Wonderly Peralta (LDIT)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?I am interested in serving on Student Council because I want to serve my fellow classmates as a strong advocate for their education at HGSE. Many campaigns aim to address a small subset of a much larger issue. I invest in the communities I enter and want to work with the community to build equitable pathways that can be built upon going forward. When they are ready to leave Garfield Park Academy, they will take these skills with them as they build self-determination, she concluded. Inside the classroom, you can support this cause by initiating discussions on the topic, using gender-neutral language, and assessing yourself for potential instances of gender bias. Environmental Youth Leaders Do you have what it takes? These were launched on the, DOHs main platform for promoting health information. and eciently in all areas that affect student learning. The mission of National Council for the Social Studies is to advocate and build capacity for high-quality social studies by providing leadership, services, and support to educators. Many students don't often have the opportunity to engage adults in casual conversation about their ideas. This is not only my mission as I complete my degree, but would also be my focus in this position. This plan will serve as your roadmap to success. These opinion leaders are likely to answer those questions, but one wonders whether they are prepared to deliver an accurate message about social studies. Unit 204 Pacific Century Tower, Brgy. 3. So get a team to help you out and distribute tasks based on everyones skillsets. Think of it as a deadline to finish all the steps needed before implementation. For example, if your advocacy campaign focuses on increasing the pet adoption rates in a certain area, it makes no sense to dedicate placements to talking about global warming. Then develop a list of schools where social studies education is effective, and match each leader to a school. Natasha Esteves (LDIT)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?I've seen areas for improvement in building a positive cohort culture that could be facilitated by better communication and/or a liaison setup between incoming students and HGSE's leadership and teaching team.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?Since I first joined the Whatsapp group that incoming/ formerly newly admitted students self-organized, I've organized two virtual Happy Hours and have gathered questions from the students for Rilda, one of our program directors, in order to gain and spread some clarity where I saw my fellow classmates confused. This is especially important in overcoming the attitude that social studies education is what it was 30 years ago when today's adults were in school. Living with refugees from other countries. If we have been called to "learn to change the world," we need to invite the world, with all its diversity-- including disability-- to accomplish this goal. Advocacies dont have to be grand to become relevant. I have advocated for my teenaged and young adult students to have better access to their school and community, particularly after witnessing the worsening accessibility conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Lets say youre starting a campaign to raise awareness on the climate change problem. Below is a list of advocacy strategies and activities states that have been used to engage members, raise awareness of CTE and influence policy. Consider that to show first hand what a student is expected to learn. While this change is so exciting and has been obviously thought through carefully by the faculty and staff, as with any change there are going to be growing pains. Even though there is still a lot to learn, I believe I can gain greatly from the position of Student Council with my previous working experiences. advocacy ideas for student council . Understand the issues, but keep it simple. As a Student Council member I will seek out my HGSE colleagues who are in need of support, listen to my colleagues' voices and stories, collaborate with my colleagues to find solutions, and make solutions into actions towards change. Expand all. I have also been a part of the planning committee for the Oconee County Special Olympics in South Carolina. Betsy Fawcett (EPA)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?In this year of so much change, I think student council is essential to making sure that the school is responding to the needs of students, and this is why I would like to represent our community. 1 of 30 students in US selected to participate in unique, paid leadership program at Active Minds, the nation's leading organization in mental health advocacy and education; provided with tools . My motivation for running comes in part from this unique opportunity and the belief that I can be an integral part of implementing this positive change. In 2018, 16.7% of the Philippine population lived below the poverty line. To make meaningful progress, I want to help make connections between people with aligned needs and goals. Have someone from the school contact the leader and invite him or her to spend a day at the school as a student in various social studies classes. I'll keep this quick as I'm sure you are ready to get . etc. You can contact them at x to learn more about their activities and initiatives. It strives to provide a forum for students to voice their concerns and to . Carson Quillinan (EPA)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?I genuinely believe in the Harvard Graduate School of Education motto "Learn to Change the World." My way to overcome this is to integrate myself into the community. Community Garden Cleanup If your student council project focused on bettering your local community, a garden cleanup would be a great option. Theres also the issue of the lack of healthcare facilities outside of the city. Theyve also mastered the power of social media, strengthening their voices in the advocacy sphere. It actively lobbies for animal protection laws and educates people about taking care of their pets. At the retreat they do trust activities, dyadic encounters, As a part of the Lean In Los Angeles leadership team, I supported outreach, helped train small group facilitators, and assisted in planning networking events. I was an advocate for teachers at Evergreen Teachers Association in San Jose, California. It isn't necessary to start new publications to communicate a message. My dedication is what makes me an unstoppable leader. Ask your sponsoring chapter to subsidize $5 - $10 of the student dues for new students joining during your membership drive, then offer this discount to new members. Given the high incidence of breast cancer in the country, spreading awareness on the issue can help people spot early signs of cancer and prevent a full-on medical battle. When the pandemic hit in March 2020, fake news and misinformation became rampant on the internet. As a student, you might think that you cant do anything to help the planet in its current state, but that cant be further from the truth. Dessiree Cuevas (ELOE)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?After being heavily involved with Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) at the California State University East Bay (CSUEB), I strongly believe I will contribute positively and professionally on a graduate level. Max Tang (ELOE)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?As a victim of unbiased discrimination against my identity, I was subjected to various forms of humiliation such as being ridiculed as a queer or fairy during my early childhood. Thus, if the fossil gas projects pushed through, marine life on the island would be severely threatened and people would lose their source of livelihood. My hope is that every student is called into HGSE so that it is a home they are proud of. That's the same thing that makes me want to connect more deeply with peers during this unusually fragmented year. School districts or individuals can also do this. I worked at Dartmouth College as an Assistant Director on the Access and Inclusion team and, most recently, as both a College Counselor and Manager of Recruitment at Thrive Scholars. I've had to practice this balance in my own work at HMS as well, and I'm confident that my skills in this area can help HGSE's Student Council as it collaborates with HGSE administration on the issues of community, academics, and policies. Part- and full-time students, staff, and faculty need opportunities to come together and build back our community, whether that be over a Zoom meditation or laughing over lunch at Gutman! Along with my core work, I have also been a part of the UChicago Admissions Office Community Based Organizations Council, where I served as an advisor for more inclusive policies and events for the Admissions Office. SPS provided teachers with marine science education training and gave phones to the Bantay Dagats or sea watchers to stay connected with local officials. Accessibility: Each student has a place here at HGSE but accessing that place has not always been easy. Convenient places to park a bike, car, etc. The urge to create equitable change has come about through my lived experience and career. A Social Studies Student for a Day program could be an effective "See for Yourself" activity for this campaign. due to the timely campaign and use of creative content with digestible information. Writing the Introduction. Advocacy campaigns may sound daunting at first, but they dont have to be. We call those "buycott" letters. Having a sense of belonging in a community is imperative, especially during this time. Organized a debate between Muslim brotherhood and Tamarod. One such program is the "Sandigan, Sandalan Training and Advocacy Programs for Mental Health." A component project under the "Sandigan, Sandalan" initiative is the Search for UP Student Mental Health Advocacy Projects, a UP System-wide search for innovative mental health promotion ideas from eligible student organizations and groups. Jasmine Stecker (ELOE)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?Representation is an issue that is at the heart of my goals as an EdM student. SAC has scheduled meetings with the dean and other senior school administrators to voice student concerns and provide . From there, you can set goals and determine your target audience. Create unique posters and put them everywhere. American Counseling Association 2020 Advocacy Toolkit. Doing this will give you a clearer idea of how to draft your advocacy campaign. You may also see tribute speech. Thus, when having the opportunity to serve as part of the council, I will eagerly take the chance. Solar-powered irrigation system for farmers, Floating apparatus to address river pollution from waste, K-12 game to educate Filipino students on climate change. While that sentiment is inspiring and moving, it is ineffective without action. Also, offer some materials on social studies. Their existence greatly boosts my confidence both as a student and foreigner far from home. This is why I am interested in serving on the Student Council.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?I have served as the president of the Council of Exceptional Children chapter in my undergraduate program in which it was my job to connect students and faculty and organize speakers with a variety of perspectives. Flora Choi (SLP)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?Hello everyone! Indicate that the more citizens know about social studies education, the more they can support local education. Theyre often led by a group of leaderssuch as studentswho mobilize volunteers to support a particular issue or call for new policies. The NEA Representative Assembly represents all 50 states in strong advocacy for teachers and students. With over four million Filipinos living in unsafe and unsanitary places, Habitat aimed to rehouse 20% of this demographic category by 2020. Todays youth are at the forefront of these campaigns, as theyre a lot more conscious about the injustices around them. Being this sort of liaison/ organizer has been my natural inclination since I accepted the admission offer earlier this year. We even lack a disability advocacy group on campus. Since then, I have worked to make higher education more accessible for underrepresented students. As a student, you may want to do your part in protecting a cause thats close to your heart. By 2015, Malapascua Island and Gato Island became the Philippines first shark and ray sanctuary via, Climate Reality Project Philippiness Niche Campaign, In July 2021, the Climate Reality Project Philippines partnered with East-West Center and Wavefarers to launch the. The sense of familiarity and convenience in communication typically allows the creation of powerful mutual understanding easier. Here at HGSE, we have students from all over the world, from a variety of backgrounds. One of the most frustrating things about being a student is the lack of accessibility to resources. For example, rather than dreaming of a huge goal to lobby against worldwide drought, focusing on a core location can make your advocacy more achievable. Delivered an awareness campaign . And I hope to change that by relaying your concerns and thinking of innovative ways to enhance our experience academically and socially. With your foundations in place, it's time to start spreading the word! has been vocal about the growing number of human rights violations in the Philippines. A position I also served in as a California Teachers Association (CTA) Representative in National Education Association (NEA) Representative Assembly. Student council groups share big responsibilities for the school - from representing the student body to planning dances and other school-wide activities. The bottom line is that students will benefit. In every position that I have served, I always give it my all. To begin your speech for student council president, you need to begin with a strong, attention-grabbing opening. As a result, more and more NGOs are stepping in to defend this cause. Advocacy Taking a Strong Stand for Students Everywhere. While you might be able to power through them all with enough tenacity, youll likely get burnt out, especially with studies on the side. So basically, my pitch is that change, and innovation is often good but as those who are consuming the changes, I think it is important that ALL students voices are heard through the changes. Keep in mind that opinion leaders are not always what might be called the "most important people" in a community. These experiences will allow me to comfortably navigate the logistics of serving on Student Council, so I can help the group focus strongly on the needs of HGSE students. I want to make sure that the diversity and broad range of experience that many bring to this program are valued and heard.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?At the core of my career, I have focused on listening to the voices of others and worked to make opportunities more accessible. Additionally, I served as the lead teacher in my unit. Challenge the idea that Earths living systems are property and it is infinite; end the large scale and industrial extraction and pollution of natural systems and functions. Our advocacy toolkit provides members resources on how to execute advocacy efforts and take action on a local, state, and federal level. Council 2022 Social . The students who are highly motivated to lead and take ownership of a role usually make it a point to run for student council at some point in their academic lives. on September 27, 2021. Roughly 30 students in grades K-12 were selected by their classmates either as representatives or alternates, to represent their homeroom class through the Student Council. However, its also important to remember that the best advocacy will be one that youre passionate about. Regardless of what your campaign is about, you need to send the right message to your audience. Its easy to be ambitious when planning an advocacy campaign, but its more important to set goals that you can achieve. I believe I will not only be an effective member of the Student Council but a transformative one as well. Serving on Student Council can allow me to collaborate with other students in doing good for HGSE.What about your previous experiences positions you to effectively serve on Student Council?My previous experiences as a math teacher and student leadership/student activities teacher have allowed me to with the Associated Student Body student officers and students to being about exciting change in student body activities and student life at my school. Develop a short list. I quickly noticed a need for affinity spaces to support students' transition into college, especially when entering Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs). I promise to do my best to stop discrimination and bullying and to increase the interest of the students to be more open to each other's diversities." 2. By 2015, Malapascua Island and Gato Island became the Philippines first shark and ray sanctuary via Executive Order 16-2015. Try these steps to make opinion leaders work for you! Throughout the senior class, project topics included: > Making Quality Education available to all; > Substance abuse resources and support; During my undergrad, I held different student government positions (First Year Intern, Committees Member, Director of Programming Council, Senator of Online Students & Executive Vice President/Chief of Staff) for ASI. Early diagnosis is a powerful prevention toolbut proper education surrounding this issue remains quiet. I have been a special education teacher for the past 4 years, including during the COVID-19 pandemic. That can be through art, social media, or volunteer efforts. This trait encompasses academic, social and physical needs. In the future, I would like to become a professional counselor who would be able to advocate the importance of mental health in schools and communities. Thus, I believe my identity would contribute to the Harvard community that pays value to diversity and inclusion. Based on a, 2019 report by the Institute for Economics and Peace, , the Philippines has the highest climate risk in the world, particularly because of its geography. Angie Estevez Prada (ELOE)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?As the first class to go through the revamped curriculum at HGSE, we have the opportunity to set a precedent that will engender more positive change in this program. To do this, you should conduct a stakeholder analysis. A prime example of that is the pending reintroduction of the PRO Act. -Bridging a sense of community for those attending HGSE in-person and online.-Supporting programming that promotes student wellness.-Providing opportunities for student feedback to ensure that student voices are heard.-Working with staff and faculty to effectively communicate and share information.-Collaborating with other graduate schools to give HGSE students an opportunity to meet people in different disciplines.-Advocating for accessible events and programming which include family friendly events or support options for students with children. The winning ideas included the following: The campaign was a success as it empowered youth advocates to stand against climate change. Click here to view videos describing GPA's programs. And don't forget to include the campaign theme. 48) Student Body Retreat: Each member in council selects one boy and one girl from each grade, (who are not in council), that show great leadership ability to go on a retreat. Habitat for Humanity Philippines launched the WeBuild campaign in 2015 to build more homes for individuals with no access to them. By September 2016, Habitat managed to build 3,176 houses throughout Bohol and 2,546 houses in the areas affected by typhoon Yolanda. Specifically, I was selected as the Chief Secretary of the Chinese Scholar and Students Association and Vice President of the Asian Culture Exchange Association. In July 2021, the Climate Reality Project Philippines partnered with East-West Center and Wavefarers to launch the Niche campaign. Legal Advocacy Fund 2022 Social CHER Community Learning Research Fellows Katie Cerulle Acces to Gender- . I genuinely love listening to people, hear about their problems, and care about their well-being. Sitong Zhao (HDE)Why are you interested in serving on Student Council?As a newly admitted student at the HGSE program, I am deeply attracted by the role of the Student Council in terms of its purpose of improving Harvard students' personal development, especially in helping them overcome potential issues. But whether it's targeting a specific piece of legislation or bringing attention to an under-addressed issue, a well-run advocacy campaign doesn't happen overnight. That can mean scaling down to reach a small community before coming up with a city-wide project. The Student Advocacy Council represents all students in the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and is the main bridge between the Carey student community and administration. In celebration of World Tourism Day, the Center for Energy, Ecology, and Development launched the. The participation of many stakeholders, ranging from teachers to students and boat crew, ultimately led to the campaigns success. Walk-a-thon. In October, they sponsored a Halloween Parade for the elementary students. You may want to create a quarterly e-mail for your Key Communicators to keep in touch with them. Thank you for your consideration. Meet the 2019-2020 Student Life Liaison! Together, we can work together to envision our ideal HGSE! Given the high incidence of breast cancer in the country, spreading awareness on the issue can help people spot early signs of cancer and prevent a full-on medical battle. I care deeply about representation, which is not to pursue my own goals and ideas - but yours. Hi! As a countermeasure, the Department of Health (DOH) partnered with marketing agency Evident to launch two online campaigns: COVID Alis Sa Pamilyang Wais and Family Smarts Keep COVID Away.. Under their guidance, I've honed my advocacy and leadership skills, as well as my knowledge of writing resolutions, developing university-wide events, and advocating at the local and state level. As such, its essential to take action now to prevent irreversible consequences. Opinion leaders (Key Communicators) are determined by how many people they influence--they have people power, not necessarily position power. The campaigns provided facts about the virus and shared tips to enhance peoples safety. Whether we meet over Zoom or in-person, I value your voice and insight. Accessibility needs to be even more of a priority. As the previous Executive Vice President/Chief of Staff of ASI at California State University East Bay, I helped start a toiletries initiative, worked with the University President and VP of Student Affairs to have free feminine products located in the restrooms, and worked with the Academic Senate to include a resource statement for homelessness students on the syllabus, and so much more. Especially during this unusually fragmented year teachers with marine science education training and gave to! 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