything along those lines, I simply wanted to clarify, and say, that I agree with Michelles exegesis of (Matthew. It is teachers like Priscilla who want us to base our beliefs on our feelings and experiences, and that is not biblical. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He taught them: Pray then like this: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. That is not what the Bible says that preachers and teachers are to do. If you believe women shouldnt work, this includes you. My heart longs for you to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ by learning the truth of His word. 2 Kings 5:1-15. - Theres lingering sin. Hi Tiffany- Thanks for asking! The False Teaching of Priscilla Shirer on the Here I Stand Theology Podcast, Is Priscilla Shirer a Sound Exegete? The proper method of teaching Scripture is exegesis. Do you send women to your articles as a response? Baptist. That, plus being a faithful member of a doctrinally sound church and being taught the Word every week is the best way to learn the truth of Scripture and grow in Christ. I KNOW this original post is over a year old. (Edited to add- After I posted this comment, I noticed your comment was addressed to Seth Dunn, not to me. There is only ONE requirement for salvation, and that is accepting that Jesus Christs blood took the place of our sin, recognize our sin and confess it, believe that Jesus is Gods son. Was Jesus gossiping in Matthew 16:6, 11,12 when He said, Beware the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees? God has not instructed women to preach to or instruct men. Reblogged this on Eternally Secured and commented: 7 Steps to Figuring it Out on Your Own helpful in understanding biblically whether or not someone is a false teacher. I totally disagree with you on this. - Femina Sola Gratia Is she a false teacher? - But such as is common to man; rather, except such as is human; i.e. However, under Three Suggestions he mentions biblical reflection, meditate on His word, and Christ-centered silence. Theres too much wiggle room in this article to pin him down on exactly what he means by silence. Id like to see him go back and tighten it up one way or the other to give clarity to his readers. Yes it is the little people or the less known that are standing against these deceptions and I am so glad that you are and there are many more. Hi Lisa- I think the articles in my Rock Your Role series will help answer your questions and give you a biblical understanding of womens roles in the church. 18:15-18), although I would add: The minute someone puts something on Youtube, Face Book, Twitter, or any other social media, or public outlet for that matter, your proof text falls flat in on itself, because more than anything this text deals with proper Church discipline. That must have been before she asked for (and received) her pastors and husbands permission to teach men in her Sunday School class. You could choose to simply pick up your Bible and study it. They needed to be reminded of who the true Christ of Scripture was. Priscillas friendliness and genuine care for Christian women seem to shine throughevery word she speaks and writes. You must be afraid of some things, or else you will be in trouble. Before we move on to Priscilla, I just want to reiterate that preaching to men is not the only way Beth is unrepentantly breaking Scripture (although that is certainly enough to disqualify her as a teacher). Ill let you know how we continue our course of action. 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. I have to do more research on how these powerhouse preachers are false teachers), teaching unbiblical prayer practices (I cant find where she teaches women about contemplative prayer~ but Im still lookin! #3- There are a couple of links in the additional resources section that deal with Priscillas teaching of contemplative prayer, but I really should have included one in the paragraph itself, so Ive fixed that. read more, Scripture: I shared this post on Facebook the same day my new pastor friend requested me. I am curious, have you confronted Priscilla Shirer of this sin. God knew what He was doing. I dont really care about pursuing holiness and growing in Christ. If thats not what youre saying, I apologize for the misunderstanding, but if it is, Im concerned for your eternity. Iam finding that more and moreChristians have to be told this. I KNOW this is a looooong series of questions about Priscilla Shirer that was stimulated by your post. The Bible says dont do X, Beth Moore does X. Thats breaking Gods command, which is sin. I have no doubt that others have confronted her about these things. There is no dearth of advice for us believers about how to deal with this situation. I read myself into scripture, too! *People who blessed us. And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals. Again, when the Bible says not to do something, and a person does it anyway, this is sin. But, yes, sometimes I do offer to send someone Im talking to (face to face) links to my articles, other peoples articles, books, sermons, etc., if theyd like to study an issue more. These are sources Im familiar with and consider doctrinally sound, but if someone digs up an article one of them wrote from ten years ago that says something biblically askew, I obviously do not endorse that.) 2. Now, I believe I have clearly answered all of your questions both here, in the article, and in the Additional Resources section, so let me add just one extra thing. I wont be publishing comments or answering emails that are answered by this article. No, I have not confronted Priscilla Shirer about her sin (and thank you for realizing that what shes doing is, in fact, sin). If our feelings, opinions, or experiences contradict Gods word, then those feelings, experiences, and opinions are wrong and we need to repent and believe Gods word instead. As Christians, the Bible is our authority, so its what the Bible says that matters, and thats what I point women to. I CANT FIGURE THIS ONE OUT! The true bride will always go beyond the minimal requirements. No-one is beyond compassion. Nehemiah 8:10 Verse Concepts He said he met with the teachers of the studies and told them to go over and compare everything biblically and under his guidance to finish out the study and after that thereally will be no more Priscilla Shirer in our church. We only get to have the opinions of Christ as stated in the Bible. Disclaimer: The specific links below are provided and endorsed as evidence pertaining to this article only. THERE WERE Your sermon reminded me about Peace of God and Love Next, youre not going to see an article like this from TGC or Challies. You just dont have enough time or energy to respond to every Tom, Dick and Mary.). Neil Richardson has proposed that instead of getting back to the Bible we should go forward with the Bible. There CAN be women from different denominations there, what is so wrong with that? These women are an excellent entry way in to the faith. 5. He saw 1000s come to Christ over a life time of service. As a womens leader at your church are you not often asked questions to clarify your personal views? Should she repent in these areas in which she has broken Scripture and align herself with biblical principles, she would have no bigger fan than I, and I would rejoice to be able to point Christian women to her as a doctrinally sound resource. One of two things happens: either Im ignored altogether, or one of her underlings gets back in touch with me to defend her. Instead, she is dangling in front of Christian women an emotionally appealing and unbiblical carrot of miraculous and unique personal experiences with God instead of teaching them to properly study their Bibles and rely on Scripture alone for their doctrine and practices. Pastor Chris Rosebrough explains why Priscillas twisting of John 10 to mean that we can hear God speak to us is unbiblical. Priscilla partners and associates with false teachers such as Joyce Meyer, Christine Caine,Joel and Victoria Osteen, Beth Moore, and T.D. But believers are to grow to maturity in their relationship with Christ and their knowlege of His word. What we believe about God must come from Scripture alone. One of them went up to him and told him. Your defense of Moore and Shirer is based only on your own experiences and opinions. Now to Him who, in exercise of His power that is at work within us, is able to do infinitely beyond all our highest prayers or thoughts-- World English Bible Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, Young's Literal Translation You know, your making this comment right now is very interesting timing. No-one is beyond hope. Lots of information about those online and at http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com and Berean Research. read more, Scripture: Yes, Kenneth Hagin was one of the worst false teachers out there. Like I said in todays article God has more for you and expects more from you than from you than settling for fluff and false doctrine. #3 Priscilla teaches to listen for Gods voice. I would recommend reading the book reviews and listening to the sermon reviews. WHAT'S THAT SMELL?: People just spiritually delivered by God usually dont smell good. (These are not exhaustive lists, I just havent gotten to the next installmets yet :0) Do keep in mind that there are many fantastic male teachers out there, and its perfectly fine for women/womens groups to use materials written by men. Grayson Baptist Church - July 28, 2013 Kay Arthur, Beth Moore, and Priscilla Shirer Believe In Teaching Men Too, Popular False Teachers and Unbiblical Trends, Priscilla Shirer: Living Your Life For Christ (Full Teaching) | Praise on TBN, Priscilla Shirer Talks Women and the Church, Moving From the Pew to the Pavement and Why, War Rooms Priscilla Shirers Contemplative History, and Why ItMatters, Review of Priscilla Shirers Sermon: The Multitude, Priscilla Shirer: Out Of The Closet At The Alpha Leadership Conference 2017, Why I do not recommend Kendrick Brothers new movie, War Room, part 2, Going Beyond Scripture: Why Its Time to Say Good-Bye to Priscilla Shirer and Going Beyond Ministries, https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/christ-centered-silence-for-noisy-advent-season, http://the-end-time.blogspot.com/2012/10/introducing-priscilla-shirer-and-jesus.html, Priscilla Shirer: vetting a winsome but wayward teacher | Pilgrims Progress revisited - Christiana on the narrow way, Sharing the Housewife Theologians Review of Fervent | Steak and a Bible, https://michellelesleybooks.com/2015/12/18/rock-your-role-faqs/, https://www.osv.com/Magazines/TheCatholicAnswer/ByIssue/Article/TabId/809/ArtMID/13667/ArticleID/16800/Why-Did-Jesus-Use-Parables.aspx, https://www.gotquestions.org/Jesus-parables.html, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fIzWbXvfps, http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=18085, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-_THJXignk, http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=10843, Dr. Oz, Priscilla Shirer, Carl Lentz partner for Faithful Fridays show | Aspreeman's Archives, Priscilla Shirer: Out Of The Closet At The Alpha Leadership Conference 2017 Emergent Watch, Is She a False Teacher? Have been vetting her this was very helpful! It would definitely be interesting to hear his perspective.. They start, not with a biblical truth but with a story or life experience, and then they build doctrine and beliefs out of that experience. Pastors dont read LifeWay studies or pay attention to the false teaching crowd, for the most part. Could you please show me the Bible verse that says were supposed to be happy for people who achieve financial and popularity success by twisting Gods word, teaching false doctrine, and walking in disobedience to Him? Ive read her own account explaining this. I just do not think its right to judge anyones ministry it causes division with in the body of Christ why cant we just celebrate each other then we can learn from each other. Also, if you had read the paragraph at the very top of this article and clicked on please click here and read this article first, your initial question in this comment (about sin) would have been answered. 7 Steps to Figuring it Out on Your Own, It Should Happen Rarely, But It Shouldnt Be Ignored | The Outspoken TULIP, Is Priscilla Shirer false teacher? If it were, Paul, Jude, Peter, and even Jesus would be guilty of that sin. Our desire is not only for all to understand His written Word but for all to experience His Power! And it cometh to pass, when all the kings who are beyond the Jordan, in the hill-country, and in the low-country, and in every haven of the great sea, over-against Lebanon, the Hittite, and the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite, hear --. It sounds like you want to be discerning and weigh things carefully. Notice the emphasis around the 1:37 mark on peoples personal experiences (praying for miracles, etc.) Oops! Id be delighted to hear back from you, Elizabeth. Jesus starts with a biblical truth and uses a story (parable) to illustrate or give an example of that biblical truth. read more, Scripture: Yes, all of this is important, NO it is not vital. (And if you need any help getting started, Ive got some resources that will help you under the Bible Studies tab at the top of this page.) Mark 8:25 Verse Concepts I am currently getting familiar with blogs for Christian ladies and your thorough, scholarly, biblical recommendations are absolutely invaluable. Or will we apply extra effort and go beyond our duty? In a day and age where any type of hope is needed, especially to the unchurched, I would listen to either Beth Moore or Priscilla Shirer any day of the week over the news. I would love for you to hang out with us here at the blog and/or on social media (links at the top of this page). Esther 4:16 fasting. Having just heard what efforts even St. Paul had to make to run in the Christian race, and how terribly their fathers in the wilderness had failed to meet the requirements of God, they might be inclined to throw up every effort in despair. #4a I see where you noted that Priscilla uses poor hermeneutics when handling Gods word. She goes beyond what is written in teaching men, in partnering with false teachers, in teaching unbiblical prayer practices, and in using improper hermeneutics. THIS PRACTICE WAS NOT UNCOMMON IN THE EARLY CHURCH. on Fighting for the Faith, True Woman Conference Speaker Priscilla Shirer Hears Gods Still, Small Voice at Apprising Ministries, Priscilla Shirer and Contemplative/Centering Prayer at Apprising Ministries, He Speaks to Me (April 24, 2008) promo video by Priscilla Shirer, War Rooms Priscilla Shirers Contemplative History, and Why ItMattersat Berean Research, Review of Priscilla Shirers Sermon: The Multitude by Chris Rosebrough, Priscilla Shirer- Mystic by David Sheldon, Priscilla Shirer: Out Of The Closet At The Alpha Leadership Conference 2017at Emergent Watch, Priscilla Shirerat Fighting for the Faith, Fervent Warning on Priscilla Shirerat Christian Answers for the New Age, Why I do not recommend Kendrick Brothers new movie, War Room, part 2 at The End Time, War Room: A Review by Justin Peters at Worldview Weekend, Stand Firm: A Review of War Room at Satisfaction Through Christ, Reblogged this on Seth Dunn and commented: Its very easy to think of Priscilla and think, Whats not to love?. It takes courage based in Jesus for you to do so, I am sure. It means to trust that the Bible has all the answers and truths we need to live a holy and pleasing life before Godwe don't need anything beyond what God has provided for us in His Word (see 2 Peter 1:3 ). Priscilla has also admitted in her book Discerning the Voice of God, p.39, that she reads herself into Scripture, an unbiblical practice sometimes called narcissistic eisegesis or narcigesis. It is about sin in the local congregation where you actually know the person personally and have access to him/her. Which is why it grieves me to have to answer that question with: Her theology. Unfortunately, there are serious red flags about some of the things Priscilla does and teaches that Christian women who follow her, or are considering following her, need to be made aware of. In Acts 17:11, the Bereans are praised for comparing everything Paul said to Scripture to see if it was true. But books and blogs written for women are not what 1 Timothy 2:12 refers to, and its not the same as willingly allowing men to attend (which is something Beth and Priscilla both do) an event where a woman, in an authoritative position, is teaching Gods word to believers, or accepting speaking engagements that are open to men. 1 Samuel 30:6-8, Denomination: Untold millions of Christians over the last two thousand years have studied Gods word, grown close to Him, matured in their faith, and walked faithfully with Him throughout their lives. As a Christian when we face difficulty God provides the means for us to be encouraged, but we are not just to languish in that resting place. God doesnt limit to a select few the number of Christians who are able to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus the way He limited entrance to the Promised Land. Scripture: 2 Kings 5:1-15 Denomination: Baptist Going Beyond What Is Expected? NOW, I have to preface this with this was MANY years ago. Church Of God, CARE MINISTRY WITH THE MESSAGE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS IMPORTANT, CALLED TO CARE That is why there is so much confusion in the flock, they dont rebuke the error as Paul did, but are now hobnobbing with them.. and also I feel you need to reach out to her for yourself. Looking back over my copy of He Speaks to Me,and sifting through numerous videos of her teaching, its clearthat her method of teaching is mainly eisegesis. And, sometimes, basic is enough. Steven Furtick is the pastor of Lysa TerKeurst, and he is on Oprahs Super Soul 100 list. Jakes daughter), Priscilla Shirers promo page at Hillsong, Priscilla Shirer, featured speaker at Hillsongs 2016 Colour ConferencewithBrian Houston, Bobbie Houston, andChristine Caine. Thanks so much for sharing this with me, Kelly! #2- There are a number of resources on false teachers under the Popular False Teachers tab at the top of this page. 2. The law in this case, being Scripture. A. THE CALL? Its a complete waste of time. One thats not a promotional tape? The reason I refer people in on line conversations to my articles is so I dont have to regurgitate what Ive already written. and before she began she said that she was there under the guidance of her pastor and that if men were present, they should understand that her teachings were meant for women. The New Testament knows nothing of a Christian whos satisfied just to escape hell. Nothing of a Christian whos satisfied just to escape hell - Femina Sola Gratia is she false. Is about sin in the area of discernment that are answered by this article to pin him down exactly! Listening to the false teaching crowd, for the misunderstanding, but if it,., under three Suggestions he mentions biblical reflection, meditate on His.... The other to give clarity to His readers comparing everything Paul said to Scripture to see him go back tighten. To grow to maturity in their relationship with Christ and their knowlege of His.. 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