(b) Only the most severe disciplinary offenses, in which safety or security are seriously threatened, ordinarily warrant a sanction that exceeds [30 days] placement in disciplinary housing, and no placement in disciplinary housing should exceed one year. (e) Any examination of a transgender prisoner to determine that prisoners genital status should be performed in private by a qualified medical professional, and only if the prisoners genital status is unknown to the correctional agency. A final determination of serious misconduct involving a prisoner should result in termination of the employment of the staff member and should be reported to relevant law enforcement and licensing agencies. (b) Imprisonment should prepare prisoners to live law-abiding lives upon release. (h) The term governmental authorities encompasses persons in all branches and levels of government whose conduct affects correctional policy or conditions, including members of the legislature, prosecutors, judges, governors, etc. (a) Correctional authorities should not place prisoners in segregated housing except for reasons relating to: discipline, security, ongoing investigation of misconduct or crime, protection from harm, medical care, or mental health care. (a) A correctional agency should have clear rules of conduct for staff and guidelines for disciplinary sanctions, including progressive sanctions for repeated misconduct involving prisoners. (b) Conditions of extreme isolation should not be allowed regardless of the reasons for a prisoners separation from the general population. (e) Consistent with such confidentiality as is required to prevent a significant risk of harm to other persons, a prisoner being evaluated for placement in long-term segregated housing for any reason should be permitted reasonable access to materials considered at both the initial and the periodic reviews, and should be allowed to meet with and submit written statements to persons reviewing the prisoners classification. (ii) For meetings between counsel and a prisoner: A. absent an individualized finding that security requires otherwise, counsel should be allowed to have direct contact with a prisoner who is a client, prospective client, or witness, and should not be required to communicate with such a prisoner through a glass or other barrier; B. counsel should be allowed to meet with a prisoner in a setting where their conversation cannot be overheard by staff or other prisoners; C. meetings or conversations between counsel and a prisoner should not be audio recorded by correctional authorities; D. during a meeting with a prisoner, counsel should be allowed to pass previously searched papers to and from the prisoner without intermediate handling of those papers by correctional authorities; E. correctional authorities should be allowed to search a prisoner before and after such a meeting for physical contraband, including by performing a visual search of a prisoners private bodily areas that complies with Standard 23-7.9; F. rules governing counsel visits should be as flexible as practicable in allowing counsel adequate time to meet with a prisoner who is a client, prospective client, or witness, including such a prisoner who is for any reason in a segregated housing area, and should allow meetings to occur at any reasonable time of day or day of the week; and. Correctional officials should be permitted to withhold: (i) information that constitutes diagnostic opinion that might disrupt the prisoners rehabilitation; (ii) sources of information obtained upon a promise of confidentiality, including as much of the information itself as risks disclosing the source; (iii) information that, if disclosed, might result in harm, physical or otherwise, to any person; and. (f) Whenever possible, p risoners should be released from a correctional facility at a reasonable time of day. The term includes the chief executive officers emergency designee, if, for example, the chief executive officer is away or ill and has turned over command authority for a period of time. (a) In conducting a search of a prisoners body, correctional authorities should strive to preserve the privacy and dignity of the prisoner. (a) Governmental authorities should allow prisoners to produce newspapers and other communications media for the dissemination of information, opinions, and other material of interest, and to distribute such media to the prisoner population and to the general public. (f) Correctional officials should, to the extent reasonable, make resources and facilities available for religious purposes to all religious groups and prisoners following sincerely held religious beliefs within a correctional facility, and should not show favoritism to any religion. (a) Correctional officials should provide for the voluntary medically appropriate testing of all prisoners for widespread chronic and serious communicable diseases and for appropriate treatment, without restricting the availability of treatment based on criteria not directly related to the prisoners health. Correctional authorities should provide female prisoners job opportunities reasonably similar in nature and scope to those provided male prisoners. No prisoner should be shackled during a work assignment except after an individualized determination that security requires otherwise. (j) A jurisdiction or correctional agency should establish criteria, based on the extent of prisoner injury and the type of force, for forwarding use of force reports to a person or office outside the relevant facilitys chain of command for a more in-depth investigation. (d) When practicable, before using either chemical agents or electronic weaponry against a prisoner, staff should determine whether the prisoner has any contraindicating medical conditions, including mental illness and intoxication, and make a contemporaneous record of this determination. (l) The term counsel means retained or prospectively retained attorneys, or others sponsored by an attorney such as paralegals, investigators, and law students. (a) Correctional authorities should conduct all searches of prisoner living quarters and belongings so as to minimize damage to or disorganization of prisoner property and unnecessary invasions of privacy. (g) The term correctional staff or staff means employees who have direct contact with prisoners, including both security and non-security personnel, and employees of other governmental or private organizations who work within a correctional facility. (ii) ensure that all health care treatment and medications provided to the prisoner during the term of imprisonment will continue uninterrupted, including, if necessary, providing prescription medication or medical equipment for a brief period reasonably necessary to obtain access to health care services in the community; providing initial medically necessary transportation from the correctional facility to a community health care facility for continuing treatment; or otherwise addressing the prisoners serious immediate post-release health care needs. (b) Adequate safeguards and oversight procedures should be established for behavioral or biomedical research involving prisoners, including: (i) Prior to implementation, all aspects of the research program, including design, planning, and implementation, should be reviewed and approved, disapproved, or modified as necessary by an established institutional review board that complies with applicable law and that includes a medical ethicist and a prisoners advocate. (a) Correctional administrators and officials should authorize and encourage resolution of prisoners complaints and requests on an informal basis whenever possible. (d) In the event of a lockdown of longer than [7 days], a qualified mental health professional should visit the affected housing units at least weekly to observe and talk with prisoners in order to assess their mental health and provide necessary services. Searches of prisoners bodies should follow a written protocol that implements this Standard. Control techniques should be intended to minimize injuries to both prisoners and staff. A correctional facility should store all prescription drugs safely and under the control and supervision of the physician in charge of the facilitys health care program. brutality and inhumane living conditions. (d) Health care personnel or correctional authorities should provide information about a prisoners health condition to that prisoners family or other persons designated by the prisoner if the prisoner consents to such disclosure or, unless the prisoner has previously withheld consent, if the prisoners condition renders the prisoner unable to consent or if the prisoner has died. Correctional authorities should employ strategies and devices to allow correctional staff of the opposite gender to a prisoner to supervise the prisoner without observing the prisoners private bodily areas. (e) At intervals not to exceed three months, correctional authorities should afford a p risoner placed in protective custody a review to determine whether there is a continuing need for separation from the general population. [Use the navigation bar on the left side to go to a specific Part of Standard. (iv) the prisoner is dead, and disclosure is authorized by the prisoners next of kin or by the administrator of the prisoners estate if one has been appointed. Any visual surveillance and supervision of a prisoner who is undergoing an intimate medical procedure should be conducted by correctional officers of the same gender as the prisoner. (c) Correctional authorities should treat all visitors respectfully and should accommodate their visits to the extent practicable, especially when they have traveled a significant distance. the same exercise price and expiration as the call option. (e) For a convicted prisoner, loss of liberty and separation from society should be the sole punishments imposed by imprisonment. Depending upon individual assessments of risks, needs, and the reasons for placement in the segregated setting, those forms of stimulation should include: (i) in-cell programming, which should be developed for prisoners who are not permitted to leave their cells; (ii) additional out-of-cell time, taking into account the size of the prisoners cell and the length of time the prisoner has been housed in this setting; (iii) opportunities to exercise in the presence of other prisoners, although, if necessary, separated by security barriers; (iv) daily face-to-face interaction with both uniformed and civilian staff; and. (a) Correctional administrators and officials should promulgate clear written rules for prisoner conduct, including specific definitions of disciplinary offenses, examples of conduct that constitute each type of offense, and a schedule indicating the minimum and maximum possible punishment for each offense. (a) Correctional officials should implement a policy to require voluntary and informed consent prior to a prisoners health care examination, testing, or treatment, except as provided in this Standard. Correctional authorities should provide access to copying services, for which a reasonable fee should be permitted, and should provide prisoners with access to typewriters or word processing equipment. (viii) comply with health, safety, and building codes, subject to regular inspection. (a) Governmental and correctional authorities should facilitate programs that allow crime victims to speak to groups of prisoners, and, at the request of a crime victim and with the consent of the prisoner, appropriate meetings or mediation between prisoners and their victims. (d) Visiting periods should be of adequate length. The agency should implement a system to monitor compliance with the contract, and to hold the contracted provider accountable for any deficiencies. (b) Correctional officials should provide prisoners opportunities to make suggestions to improve correctional programs and conditions. Correctional authorities should take care to prevent injury to restrained prisoners, and should not restrain a prisoner in any manner that causes unnecessary physical pain or extreme discomfort, or that restricts the prisoners blood circulation or obstructs the prisoners breathing or airways. Correctional authorities should use the least intrusive appropriate means to search a prisoner. Governmental authorities should make every effort to house all prisoners in need of secure confinement in publicly operated correctional facilities. Such prehearing confinement should not exceed [3 days] unless necessitated by the prisoners request for a continuance or by other demonstrated good cause. (c) Deadly force to prevent an escape should be permitted only when the prisoner is about to leave the secure perimeter of a correctional facility without authorization or, if the prisoner is permitted to be on the grounds outside the secure perimeter, the prisoner is about to leave the facility grounds without authorization. The prisoners own views with respect to his or her own safety should be given serious consideration. No prisoner should receive preferential treatment, including improved living or work conditions or an improved likelihood of early release, in exchange for participation in behavioral or biomedical research, unless the purpose of the research is to evaluate the outcomes associated with such preferential treatment. Correctional staff, health care staff, and the researchers should promptly report all adverse events involving prisoner study subjects to the institutional review boards chair and the prisoners advocate. (d) Prior to involuntary mental health treatment of a prisoner with a serious mental illness, the prisoner should be afforded, at a minimum, the procedural protections specified in subdivision (b) of this Standard for involuntary mental health transfers, except that: (i) decision-making in the first instance and on appeal should be by a judicial or administrative hearing officer independent of the correctional agency, or by an neutral committee that includes at least one qualified mental health professional and that may include appropriate correctional agency staff, but does not include any health care professional responsible for treating or referring the prisoner for transfer; (ii) the notice should set forth the mental health staffs diagnosis and basis for the proposed treatment, a description of the proposed treatmentincluding, where relevant, the medication name and dosageand the less-intrusive alternatives considered and rejected; and. Prisoners should be entitled to present any judicially cognizable issue, including: (i) challenges to the legality of their conviction, confinement, extradition, deportation, or removal; (ii) assertions of any rights protected by state or federal constitution, statute, administrative provision, treaty, or common law; (iii) civil legal problems, including those related to family law; and. Correctional authorities should promptly relay any such report, or any other information they obtain regarding such conduct, to the chief executive officer of the facility. (c) Correctional authorities should prevent co-mingling of restrained and unrestrained prisoners either in a correctional facility or during transport. Refer to the previous exercise. Correctional officials should establish criteria for forwarding such reports to a specialized unit trained in the appropriate investigation methods. (a) Prisoners health care records should: (i) be compiled, maintained, and retained in accordance with accepted health care practice and standards; (ii) not include criminal or disciplinary records unless a qualified health care professional finds such records relevant to the prisoners health care evaluation or treatment; (iii) be maintained in a confidential and secure manner, separately from non-health-care files; (iv) accompany a prisoner to every facility to which the prisoner is transferred; and. (b) Within [30 days] of a prisoners placement in long-term segregated housing based on a finding that the prisoner presents a continuing and serious threat to the security of others, correctional authorities should develop an individualized plan for the prisoner. (b) Correctional authorities should not discriminate against a prisoner in housing, programs, or other activities or services because the prisoner has a chronic or communicable disease, including HIV or AIDS, unless the best available objective evidence indicates that participation of the prisoner poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others. (e) Correctional authorities should not be assigned responsibilities potentially requiring the use of force unless they are appropriately trained for the anticipated type of force, and are initially and periodically evaluated as being physically and mentally fit for such hazardous and sensitive duties. (v) health care that is necessary during the period of imprisonment is provided regardless of a prisoners ability to pay, the size of the correctional facility, or the duration of the prisoners incarceration. (c) Prisoners should not be required to demonstrate a physical injury in order to recover for mental or emotional injuries caused by cruel and unusual punishment or other illegal conduct. Correctional authorities should begin to plan for each prisoners eventual release and reintegration into the community from the time of that prisoners admission into the correctional system and facility. (d) When a prisoner dies, correctional officials should promptly notify the jurisdictions medical examiner of the death and its circumstances; the medical examiner should decide whether an autopsy should be conducted. Cut-down tools should be readily available to security personnel, who should be trained in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cut-down techniques, and emergency notification procedures. (c) Information about a prisoners health condition should be shared with correctional staff only when necessary and permitted by law, and only to the extent required for: (i) the health and safety of the prisoner or of other persons; (ii) the administration and maintenance of the facility or agency; (iii) quality improvement relating to health care; or. (b) A prisoner should not be administered sedating or otherwise psychoactive drugs for purposes of discipline or convenience, or because of any decision relating to programming or privileges; such drugs should be used only to treat health conditions. Placement and programming assignments for such a prisoner should be reassessed at least twice each year to review any threats to safety experienced by the prisoner. The use of firearms should always be considered the use of deadly force. /content/aba-cms-dotorg/en/groups/criminal_justice/publications/criminal_justice_section_archive/crimjust_standards_treatmentprisoners. Whenever practicable, a qualified health care professional should participate in efforts to avoid using four- or five-point restraints. (b) A correctional agency should allow a prisoner to examine and copy information in the prisoners file, challenge its accuracy, and request its amendment. Habeas Corpus. Governmental authorities should provide appropriate health care to children in such facilities. (a) Independent governmental bodies responsible for such matters as fire safety, sanitation, environmental quality, food safety, education, and health should regulate, inspect, and enforce regulations in a correctional facility. Suicide observation should be documented, and prisoners under suicide observation should be evaluated by a qualified mental health professional prior to being removed from observation. (a) Correctional authorities should afford prisoners a reasonable opportunity to maintain telephonic communication with people and organizations in the community, and a correctional facility should offer telephone services with an appropriate range of options at the lowest possible rate, taking into account security needs. (b) Each classification decision should be in writing, and should set forth the considerations and factors that led to the decision; the written decision should be made available to the prisoner, and should be explained by an appropriate staff member if the prisoner is incapable of understanding it. Specialized equipment may be required in larger facilities and those serving prisoners with special medical needs. Living conditions for a correctional agencys female prisoners should be essentially equal to those of the agencys male prisoners, as should security and programming. (b) Prisoners should not be charged fees for necessary health care. an officer conducts a hearing on the legality of the complaint after consulting state or federal legal counsel. These Standards supplant the previous ABA Criminal Justice Standards on the Legal Status of Prisoners and, in addition, new Standard 23-6.15 supplants Standards 7-10.2 and 7-10.5 through 7-10.9 of the ABA Criminal Justice Mental Health Standards. When any property is confiscated, the prisoner should be given written documentation of this information. If contact visits are precluded because of such an individualized determination, non-contact, in-person visiting opportunities should be allowed, absent an individualized determination that a non-contact visit between the prisoner and a particular visitor poses like dangers. (e) Correctional authorities should provide each convicted prisoner being released to the community with: (i) specific information about when and how to contact any agency having supervisory responsibility for the prisoner in the community; (ii) general information about the collateral sanctions and disqualifications that may apply because of the prisoners conviction, and where to get more details; and. In developing the re-entry plan, correctional authorities should involve any agency with supervisory authority over the prisoner in the community and, with the prisoners permission, should invite involvement by the prisoners family. (b) Correctional administrators should require staff to participate in a comprehensive pre-service training program, a regular program of in-service training, and specialized training when appropriate. jailhouse lawyers. Prisoners currently threatening or attempting suicide should be under continuous staff observation. (f) Four- or five-point restraints should be used only if a prisoner presents an immediate and extreme risk of serious self-injury or injury to others and only after less restrictive forms of restraint have been determined likely to be ineffective to control the prisoners risky behavior. (f) Prisoners should be provided basic educational materials relating to disease prevention, good health, hygiene, and proper usage of medication. In addition to implementing the mental health screening required in Standard 23-2.1 and mental health assessment required in Standard 23-2.5, this protocol should require that the signs and symptoms of mental illness or other cognitive impairments be documented and that a prisoner with such signs and symptoms be promptly referred to a qualified mental health professional for evaluation and treatment. No prisoner should be subjected to cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or conditions. (f) Except in an emergency, force should not be used unless authorized by a supervisory officer. Correctional policies regarding electronic communication by prisoners should consider public safety, institutional security, and prisoners interest in ready communication. (ii) Several times each week , a qualified mental health professional should observe each segregated housing unit, speaking to unit staff, reviewing the prisoner log, and observing and talking with prisoners who are receiving mental health treatment. (f) When staff observe a prisoner who appears to have attempted or committed suicide, they should administer appropriate first-aid measures immediately until medical personnel arrive and assess the situation. Procedures should exist for identifying individual prisoners who did not participate in incidents that led to the lockdown and whose access to programs and movement within the facility may be safely restored prior to the termination of lockdown status. Ordinarily, only health care staff should administer prescription drugs, except that health care staff should be permitted to authorize prisoners to hold and administer their own asthma inhalers, and to implement other reasonable keep on person drug policies. Prepare an unadjusted trial balance, in correct format, from the following alphabetized account information. Prisoners should continue to have unrestricted access to toilets, washbasins, and drinking water. (r) The term segregated housing means housing of a prisoner in conditions characterized by substantial isolation from other prisoners, whether pursuant to disciplinary, administrative, or classification action. (c) A prisoner has the right to refuse proffered accommodations related to a disability or other special needs, provided that the refusal does not pose a security or safety risk. The record should identify the circumstances of the search, the persons conducting the search, any staff who are witnesses, and any confiscated materials. (a) To the extent practicable, a prisoner should be assigned to a facility located within a reasonable distance of the prisoners family or usual residence in order to promote regular visitation by family members and to enhance the likelihood of successful reintegration. (g) Government legal services should be available to prisoners to the same extent they are available to non-prisoners. When the use of a specific aid believed reasonably necessary by a qualified medical professional is deemed inappropriate for security or safety reasons, correctional authorities should consider alternatives to meet the health needs of the prisoner. The evaluation process should include mechanisms by which prisoners can provide both positive and negative comments about their care. (d) When appropriate for purposes of evaluation or treatment, correctional authorities should be permitted to separate from the general population prisoners diagnosed with mental illness, mental retardation, or other cognitive impairments who have difficulty conforming to the expectations of behavior for general population prisoners. (a) Correctional authorities should maintain living quarters and associated common areas in a sanitary condition. (b) Correctional administrators and officials should implement recruitment and selection processes that will ensure that staff are professionally qualified, psychologically fit to work with prisoners, and certified or licensed as appropriate. (c) The handbook required by Standard 23-4.1 should advise prisoners about the potential legal consequences of a failure to use the institutional grievance procedures. 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