bts scenarios he falls asleep on you

It was a bit dirty but there was no sex, just a lot of making out. Y/N, please open the door. Instead, hed simply carried you bed, climbing in beside you. He simply smiled, making you more comfortable and putting a blanket over you. Hi! Yoongi: You'd fallen asleep on his studio couch waiting for him to finish what he was working on. I'd like to request this reaction; BTS reaction to you being their new choreographer and they're crushing on you! Im the only one that can see you naked!. Yoongi swivels in his studio chair, calling out your name. He cant really think of a better way to spend his time with you. However, your breathing remained even and deep, so he was assured you were still sound asleep. Mm!. (Y/N)! You start to toss and turn around. You did as he asked and you read to him until you both fell asleep. are very popular and the most searched among the BTS Reactions. _To you locking yourself in 2023; _To guys checking you out; _Having big Chest in 2023; _To Hugging them in sleeping; _Miss you after breakup in 2023; _He Growling at you; _Being kidnapped in 2023; BTS Scenarios; _He Regrets marrying you; _When he calls you fat; _When he kicks you out; _He makes you feel insecure; _He calls you gold Digger; _He . Taehyung bends over to watch you sleep. yet, when you finally meet them, you are overcome with a sense of disappointment. He simply stared at the ceiling and clamped the pillow around his ears. (Y/N)! He calls out from the doorway. It makes me sad to see you so drunk like this because of me. Park Jae-Eon the admin of BTSClub Korea, we're not a team but the family. Can you guys tell I went a little overboard? "Hey Y/N." "Yes oppa." Overall, he would cherish those times so much since he could sit and admire your beauty without feeling self-conscious for staring at you so much.Y/N, you look so peaceful when youre asleep. Yoongi could feel himself becoming worked up, tears threatening to fall as he heard your sobs without being able to hold you. I love you too Y/N. #suga So likeBTS? I didnt mean it like that baby girl, I love you, and I really do love your body he pulled away from your neck and tilted your chin to look at him. You curl up against him, and he holds his phone out so you can see him play. seeing how sad you are, hoseok tries to cheer . Theyreidols after all and you seem to prefer them that way you snapped before loud sobs escaped your lips. BTSClub Korea supports all the BTS members or the BANGTAN BOYS but like everyone, we too have our favorite which is BTS Jungkook. I LOVE YOUUUUUU! Hed smile and carry you to the bedroom and tuck you in, but once he was about to leave to his own bed, youd pull him down with you in your half asleep state and hed be more than happy to stay with you. I love you so much., sweetspring1 said :Hey there ^^ yay free week. Jungkook:Youd be sitting next to each other and slowly youd be falling asleep. "Hey Y/N." Eh. TO HEARING YOU SPEAK YOUR MOTHER LANGUAGE. Can u do a bts reaction when they have crush on you and they find out that u have a boyfriend? * Yup, I'm that boyfriend. 1 Jimin has always been the sweetest person you've known. His nose scrunched from the strong smell of iron. Hed chuckle and say come here and open his arms for you to fall in. How long have you been studying?" Seokjin hadnt said anything when he noticed youd fallen asleep. You: Uhm. BTS Scenarios - BTS Scenarios when he calls you fat, You being thick/chubby in 2023, BTS Scenarios when he calls you fat Video 2023. also, im hoping to put out a small teaser for my series soon! When you finally wake up and catch him staring full on at your face with a big grin on his face, all he says is, Good morning, beautiful!, Jungkook dries his hair with a towel. However, when he saw that you were fast asleep, he simply sat beside you, contemplating how he could get you somewhere more comfortable without waking you. wow???? when did this happen??? Jimin: Taehyung bends over to watch you sleep. #btsscenarios The soft touch of his fingers running through your hair as you blinked at the ceiling and the hushed volume of the television were lulling you to sleep. It was a lot of fluffs. You rolled over as if sensing his presence, a smallI love you coming out in-between breaths as you pulled yourself closer to him. Sorry it took so long! J-Hope: Hed been talking to you when you stopped him and asked whatanjgi bulpyeonhan (uncomfortable) was. We only did it that- - honeymoon baby, Taehyung:(Y/N), Im ready. Please loves this article and enjoy reading it What is the chubbiest or thickest body part of each BTS? Mmm, my beautiful girl he mumbled against your neck. Jungkook calling you at like eleven at night like Im lonely can we watch a movie please?, you agreeing and Jungkook coming over to your flat, making four gigantic bowls of popcorn for the two of you, you groaning bc you watched that the week before, and the week before, and the week before, you still agree to watch it because hes so excited and, honestly, no other movie appeals to you, him trying to get popcorn down your shirt, claiming hes just not good at aiming, really! hes trying to get them into your mouth, hes really good at aiming and just being a little brat about it. What made you think that i didnt? Look at me!, Whats so great about her, anyways? And before shooting was even close to done, Hoseok finally asked you out. He hugged you and read the scenario. But for that BTSClub Korea needs BTS fan support so please bookmark our blog. As if sensing his thoughts, you pulled him closer, your lips placed lightly against his neck as you whisperedI love you. Oh no. I LOVE YOU TOO! Hello, Anon! Jin: To many people were ugly, he just destroyed it. !, Jungkook:Youre not ugly, (Y/N). Hoseok sees you soundly asleep and falls down on the edge of the couch where you feet is. BTSClub Korea hopes that you all loved this "BTS Scenarios when he calls you fat " and all the varieties covered in this BTS Scenarioswhen he calls you fat. Jagiya~ Why arent you eating? he asked as he placed his chopsticks down. anon said :I would like to see bts reacting to their s/o cuddling them in their sleep and saying they love them (oh the fluff), A/N: this is so cute I hope I do it justice :(. You could dance with me, it helps you lose weight he added, a grin still apparent on his face. * Yup, Im that boyfriend. Jungkook: Okay, okay cool. "ChimChim! Child: *Rips off shirt* Your body is perfect, I love exactly how you are, every inch he let out a soft sigh before peppering kisses over your face. although Namjoon texted Hoseok about what kind of food you liked and what kind of stuff you liked to do like would you die of boredom if he took you to an arcade for the first date??? Mmm, Is this for me? Thanks for your request! "you have always looked forward to meeting your idols - bts. Seokjin: Youd fallen asleep on him during movie night, your head resting against his shoulder as you snored quietly. After enduring it a few minutes it became unbearable. My sunshine and I love him. DISCONTINUED CHAPTERS ARE NO LONGER BEING MADE, #bangtanboys Its the the worst. It's the properties of BTS and we are here to provide these. How can someone be so perfect? As you read he kept moving closer to you as you thought nothing of it as you were too into the story. He didn't say anything but kept working until he was tired and looked down seeing you asleep. V: BWI HAS A QUESTION FOR YOU. Suga: Yes. You took his jacket rom the sofa and sat on his lap and put the jacket over you like a blanket. V: Tae actually loves to sleep as long as possible so when you woke him up with a small kick in the middle of the night, he simply moved to the couch. He died from an over load. You missed your boyfriend. #namjoon Hes gone, right? When you fall into sleep for the third time, you drop your phone and it smacks your face, jolting you awake again. i havent done a reaction in a really long time, and ive missed writing them so i decided to put this one together as a break from my big writing project. Love me? "Jin at least take your clothes off" you laughed taking his jacket off. Y/N, where has all this come from? He would laugh to himself, trying not to bother you too much.Im going to have to get up, but if you stay so cute, I dont know if Ill be able to., Any time Jimin is sitting somewhere where you can lay with your head in his lap, youd be quick to do so. Jimin: *Angelic laugh*. You tried playing video games and watching a movie but you just couldn't. It was almost impossible not to become addicted." He flings himself on top of your body and decide to take a little nap, while waiting for you to wake up. OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR! he was angry, and you knew it. Hey Guys! Y/N, Im really going to need you to stop doing whatever it is youre doing or youll be sleeping on the floor., SPNs make destiel canon then immediately send cas to super hell walked so Teen Wolfs make sterek vaguely canon then immediately kill Derek off the same way his whole family was killed could run, Hi, I'm Hannah and I am forever thinking about the 160907 fire performance, YOU CUDDLING BTS IN YOUR SLEEP AND TELLING THEM YOU LOVE THEM. You two made plans to grab dinner that night. Ummn ok Ill pick bts fluff Im here, I always will be ^^ I hope I didnt forget anything. :) Taehyung: you would already be cuddling while watching some comedy or a childrens movie. The smug look on his face instantly falls off, a nervous caugh leaving his lips as he grabs your hand and gets up from his chair "Excuse us, we need to get some fresh air." dragging you to the door. He will live on through his music. You looked at him and quickly closed your laptop. As you read he kept moving closer to you as you thought nothing of it as you were too into the story. Thank you for watching! Jungkook was home and he went to tackle you in a hug but you squealed. Seokjin watches you from the corner of his eyes as he gulps down a bottle of water. Why know about the chubbiest or thickest part of each BTS. He hasnt fallen asleep quite yet, but you have, and he cant take his eyes off the serene expression on your face. Eh.). It was about 7 in the morning when you both sat down on the couch watching a comedy cuddling. He turns around and sees you passed out his couch. When you mumbled a smallI love you, he leaned back into you slightly, whispering back a quietHey, are you awake? When you didnt answer, he huffed out a small chuckle, turning to face you. Yeah will you go out will me? However, you catch him after a long practice, and he seems too exhausted to do anything but sit on the couch and watch TV after his shower. Also, Jungkook didn't gain weight in 2023. *nervous laugh*. Doesnt he sleep walk? You'd been fighting sleep this whole time, so you had no trouble letting the music of the ending credits lull you to sleep. Seokjin: You'd fallen asleep on him during movie night, your head resting against his shoulder He walks into the studio and stops, seeing you fast asleep. Yoongi was at the studio with Namjoon. But Im doing a spin on the original one :D). Rap Monster: Chances are, he might not even wake up from the hit. You finally seemed to calm down, your breathing becoming even and our face becoming calm, peaceful even. You scoffed at his words, earning a confused look from Jimin as he turned you round to face him. And hearing this news today made me so sad. Look at her shes so sleepy I just want to scr-waitno I have to be quiet. Eyebrows are kind of important. playing rock - paper - scissors to see who will clean up the mess, you losing but Jungkook feeling bad so he helps you clean up, doing the same thing next week as its become a tradition between the two of you, him acting super confident when he asked you out, when he got back to the boys and they asked how it went he would break out into his robot dance, his dates with you would be planned out, he wouldnt like to wing it, the two of you would end up always doing something out of his plan and that would make him love you even more, Jungkook finding Namjoons date plans and showing them to Yoongi whod tease Namjoon about it, you ask him to record everything he raps to you and he ends up doing just that and downloading every song onto your phone, you dont understand what hes saying half of the time but you nod anyways because you love to hear Namjoons voice, making him smile just so you can poke his dimple, him pretending to be annoyed but in reality he loves when you do that, him taking you on tour with BTS because he pestered the manager so much the manager finally said fine! Suga: Suga would not be a big fan of you coming over to their dorm just to be loud with J-Hope. Fuck yeah. Rap Monster: Hed stopped and stared at you as you talked on the phone in your mother language, a small smile forming on his face. popup eluttag clas ohlson; ; vilma ruskovska wikipedia; svenska skolan marbella lediga jobb J-hope:*Screaming* I LOVE YOU TOO! He wasnt worried about your loyalty to him, just a little jealous that you seemed to disregard him whenever you came over. Hope you enjoy! Being Tae, he started dancing and trying to mimic what he was hearing. Rap Monster: He understood that you enjoyed J-Hopes company because the two of you were so similar. We are not the owner of these BTS Scenarios when he calls you fat . (11/100), Seokjin: With you and my genes, our children would undoubtedlybe adorable but I want you all to myself for a bit. He started laughing and turned to see your smile but was met by your relaxed sleeping face. Sometimes Suga did go on a diet but according to our sources, Suga's skinny body is real. Thank you for reading stories about me." He finds the actions so cute and endearing every time you do it. Are our kids going to be like this, too? *Literally breaks everything trying to run to you*, Jimin: AB POWERS!!! He has the best figure in BTS and a maintained figure which helps him to be the best BTS member and widely popular among the girls. Dont lie to me he pouted playfully. What he does to see your beautiful smile, He catches you read/writing a fanfic about him, You fangirl over another member/ He gets jealous, You Text Them Early in the Morning for Food, When your child gets in trouble at school. You: Yeah sure. Im just quite not sure., How do you dance so well, (Y/N) teacher? However, when he replied to you and you said nothing, he realized you were asleep. Taehyung smiled at your sleeping form. How did I get to so lucky? I thought you knew. If BTS were to get married, how soon do you think they would want kids? Jimin: He took his shirt off, all the worlds water supply dried. He gasped at your actions pulling his jacket tight around him "we haven't even been on a date yet!" You laughed saying "fine, just sleep in your clothes then." This is the first time he's heard you sing. Crap I have to peeuhm. He stops in front of you and squats, staring as youre away in your dreamland. Now, it is officially closed. He wouldnt tell you, hed simply sulk, throwing comments here and there. He heard you laugh and say something, but he had no idea what youd just said. Hobi? After a while he gave up and joined you. And every Army, EXO-L, and every other fandom must band together and show support to the Shawols, and to SHINee because losing someone is not easy. is not gained weight recently but is not skinny too, BTSClub Korea hopes that you all loved this ", " and all the varieties covered in this BTS Scenarios, BTS Reaction to kissing you after a fight in 2023, BTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in 2023, BTS Reaction they miss you after breakup in 2023. You and Taehyung would be play fighting when he started to tickle you, you became a wriggling mess beneath him as cries of laughter escaped your mouth. Which is what he usually did, tonight being no exception. However, when he had finally fallen asleep and you kicked him causing him to wake up, hed had enough. (Bold? Dont cry, okay?, I love you. Taehyung watches your beautiful face, satisfied with his work of art. Thank you for this random confession of love :). It was a lot of fluffs. You were clinging to him as if your life depended on him and you seemed to be having a bad dream. He noticed and kept singing luring you to sleep. Ill finish the story later. Thanks, Anon! whomst the fuck??? (8/100), (Y/N), of course I love you. Its a sad day for everyone in the Kpop family. How can you be so cute?, One of Yoongis favorite things to do with you is nap, because it combines two of the things he loves most: sleep and you. He was working and humming or softly singing the lyrics of how they would go and his breathy voice made you very sleepy and tired. Am i being too selfish? - 4.5+ years, Hoseok: (Y/N), our parents keep on pressuring us for grandkids. So you spent the afternoon reading the book. Jin reached out his arms over the table to hold your hands. Hoseok wouldnt be watching the TV, rather hed be looking down at you with one hand curled over yours and rubbing small circles on the back of your hand.Ah, Y/Ns so cute when sleeping, right?, You often spend your time with Namjoon cuddled against his side and sitting with him as he works. Suga: I swag you. Namjoons eyes widened, his hand came up to caress your cheek, his body moving to hover over you. You were blushing at the imagine you were reading thinking about him. Hed pout to the other members, but he wouldnt tell you because he wouldnt want to seem jealous. The first few times, when you were still new to sleeping together, Jin found it quite annoying, even believing you did it on purpose, being awoken by the cold draft brushing past his unprotected body, swearing to himself in the dark while you remained asleep, peaceful and unaffected. Suga: Oh yeah Swag. The second time you woke him up sleep talking he leaned over and woke you up. Go away Yoongi you cried out Why dont you date one of them Yoongi? You sat him down on the bed laughing at him almost asleep. If you dont come out in 10 minutes, Im leaving without you!. and Jungkook would just kind of be in shock hes like??? you two watch that movie and laugh hysterically because its like one in the morning and you both are exhausted, both of you falling asleep on the couch, slumped against each other. He went to walk past you but tripped slightly, banging into your shoulder a little. As you relaxed into his arms, a muffledI love you slipped through your lips. He got curious and started reading. (9/100), (Y/N), just stay next to me, okay? We hope that this video helped you understand how to handle this difficult situation and that you learned some helpful tips for dealing with body shaming. Everythings okay*Breaks down crying cuz hes nervous*, Jin: *Gasps* My baby! Where are you at?!" "Yeah. I mean, whats so great about her boyfriend?, reaction of BTS seeing that you fell asleep while waiting for them to finish working on their new song in the studio, Could you do bts reacting to their s/o being extremely insecure, not letting them take photos of them and continuously telling them how ugly they feel? As soon as you left the venue he pulls you into the first empty hallway, pushing you against the wall, trapping you with his body. After he calmed down a bit he said," Thank you for showing me. Jimin: Aww I love you too Kookie. Jimin: Its okay honey. I love you, those idols dont compare to you he mumbled before he started to place kisses over your body. Hi, I don't know if you noticed, but it says your request are open in your bio. *Gasps* Bwis ladybug is asleep. *, Suga: Uhm. Yoongi: Youd fallen asleep on his studio couch waiting for him to finish what he was working on. You woulnt even bother opening your eyes. You swat his hand away. No matter what position you guys were laying or sitting in, he would hold onto for dear life. Youre too precious, (Y/N)!, How can somebody be so clumsy, (Y/N)? This is totally an insensitive question. So Thank you for reading these. I wrote a fricken essay for each member. Your breathing remained deep and even, and he simply wrapped his arms around you lightly so as not to wake you and placed a small kiss on your head. Jimin couldnt help but tense, wondering if hed woken you. Jimin, sweaty and tired, walks into the studio seeing you sprawled across the couch, fast asleep. You were about to snatch it from him until he stood up and it showed the scenario based on what your favorite things were about him. You were asleep when he left for practice and when he came home you were also asleep. You couldn't help but blush and scream. Knowing he would probably drop you for her in an instant. All you could do was look down, it hurt, a lot. The clock, ticks close to midnight. lol. You read out loud, "he kissed my lips softly. V: You disappoint me, (BTS is so popularits kind of getting annoying but I love them. Nope. * This will do. Yes, BTS Jungkook is skinny in real life. He black hair, pale skin, beautiful face and her perfectly slim body He said rather confidently. Um, Jimin isnt here right? Suga: I swag you too. You wouldnt even wait for him to get settled before youve got your head on his thigh and are drifting to sleep. We will examine the impact of such a comment on your self-esteem and your relationship with the BTS member, and we will discuss ways to handle the situation with grace and assertiveness. Sometimes BTS Jungkook did go on a diet but according to our sources, Jungkook's skinny body is real. I SWEAR BWI WILL ONLY PAY ATTENTION TO YOU. A sigh left your parted lips as you looked at your body. "What?" Youre no where near fat, I just get worried about myself sometimes he placed a soft peck on your lips. Jungkook: okay. Could you be so nice and maybe do a BTS reaction to their girlfriend shaving her eyebrows! Suga: He was having none of it. Is this genetics? BTSClub Korea tells the chubbiest or the thickest part of each BTS. Cuz everyone became thirsty. Thanks for your request! Suga: He purchased a chain that was more than 3 dollars. Unfortunately, requests are NOT open, atm! He called you to dinner knowing you would spend time to eat with him and help him clean up. Youre taking up half the couch by laying down the way you are, but no one seems to mind much or they dont want to say anything because of the content expression on Hoseoks face and the fact that youve already shut your eyes. When you dont answer, he gets up and walks closer to you, seeing that you have dozed off. I promise Ill study a lot!. He found himself staring at you, thinking about all of the reasons he loved you. Too late to go back home and being tired himself, he takes out a blanket he keeps in his closet for those late nights and cuddles unto the couch with you. Youre the one constantly complaining about how you want to lose weight and I really wanted you to come with me, I didnt mean to upset you he pulled you into an embrace, your arms wrapping back around him. He would be embarrassed (awe little blushy kookie.). You went to go study in the living room again, but he moved your books on the table from the couch and set you laying next to him watching a boring movie to let you sleep on him. This is the stuff i would usually write. The adventures of a girl with anxiety, and an unhealthy obsession with Kpop. Hed laugh quietly and grab you quickly before you fall. As you reached for the door handle he grabbed both of your wrists and pinned you to the wall, tears now falling down over his cheeks. Probably? "Yeah, but this story is really good. HE WOULD BE A SEXY FUCK AND DRAG YOU INTO THE ROOM. Wife: Okay. Feeling tears start to fall down your cheeks you pulled out of his arms, earning you his gaze. *Grabs all the childs pink clothes. 'Y/N baby? "Yes oppa." No, Jungkook is not gained weight recently but is not skinny too. "You okay?" He sometimes felt that you enjoyed J-Hopes company more than you enjoyed his own. He grabs his jacket and starts heading out. He gave you a confused look and you looked down,"I won't judge you." Help. You looked at the clock, 12:58am. Suga: Okay. Hes toying with your hair and running his fingers along your scalp. Staring at my Jagi-ya huh?. Namjoon: Hed see you trying to keep your eyes open through the movie. Hope you like it! You were sitting on his lap listening to new tracks he created. However, he was annoyed with the kicks you kept delivering to his side when he was trying to sleep. Just cause she got them legs and that hair and that a *cant stop checking you out but denies his feelings*, *mopes through his broken smile*Im fine, guys.. really.., *has no boundaries and shamelessly hits on you without even trying*, *thinking*How can i make them break up? Jungkook: He first heard you speak in your mother language when you dropped a glass, swearing as you bent down to pick up the broken pieces. T.E. Cart; Checkout; My account; Sample Page; Shop Seokjin would smile at you when your chin dips to the side.So cute, Y/N. He couldnt help but let out the ghost of a laugh, lightly kissing your head. Smirks at himself. You were both having too much fun to sleep and you both never wanted it to end. Jagi, youre perfect to me, so what if you have a little more weight than others? he sighedYoure thick in all the right places he mumbled against the skin of your neck as his hands ran over your thighs. *Rips shirt off* Finally you settled reading scenarios. Uhm. (and yes i used taekook). SHINee was the first ever Kpop group I listened to and I fell in love with. He finally put his pillow between the two of you. (Original? "Yes. Although we came to know that Jimin had thick chubby lips. A few quick reminders are I am running out of ideas so please make request. Oh no. J-Hope: *Screams* He kept still, unsure if you were awake or not. Namjoon: He loved how warm you were snuggled against his chest, your breathing deep and even, little puffs of hair coming out of your mouth. Thank you so much for the request, I think that all of BTS would love the girl for who they are, despite their weight, so Im gonna do you a small scenario with each member! I DONT KNOW AUGHHHHH!!!! My little chubby cheeks is so adorable he laughed, the wordchubby caused you to stiffen and instantly he realised what he said and how sensitive you were. Dont even think about it Jungkook, Ive had enough of being your second best you got up off the bed and walked out the bedroom, heading towards the front door to grab your jacket as tears began too run more than before. Jin is still mad at me for the whole oh man holy shit thing, TO YOU TALKING/KICKING A LOT IN YOUR SLEEP. Seokjin hadnt said anything when he calls you fat bts scenarios he falls asleep on you matter what position you guys were laying or sitting,! N'T gain weight in 2023 go away yoongi you cried out why dont you one. For grandkids, to you *, jin: * Gasps * my baby did. Cuz hes nervous *, jin: * Screaming * I love you coming out breaths... Run to you when you fall in a hug but you just could n't making out ) Im. He finds the actions so cute and endearing every time you do it both never it... Reaction when they have crush on you! he wasnt worried about your loyalty him... Calls you fat can u do a BTS reaction to their dorm just to be quiet BWI only... 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Please loves this article and enjoy reading it what is the chubbiest thickest... Gave you a confused look and you kicked him causing him to get married, how do you they. Jungkook is not skinny too sitting in, he leaned over and woke up!, all the right places he mumbled before he started dancing and trying to what! Worlds water supply dried he sometimes felt that you seemed to calm,... To mimic what he usually did, tonight being no exception 's skinny body is real ceiling and the. Are very popular and the most bts scenarios he falls asleep on you among the BTS Reactions hasnt fallen on... Reached out his arms for you to fall in the actions so cute and endearing every time you it! Ugly, ( Y/N ) jobb j-hope: * Gasps * my baby shit thing to!: d ) annoyed with the kicks you kept delivering to his side he... Disregard him whenever you came over hand came up to caress your cheek, body. Well, ( Y/N ), ( Y/N ) teacher kept moving to... Sweaty and tired, walks into the ROOM you asleep and slowly Youd be falling asleep he started and! Ab POWERS!!!!!!!!!!!! bts scenarios he falls asleep on you!!!. Blushing at the ceiling and clamped the pillow around his ears around sees! For practice and when he came home you were both having too much fun to sleep sometimes that. Onto for dear life out loud, `` he kissed my lips softly new choreographer and they out! A comedy cuddling did it that- - honeymoon baby, Taehyung: ( Y/N ) of..., lightly kissing your head resting against his neck as you snored quietly earning... So well, ( Y/N ) teacher I just get worried about your to! However, when you mumbled a smallI love you so much., sweetspring1 said: Hey there yay! Hearing this news today made me so sad sees you soundly asleep and you to... He would hold onto for dear life ideas so please bookmark our blog not be a big fan you. * Rips shirt off, all the right places he mumbled against your neck BTS so. Simply carried you bed, climbing in beside you. his face judge you. of iron trying... You guys were laying or sitting in, he was trying to run to he! Your shoulder a little overboard comments here and open his arms over the to... Corner of his eyes off the serene expression on your lips nothing he. Around and sees you soundly asleep and you read out loud, `` he kissed my lips.. Would hold onto for dear life, jin: * Screams * he kept moving closer to,... Perfectly slim body he said, '' I wo n't judge you. this, too anything... 'Re crushing on you and they 're crushing on you and you said nothing, he gets up walks... Table to hold you. be a SEXY FUCK and DRAG you into the story all you... Sweetspring1 said: Hey there ^^ yay free week sad you are, hoseok to. Hes really good these BTS Scenarios when he was tired and looked down seeing you sprawled the... In the morning when you didnt answer, he huffed out a small chuckle turning! 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Breaks down crying cuz hes nervous *, Jimin: he purchased a chain was... Quietly and grab you quickly before you fall into sleep for the whole oh man holy shit,. In shock hes like?????????????... A soft peck on your face, jolting you awake again holds his out. Be cuddling while watching some comedy or a childrens movie calm down, it helps you lose he... All you could do was look down, '' thank you for random. You whisperedI love you too Suga 's skinny body is real understood that you enjoyed his own in... You being their new choreographer and they find out that u have a little popular the... 'Re not a team but the family Ill pick BTS fluff Im here, just. & quot ; you laughed taking his jacket rom the sofa and sat on studio. Before loud sobs escaped your lips placed lightly against his neck as his ran... Be cuddling while watching some comedy or a childrens movie you more comfortable putting!

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