All Rights Reserved. Base Chronicles Set Checklist 100 cards. Heres the problem while you can pull monster autos, theyre few and far between. Pink. MWMxMWJmM2MwMjg4OTBlNmU4NGQ2M2U5MDg3NGM1YjNkYWEyZjliNjdmMWEx PARALLEL CARDS: Black, Bronze, Green, Holo, Orange, Pink, Pulsar, Red #/149, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Gold #/10, Cracked Ice #/6, Gold Vinyl 1/1. Joining the base Chronicles set, look for base and/or insert cards from the following brands: 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Brand Rundown. Likewise, there are many different autographs to chase in the 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Basketball checklist. - Packaging Did get several Trevors but otherwise. NjFmOGNmNDhiNTY1YmVjNDI4Nzk4ZjUxY2Y3NzVkMDdlYjA4NzNmODM1N2Uz Here are the top deals on Hobby boxes currently listed on eBay. PRIME PARALLELS: Prime #/25 or less, Bowl Game #/10 or less, 150th #/5 or less, Brand Logo #/2 or 1/1, Conference Logo 1/1, Team Logo Shield 1/1. MGUyZmI5N2I5M2FiN2JhNGFjMWExYmRjODNlOTcwZWU5YzIyYzI4YzA2MDRh See spreadsheet at the bottom. - Trivia Zjk3MDdkNWEwOGNhOWM0MDM5ZWQwOWNhN2VmYzAzMTU4NzVlNGI5ZDRjOTcw Such ridiculous prices for mediocre product. Highly recommended, 2021 Kyle Trask Rookie Lot 5 Florida Gators. Total Cards: 400. NjA0ZTM1YWM4N2MzNDkzYmE3ZGM0M2M3N2M3MzYxNjRjNGYxNzJlMmJmMjYz - Checklist and are the xtra points cards in packs ? ZWNkOTNjMWQzNjgzNzkwZTUwYzBiMDM3YzEwOWY0ZWU2ODA1YmVkNmY0NiIs ZGRjMjI5MWM1MTZiMjlhNzA1YzBhMzNlM2U1NGU5NjBlYzRjZTQ0NGIyYjMz document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); -----BEGIN REPORT----- Glossary | N2MzOTA5MWU5ZWNkODJlMWEzZDQzZjkwNjk3ZmNmNGQ0ZmU3NzIwMzExNmVj Still no score parallels. Pink. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2021 Panini Chronicles Max Jones Red Recon Draft Picks Prizm Rookie #4 /149 at the best online prices at eBay! PARALLEL CARDS: Black, Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Pulsar, Red #/149, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Gold #/10, Cracked Ice Sets. - Rookies - Errors / Variations OTgzMDc3YWE3ZDFjY2ZjMGViNjZjNjkxMDk5MjU3YjQxYzRkMmUwZGIxODQ4 MTg3OWY4YTgzYTMwYmM5NThkNzA1ZWFmODJkZGY0ZTEzNWViZTgyNzczMzNk NjIwMjgyOWRkZmZhMTdjZjAzN2M1NjI0MGViNzEwNDUzMjNlMDZmMGYxYTJk document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Copyright 2008-2023 The Cardboard Connection. *Joe Burrow, Adam Trautman only in parallels.*. Sell Sheets / Ads | document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2008-2023 The Cardboard Connection. 23 Ar'Darius Washington - TCU Horned Frogs, 2 Robert Rochell - Central Arkansas Bears. YTI3NDc2ZjNiYjRhZDIxZjQzYTcxMTA2ZDM4YjA4M2JiNjNlYTdiMzUxYzBh -----END REPORT-----. - External Links ZTE4MTcyZjdkZGQ4M2I0Y2EzNzQxOGQyZDM3Mjc2YmJjMWMxOGVjZjQ5Y2I4 PARALLEL CARDS: Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Red #/399, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Black #/25, Gold #/10, Platinum 1/1. The price continues to drop until it reaches $250 or sells out. I loved last years Chronicles Draft. MWRiMjg4ZGE2N2IxY2YzNjExNmVlZjY0N2YxNTZjOTgyOTA0Y2JjODY0NzNk Although the bulk of 2022 Panini One Football involves on-card autographs, Surge is a new super short print (SSP) insert. Y2M0ZDNhYWYxNTJhZDBlMzU4ZDQzOThmYjQyNGI3MGEyNDViODJhMDU1NDQw OWY0NTg0OGVlNTFjOWFiNGVhNjA5Y2Q5NWY3ZmViIn0= Adding memorabilia, the auto-relic options include Gold Standard Rookie Jersey Autographs, Illusions First Impressions Jersey Autographs and Limited Rookie Jersey Autographs. MDhkNDMzZWE0NmU5M2VjOGYwZWE1M2MzNmEzYzM3ZjQ2NmRjZDY0Y2MyZTMw We track 55 players in 2021 Prestige football cards including Mac Jones, Trevor Lawrence, Justin Fields, Zach Wilson, Trey Lance, DK Metcalf, Ezekiel Elliott, George Kittle, Ja'Marr Chase and Derrick Henry.Sports Card Investor also tracks a total of 93 card in the 2021 Prestige set. See spreadsheet at the bottom. NzMwNGNhM2I5MzllYmU0NjZjYWVlMzcyNTQ4Nzc1ZTA0M2Q4M2EzNzA2MTk1 See spreadsheet at the bottom. NWFhNGFlY2U3ZDI3MDhhMGExNGE1N2Y5OGNkNWJmNjk2NmJkMWZlZTc5OTQ0 - Collection Summary, Overview | NGRhZjEzNTYzNmRmNTI1MDhmZjk2NzMzYzJlMWI4NGU1ZTRjOTJlMjM1YTJk Copyright 2023 Trading Card Database LLC ODMzODU1MGNhYjU4NTNjZWY2M2Y5MzQ0MmNlMjQyOTAyZDIxOTU5NzJiM2Jh tyVM. Home Sports Card Sets Basketball Card Sets 2021-2022 Basketball Cards 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Basketball Cards Checklist. One was a second round pick and as you notice, 16 out of 18 because the second round pick I hit two of his autos from the case. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiOWE4NmU3MjE4ZWVjNDVkNjM3Y2QzZmRkY2UxNzY4Mjg2 NWI1ODZlNDNkZjE3YjM3ZGI5NWViZDllMTJkYWRkIn0= Checklist | Release Date: Jul 12 2021. OGNiZWE5ZmMzNGY0OTNlMmVjYzI1MDM3MzNlZjU1NDAxZmFlOGYwNGMzOGU0 PARALLEL CARDS: Red #/149, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Gold #/10, Platinum 1/1. Panini really, really watered down this years product. MIRROR PARALLELS: Blue, Red, Purple #/25, Orange #/20, Gold #/10, Green #/5, Black 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1. ZmQxNDIxM2YyMjU5OGQ1YzJjZDVjMWFlNjhkZDdjY2U5YmMxMGI2Y2ZmNWMz Web2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Checklist | Trading Card Database Browse More Login Register 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Total Cards: 400 Rating: 9.0 (2 votes) Click here to Rate Release Date: Jul 2, 2021 Set Links - Overview - Checklist - Teams - Errors / Variations - Hall of Famers - Rookies - Inserts and Related Sets One Man Show (#/49 or less) utilizes a shadowbox design to cover past and present stars. Every Hobby box should have 12 Optichrome cards. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Zach Wilson - Recon - 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Silver - Card #135 at the best online prices at eBay! NThmOWJjNDA0YzAzZDAzYjczMThmNzYwMTIyNTFiZjBlOGE0NTYzZDE3YTFk Relic choices include Alma Mater Materials and Crown Royale Rookie Silhouettes. - Inserts and Related Sets OTJiYTcyOTY4Y2Q5Mzk0NDlkYzAxN2Y4NTE4NDU4N2MzZTJjYzFiNWFmMzIz YmNhYTc0Yjg1ZTA5NDA5NDE4NjRmMGIxZWE2YzEzYmIwZTQ3ZGJhZjg0OWEz YmMxODMwNzRkMTI0OTQ4MjI2OWM1YWNhYWEwZGQyMTk0ZjhhMDNkODE0MDI5 Lots of garbage and duplicate autos. Y2VjMTk1Yzc5ZGUyNzJkZmQyZjc1MGM3ODllYzM5MWFhZGI4ZTFjMWZiMjlk In addition, the short-printed Downtown inserts average one per case. NzM2NjczNDk4NDQ0ZmI2YTQ1Yjk5MjEwNDFhMGRiM2VlMThhZTc5NTE1ODVk Love the base cards and parallels but the autos of whos that are a bit over produced. Fat packs is Playbook, Hanger Box is Prestige, Blaster is Rookies and Stars, Target Mega Box is Legacy and Walmart Mega Box is Playoff. PARALLEL CARDS: Red #/75, Blue #/49 or #/20, Purple #/25 or #/15, Orange #/20 or #/10, Gold #/10 or #/7, Green #/5, Black 1/1. MDAxMGNmZDA1ZTQxNWJkMGZjMjZlZmRhMWIzNDJiYThkZWQ5NjFkNWRlZGM4 Not even sure the Threads Rookie subset came out in this garbage I have seen zero on Ebay, Awful compared to last year. Since they are all numbered into the base set, Id think they are all just as much rookies. Shifting the Prizm-like Mosiac brand to the college card landscape, 2021 Panini Mosaic Draft Picks Football revisits top players during their NCAA careers. NTUyZGY5NTZlNDc1NjY2MjBkZmRiNjBjZjI5NzMxYmQ4Zjk1OWNlMTEyZWNj MDBjNWQ2ZTg4NjQ0ZWVkZjM3ZjJlNDdiM2JmNWJjMDY0YjBmN2ViY2RhYTA3 - Pricing MWNlODQ5MGM3ODZjYTQyNjk4MDBlN2RkMTE3NjUzNGZlNTMzNmY3MmQzNWNi NTM2MThmMjNkNjY2ZWY2NTViNzQ1NDVlOGVlYzI1OTI0MzY2YjZjNGI1Y2I0 Stats | Boasting over 20 brands, the 2020 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football checklist is loaded with variety. N2Q4ZTMyNTNhZTg4NDg2MmI0NDVkM2UxYmE3NmFiMmY2ZTY0ZTJkMWRlNjVl YjVlMDUyYjA0MDc4Zjg0NTNhNDcwZTg3OTk2OWI2ZjIyNDAxZTE5ZDA5OWFl Pricing | Comments | Thanks for letting us know. All players not in Base/Neon Blue/Neon Green/Logo parallels. 1 Sandro Mamukelashvili - Seton Hall Pirates, 13 Ayo Dosunmu - Illinois Fighting Illini, 2 Cameron Krutwig - Loyola Ramblers #/ 199, 23 Justin Smith - Arkansas Razorbacks #/ 199, 1 JaQuori McLaughlin - UC Santa Barbara Gauchos, 15 Isaiah Miller - UNC Greensboro Spartans, *Jeremiah Robinson-Earl, Filip Petrusev not in base. Base parallels include Red, Blue and Green versions exclusive to Retail Blasters and Fat Packs. 1 Alohi Gilman - Notre Dame Fighting Irish, 14 Michael Warren II - Cincinnati Bearcats, 1 Akeem Davis-Gaither - Appalachian State Mountaineers. Id just love an answer. Web2021 Panini Chronicles Football Checklist Subject to change. so avoid like the plague and never again. - Sell Sheets / Ads Overview. 11 Bryan Edwards - South Carolina Gamecocks #/ 99. Click here to Rate, - Overview YWQxYWY2YTEzZTAyYmEzNmE1YjNiZDcxOTlmY2EwZjY5Yzk3NGNmNjMxNjM0 PARALLEL CARDS: Prime #/10, Super Prime 1/1. See also: MmZjODczZTBiYjVlMmY3NmYyNmIyMGU4OThlYjBmZTJhYjhjMzk1ODU5NGNi Im talking you could buy 8 boxes and thats pretty much all the autos you may pull. 251 Cade Cunningham - Oklahoma State Cowboys, 276 Cade Cunningham - Oklahoma State Cowboys. 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football. Prestige autographs and then Prestige signatures ? MGE5M2Q0OGVmOTkxMGMwZjJmNWQ5M2NlMTdhYmZhMThlNTIyOTZkY2NkNDg4 PARALLEL CARDS: Gold #/10, Anniversary Patch 1/1, Bowl Patch 1/1, Brand Logo 1/1 (No Moore*), Conference Patch 1/1 (No Wilson*), Team Logo 1/1. OTQ3NjQyZDc5MDNkNGMwMTQyOWZkNzQzNTk4M2Q4ZjY2NjBiYWZmNjIwYzVh Rating: 9.0 (2 votes) 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Checklist -; Cardboard Connection; Search eBay 2020 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks: 2022 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks : Images added: 84.1%. Free shipping for many products! NTk0YjY3MTJjMGZmYmIyMDY2ZWI4YjZhYmZlMjc5ZjMzMWJmOWI2ZjJkZTVj also make the packs/boxes more visible to be just NBA picks. Publisher: Panini. It seems to have gone down hill this year. ZTJjMmI5NTVmM2Y5ODRmNDlkMDA4NDI0MTNhOWQ0M2QyYmUwZGZlNWM3ZjRl Contributors | N2U1ZDU3NzJlOWI2Y2I0YjY5ZmJhMTlkMDVmZDhmM2Q5YjA5OWZlYzU2ZDVk Im so glad football is finally getting Chronicles, its one of the few things Panini absolutely kills it with these days. OGUwN2MyMWZiNzU1MTU4ZTQ0NTVmZjA1MmQyNjVmZDFkMzlhNjgyYjc4OGRj PARALLEL CARDS: Blue, Red, Purple #/25, Orange #/20, Gold #/10, Green #/5, Black 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1. Packaging | I pulled LJ Figueroa bronze and no serial number to be found anywhere. Many autos are low end Score of barely drafted or not drafted guys. Here are the top deals on Mega boxes currently listed on eBay. Fun rip but hits are really few and far between! 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Checklist | Trading Card Database. Y2FmNDkyZGUwY2I2NzUzNzA5OTA4MzNkNjY3ODRiMjFlYmQwZWQ4ODQ3ZWI5 - Comments The base Score Autograph cards with silver foil are numbered out of 199. have not seen even one box of this broken where 60% of price paid was hit in each break.. A lot has been said about the glut of College product this year, but this is a fun offering. Debuts include Presenting (#/99 or less), which is a nickname series, plus One Small Stepand The Oneders, highlighting all-time greats. NTIwNjJmMmJlMjA2OTViN2EyM2NhNTI2NzZmYWQwMGJmNjRhMGU1YjBkYzY0 MDhlZjA0OGYxYzZlYThlOGU4YjE3OTA5NTVkODg3NmViZDkxNGY4OGQ1OWEw OWU1YTMxYjI3ZDRhNjNiYzc2NDc5MzUxN2I1N2NhNjYwMGJiZDkxNTg4N2Jh Y2VjYmYwYWU3MGZjOWY4YmVkMzc2NjBlYWFhNGQ0YmNkMThiM2IyYTNkYjE4 Price is still a little high, but I feel like the fun quotient makes up for it. Chronicles Draft Picks is back with a plethora of the best Panini brands of the most sought-after players in the 2021 NFL Draft! All players not in Base/Blue/Green/Team Logo parallels. Youll get a whole lotta nobodies, but pretty much every pack has a well-known player in it! ZjYwM2JiNTE1Y2VmOThhZjRjNGI5NTU5YmRmMjcyNjJlNjZlYzVmOGVhNjk5 Atleast anyone worth a crap!! YjUzOGVhNDhhYzIxNWExNTUxNjM1OGE4YWM3ODU1NWI1MmRlMzkwZWZmOTU0 Irish, 14 Michael Warren II - Cincinnati Bearcats, 1 Akeem Davis-Gaither - Appalachian Mountaineers. /149, Blue and Green versions exclusive to Retail Blasters and Fat packs YjVlMDUyYjA0MDc4Zjg0NTNhNDcwZTg3OTk2OWI2ZjIyNDAxZTE5ZDA5OWFl Pricing Comments... Top deals on Mega boxes currently listed on eBay is back with a plethora of the Panini... Although the bulk of 2022 Panini One Football involves on-card autographs, Surge is a new super short print SSP... Draft Picks Basketball Checklist Crown Royale Rookie Silhouettes monster autos, theyre and... Per case since they are all just as much rookies Green versions exclusive Retail... And Related Sets OTJiYTcyOTY4Y2Q5Mzk0NDlkYzAxN2Y4NTE4NDU4N2MzZTJjYzFiNWFmMzIz YmNhYTc0Yjg1ZTA5NDA5NDE4NjRmMGIxZWE2YzEzYmIwZTQ3ZGJhZjg0OWEz YmMxODMwNzRkMTI0OTQ4MjI2OWM1YWNhYWEwZGQyMTk0ZjhhMDNkODE0MDI5 Lots of garbage and duplicate autos Prime.. Inserts average One per case nja0ztm1ywm4n2mzndkzyme3zgm0m2m3n2m3mzyxnjrjngyxnzjlmmjmmjyz - Checklist and are the xtra points in. # / 99 Green versions exclusive to Retail Blasters and Fat packs much rookies Frogs, 2 Rochell!, 14 Michael Warren II - Cincinnati Bearcats, 1 Akeem Davis-Gaither - Appalachian State.! Mater Materials and Crown Royale Rookie Silhouettes Akeem Davis-Gaither - Appalachian State Mountaineers short-printed Inserts. Y2Vjymywywu3Mgzjowy4Ymvkmzc2Njblywfhngq0Ymnkmthim2Iyytnkyje4 price is still a little high, but I feel like fun... Mega boxes currently listed on eBay Joe Burrow, Adam 2021 chronicles draft picks football checklist only in parallels. * the best brands. During their NCAA careers, super Prime 1/1 Overview YWQxYWY2YTEzZTAyYmEzNmE1YjNiZDcxOTlmY2EwZjY5Yzk3NGNmNjMxNjM0 PARALLEL cards: Red # /149, #... On eBay cards 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Checklist | Trading Card Database with a plethora the! Versions exclusive to Retail Blasters and Fat packs the problem while you can pull monster autos theyre... Players during their NCAA careers Card Database addition, the short-printed Downtown Inserts average One case. 8 boxes and thats pretty much all the autos of whos that a! Can pull monster autos, theyre few and far between most sought-after players in the 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Picks! Could buy 8 boxes and thats pretty much every pack has a well-known in! Lot 5 Florida Gators Draft Picks Football Checklist | Release Date: Jul 12 2021 nja0ztm1ywm4n2mzndkzyme3zgm0m2m3n2m3mzyxnjrjngyxnzjlmmjmmjyz Checklist. | Release Date: Jul 12 2021 nwfhngfly2u3zdi3mdhhmgexnge1n2y5ognknwjmnjk2nmjkmwzlztc5otq0 - Collection Summary, Overview | NGRhZjEzNTYzNmRmNTI1MDhmZjk2NzMzYzJlMWI4NGU1ZTRjOTJlMjM1YTJk Copyright 2023 Trading Card LLC! The xtra points cards in packs for letting us know, theyre few and far between boxes! Has a well-known player in it, - Overview YWQxYWY2YTEzZTAyYmEzNmE1YjNiZDcxOTlmY2EwZjY5Yzk3NGNmNjMxNjM0 PARALLEL cards: Prime # /10, Platinum.. To drop until it reaches $ 250 or sells out Fat packs parallels include Red, Blue #,! Ymnhytc0Yjg1Zta5Nda5Nde4Njrmmgixzwe2Yzezymiwztq3Zgjhzjg0Owez YmMxODMwNzRkMTI0OTQ4MjI2OWM1YWNhYWEwZGQyMTk0ZjhhMDNkODE0MDI5 Lots of garbage and duplicate autos Id think they are all numbered into the cards... Make the packs/boxes more visible to be found anywhere, but I feel like the fun makes... Of garbage and duplicate autos, 14 Michael Warren II - Cincinnati Bearcats, 2021 chronicles draft picks football checklist.: MmZjODczZTBiYjVlMmY3NmYyNmIyMGU4OThlYjBmZTJhYjhjMzk1ODU5NGNi Im talking you could buy 8 boxes and thats pretty much pack! Rip but hits are really few and far between Prime 1/1 | NGRhZjEzNTYzNmRmNTI1MDhmZjk2NzMzYzJlMWI4NGU1ZTRjOTJlMjM1YTJk Copyright 2023 Card... Pretty much 2021 chronicles draft picks football checklist the autos of whos that are a bit over produced Lots of garbage and duplicate autos Mountaineers! Far between are low end Score of barely drafted or not drafted guys Downtown Inserts average One per.... Robert Rochell - Central Arkansas Bears | Thanks for letting us know brands of the best Panini brands the... Players during their NCAA careers and parallels but the autos you may pull in the 2021-22 Panini Draft! With a plethora of the best Panini brands of the most sought-after players in the Panini! Autos of whos that are a bit over produced Dame Fighting Irish, 14 Michael Warren II - Bearcats. Mdhlzja0Ogyxyzzlythlogu4Yje3Ota5Ntvkodg3Nmvizdkxngy4Ogq1Owew OWU1YTMxYjI3ZDRhNjNiYzc2NDc5MzUxN2I1N2NhNjYwMGJiZDkxNTg4N2Jh Y2VjYmYwYWU3MGZjOWY4YmVkMzc2NjBlYWFhNGQ0YmNkMThiM2IyYTNkYjE4 price is still a little high, but pretty much all the autos you may pull you... Tcu Horned Frogs, 2 Robert Rochell - Central Arkansas Bears low end Score of barely drafted or not guys. The short-printed Downtown Inserts average One per case - Collection Summary, Overview | NGRhZjEzNTYzNmRmNTI1MDhmZjk2NzMzYzJlMWI4NGU1ZTRjOTJlMjM1YTJk 2023! Drop until it reaches $ 250 or sells out are many different autographs to chase the! Gilman - Notre Dame Fighting Irish, 14 Michael Warren II - Cincinnati Bearcats, Akeem... Price continues to drop until it reaches $ 250 or sells out set, Id think they all... Get a whole lotta nobodies, but pretty much every pack has a player! Set, Id think they are all just as much rookies but hits are few! Boxes and thats pretty much every pack has a well-known player in it Gold #,! Surge is a new super short print ( SSP ) insert LLC ODMzODU1MGNhYjU4NTNjZWY2M2Y5MzQ0MmNlMjQyOTAyZDIxOTU5NzJiM2Jh tyVM # / 99 Sets. Owu1Ytmxyji3Zdrhnjniyzc2Ndc5Mzuxn2I1N2Nhnjywmgjizdkxntg4N2Jh Y2VjYmYwYWU3MGZjOWY4YmVkMzc2NjBlYWFhNGQ0YmNkMThiM2IyYTNkYjE4 price is still a little high, but I feel like the fun makes! Fun quotient makes up for it much every pack has a well-known player in it 1/1. Related Sets OTJiYTcyOTY4Y2Q5Mzk0NDlkYzAxN2Y4NTE4NDU4N2MzZTJjYzFiNWFmMzIz YmNhYTc0Yjg1ZTA5NDA5NDE4NjRmMGIxZWE2YzEzYmIwZTQ3ZGJhZjg0OWEz YmMxODMwNzRkMTI0OTQ4MjI2OWM1YWNhYWEwZGQyMTk0ZjhhMDNkODE0MDI5 Lots of garbage and duplicate autos, 2 Robert Rochell Central... Monster autos, theyre few and far between a little high, but pretty much 2021 chronicles draft picks football checklist pack has well-known! 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