what happened to aiyana jones

The city reached a peak population of 1.9 million people in the 1950s, and it was 83 percent white. Weekleys trial began in June 2013 and ended in a mistrial when a jury failed to reach a verdict. After the fatal shooting, the video concludes with a message dedicated to Aiyana Stanley-Jones, a 7-year-old girl who was shot and killed during a police raid on her house in Detroit back in. No one can answer that fully. An Arab family owned the store, and one of the menthe one with the pocked face and loud voicewas talking on the telephone, but I remember no sounds. Based on the findings from a report released by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in June 2014 and entitled War Comes Home: The Excessive Militarization of American Policing, which looked at thousands of documents from police departments across the country, Ezekiel Edwards, the director of the ACLUs criminal law reform project, says needlessly deploying Swat teams is part of a trend among nationwide police forces which increasingly [see] themselves as military tactical units. 2023 www.detroitnews.com. what happened to aiyana jones. What killed Aiyana is what killed the people in New Orleans and the rider on the transit in Oakland, and thats police bullets and police arrogance and police cover-up, Geoffrey Fieger said. WHat actually happened to this little girl? Weekley still is charged with careless discharge of a firearm causing death in the May 2010 shooting, which happened as police executed a search warrant for a murder suspect. Somebody should have told company executives back in New York that they had wildly overpaid. [61][62][63], In May 2016, BlackMattersUS[64][unreliable source?] You dont go into a home around midnight. "But I can tell you this: If anyone is looking for a scapegoat for justice, then you've got one here as owner, coach and quarterback. [34][35], Weekley's first trial ended in a mistrial in June 2013. The camera crew was not inside the house when the girl was hit. Scott said a civil suit had been filed and an appeal made to US attorney general Eric Holder to pursue a case for the violation of Aiyanas civil rights. Weekley stated, "A woman inside grabbed my gun. The Rust Belt. The environment got nothing to do with kids.. Mother Jones was founded as a nonprofit in 1976 because we knew corporations and billionaires wouldn't fund the type of hard-hitting journalism we set out to do. There are plenty of good people in Detroit, boosters like to say. "He has completed various programming and is active in vocational training. But police officials have refused to discuss how one got shot in the foot. I began to get calls from reporters around the world wondering what Detroit was like, what was happening here. Aiyana Stanley-Jones was 7 years old when she was killed by a single bullet to the head. [66] On July 20, 2016 Detroit police arrested six unknown individuals for chaining themselves to a precinct of the Detroit Police Department, their protest honoring Jones. Have him call me, and then hung up the phone. 91.7 Ann Arbor/Detroit 104.1 Grand Rapids A dollhouse sits in an empty lot not far from where Aiyana was shot by the police officers storming her home.It was a total fuck-up, the official said. Thats five times as many as New York, in a city one-tenth the size. Jones new family had been on the drift for the past few years as he tried to pull it together. Police first floated the story that Aiyanas grandmother had grabbed Weekleys gun. He became a horrifying statisticone of 103 kids and teens murdered between January 2009 and July 2010. The ACLU report found that only 7% of Swat raids were in hostage or active shooter situations situations that justify such extreme responses and 79% were effectuating search warrants, situations that do not call for Swat interventions. Officer Joseph Weekley, the lead commandowhod been featured before on another A&E show, Detroit SWATburst into the house. He came here for publicity. So bad is it for Detroits children that Education Secretary Arne Duncan said last year, I lose sleep over that one.. They were looking for a murder suspect. By 1958, 20 percent of the Detroit workforce was jobless. Then came the homicide-by-cop of little Aiyana. Evans drivera copgave chase. The story rated three paragraphs in the daily papers, and the media never followed up. Its some lil niggas at the store talking shitlets go whip they ass, Detective Theopolis Williams later testified that Owens told him during his interrogation. Southeasterns motto is Age Quod Agis: Attend to Your Business. And JeRean did. The raid happened early Sunday morning. I would have waited until the morning when the guy went to the liquor store to buy a quart of milk. What I find ironic is a friend of the punks released his video t. Even on Lillibridge Street, the outrage has died down. Now Detroit has fewer than 800,000 people, is 83 percent black, and is the only American city that has surpassed a million people and dipped back below that threshold. [24] Geoffrey Fieger, the family's lawyer, said the police fired the shot that struck Aiyana from outside the home, possibly through the open front door. You could blame it on the gas shocks of the 70s that opened the door to foreign car competition. Cargill said because of COVID-19 restrictions, she was unable to attend Jones' parole hearings to contest his release. But when you call for help, it seems like no ones there. Police officers came from Canada and across Michigan. First published on January 30, 2015 / 4:13 PM. [38] Defense attorney Steve Fishman said prosecutors were courageous by closing the case. One year after a Detroit police assault team shot 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones to death in her home while A&E's "First 48" TV show was filming, neither Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy nor U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has brought charges against those responsible. Shoddily equipped firemen face some 500 arsons a month.Detroit has been synonymous with arson since the 80s, when the city burst into flames in a pre-Halloween orgy of fire and destruction known as Devils Night. [41] She got pregnant at 15. ", The mother of Jones' victim, Lyvonne Cargill, said: "I'm stressed thinking about that man coming home." ME Schmidt ruled it a homicide; the police decided it was a suicide. The smell was beastly. Compounding the tragedy is the fact that the police threw the grenade into the wrong apartment. The entire botched nighttime raid was captured on camera by crews from the A&E show The First 48. I can accept the shooting was a mistake, Jones said about his daughters death as a bleary-eyed Stanley sat motionless next to him. Seconds after Aiyana's blanket caught fire, the SWAT team stormed through the door, and mistakenly shot Aiyana through the neck, killing her. African American History: Research Guides & Websites, Global African History: Research Guides & Websites, African American Scientists and Technicians of the Manhattan Project, Envoys, Diplomatic Ministers, & Ambassadors, Foundation, Organization, and Corporate Supporters. She had already cleared a space on the other end of the mantel for Chaises urn. [20] He pushed his way inside, protected by a ballistic shield. Evans brought a refreshing honesty to a department plagued by ineptitude and secrecy. The posse allegedly included Aiyanas father, Charles C.J. Jones. Forbidden by restrictive real estate covenants and racist custom, the blacks were mostly restricted to Paradise Valley, which ran the length of Woodward Avenue. [11], On May 14, 2010, Southeastern High School senior Je'Rean Blake[12][13][14] was shot and killed near the intersection of Mack and Beniteau streets on Detroit's east side. Clutching his juice in one hand and two dollars in the other, JeRean staggered across Mack Avenue and collapsed in the street. [25], Chauncey Owens, the suspect who the raid was intended to apprehend and boyfriend of Aiyana's aunt LaKrystal Sanders,[26] was found in the upper-floor apartment of the duplex and surrendered without incident. In the witness box in September, Jones said: Im laying there screaming, asking someone to help my granddaughter because he shot her in the head. The grenade landed so close to Aiyana that it burned her blanket. Officials said Gibson ran out the front of the house. Killing of Aiyana Jones. We noticed you have an ad blocker on. City of Detroit Corporation CounselLawrence Garciahas treated the family with utter disrespect and disdain. That was before he canceled a planned press conference to discuss the upcoming case. It was 2:40 in the afternoon on May 14 when JeRean went to the Motor City liquor store and ice-cream stand to get himself an orange juice to wash down his McDonalds. [23] At Weekley's retrial in 2014, it was disclosed that Mertilla's fingerprints were not found on Weekley's gun. Weekley, a member of an elite police unit, was the first officer through the door during a chaotic . It just goes on, she said. As Officer Weekley wept on the sidewalk, Aiyana was rushed to the trauma table, where she was pronounced dead. The SWAT team tried the steel door to the building. She thanked me for coming and showed me her home, which was clean and well kept. What the fuck you looking at?. Inside, splayed on the floor underneath the rack of snack cakes near the register, was a black man in a pool of blood. By wit and will, he managed to make it through. Weekley, 38, was charged with involuntary manslaughter and careless discharge of a firearm causing death, a misdemeanor in the death of Aiyana. His partner took the rear entrance. Jones pleaded guilty tosecond-degree murder and was sentenced to40-60 years, although in 2017 the Michigan Court of Appeals granted him a new trial. On the morning of May 16, a Detroit police officer fatally shot 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones in the throat during a police raid on her home. Both trials ended with hung juries. Some people are doomed from birth because their environment is so toxic.. Were taking whats left.. [12] At the time of the incident Aiyana Jones was asleep on the couch in front room of the downstairs apartment. The car made Detroit, and the car unmade Detroit. The jury stall resulted in seven voting "not guilty" and five voting "guilty". But if it wasnt for them, the city population would have sunk further than it did. All rights reserved. Detroit demolishes only 500 homes a year, thanks to concerns over lawsuits and environmental hazards, as well as lack of funds and ineptitude. Her body was transferred to the Wayne County morgue. People call it police brutality. In tow was an A&E crew filming an episode of The First 48, its true-crime program. It was unlocked. The Detroit Police Department was in search of a murderer, and mistakenly raided Aiyana's home. In the end, Gibson was charged with Huffs murder and the attempted murders of four more officers. As Detroit led the nation in median income and homeownership, automation and foreign competition were forcing companies like Packard to shutter their doors. In fact, there are no chain grocery stores in all of Detroit. The police were . On Thursday, a settlement was made in the lawsuit that amounted to $8.25 being paid out. Six individuals, who chained themselves to a Detroit Police Department precinct, were arrested Wednesday evening during a rally honoring Aiyana Stanley-Jones, a 7-year old who was shot and. The ones pictured here are all found on one block. The city filled with people from all over the world: Arabs, Appalachians, Poles, African Americans, all in their separate neighborhoods surrounding the factories. Known as Half-Day Hathaway, the judge was removed from the bench for six months by the Michigan Supreme Court a decade ago for, among other things, adjourning trials to sneak away on vacation. Lyvonne Cargill wears a shirt that honors her son, JeRean Blake Nobles. So bad is the rivalry that when the schools face off to play football or basketball, spectators from the visiting team are banned. Not even you.. Thats good news until you realize that in Detroit, some 500 fires are set every single month. The president of the school board, Otis Mathis, recently admitted that he had only rudimentary writing skills shortly before being forced to resign for fondling himself during a meeting with the school superintendent. But the SWAT team didnt wait. And Ive got to say in all my years in the department, Ive never used a flash-bang in a case like this.. On January 28, 2015, a prosecutor cleared Weekley of the last remaining charge against him, ensuring there would not be a third trial. Two trials against Officer Joseph Weekley ended without verdicts on a charge of reckless use of a gun. [6][7][8] It is the home of mass-production, of very high wages and colossal profits, of lavish spending and reckless instalment-buying, of intense work and a large and shifting labour-surplus, British historian and MP Ramsay Muir wrote in 1927. In Chief Evans defense, he seemed to understand one thing: After the collapse of the car industry and the implosion of the real estate bubble, there is little else Detroit has to export except its misery. [16], Aiyana Jones was the daughter of Charles Jones and Dominika Stanley. The streetlights still go on and off. Was Detroit an outlier or an epicenter? WRSX 91.3 Port Huron is off the air due to network issues. Dont bother locking it. Furthermore, the police department and unnamed supervisors of the Special Response Team in the city of Detroit were being sued for violating the civil rights of Aiyana Jones through their training and policy procedure. When we look at accountability and an institution that was not designed for black people and that was not designed in the interest of black people, he says, how do you find justice in an already unjust system?. Nevertheless, Detroit Police Chief Warren Evans issued a statement May 18. It would be easy to lay the blame on McNeal for the circumstances in which she raised her sons. Uncategorized. He came here for publicity. JeRean knew badness was on its way and called his mother to come pick him up. Inexpensive, too! Barry, who has been active in demonstrations against police violence and whose organization has mounted a formal campaign to demilitarize the police, said there were two separate justice systems in the US. People taking advanage of my benevolence. And he wouldnt even help her. The Packard plant, where we came across this fashion shoot, has been smoldering for decades.In any case, Detroit began its long precipitous decline during the 1950s, precisely when the cityand the United Stateswas at its peak. If he didn't give him the gun, they feel like their brother would still be alive, and Aiyana would still be alive.". Neighbor Paul Jameson, a former soldier whose wife had called in the break-in to 911, said the rookies ran toward the house and opened fire after Huff was shot. I dont want no apology from no police. Much of the firefighters equipment was substandard: Their boots had holes; they were alerted to fires by fax from the central office. She waited, but Sharpton never came. You know? The appellatecourt ruledthe presiding judge in Jones'case hadn'tadequately answered jurors' questionsduring deliberations. I was thinking that, she said with tears. Jones wasgiven a "contingency parole" after completing required prison programs, Michigan Department of Corrections spokesman Chris Gautz said Monday. But defense attorney Steve Fishman says Jones has no credibility because she's told different stories about what happened. People my mothers age like to tell me about Detroits good old days of soda fountains and shopping markets and lazy Saturday night drives. The whole country knew it, and the whole country laughed. AS SUMMER DRAGGED on, the story of Aiyana faded from even the regional press. . I know society looks at a person like me and wants me to go away, she said. The team, which had received intelligence that at least one rifle was in the house,wasaccompanied by a crew from the cable TV show, "First 48.". On 16 May 2010, Aiyana was shot dead by Weekley in the middle of the night, as she slept on a sofa inside her home on the east side of Detroit. Then JeRean was murdered. It was 12:40 am on Sunday, May 16, 2010. Aiyana Jones settlement On April 4, Attorney Geoffrey Fieger announced that the City of Detroit had agreed to an $8.2 million settlement in the 2010 slaughter of Aiyana Jones, 7, by another joint task force incuding Detroit Police Officer Joseph Weekley during a military-style assault on her grandmother Mertilla Jones' home. Jones was born on July 20, 2002, to Charles Jones and Dominika Stanley in Detroit. Seven-year-old Aiyana Jones was asleep on the living room sofa in her family's apartment when Detroit police searching for a homicide suspect burst in and an officer's gun went off, fatally . Two days later, a crew from the Detroit Police Special Response Team raided Jones' house on Lillibridge Street, blocks from the store. FEMAIL reveals what has happened to . Detroit VA hospital harmed patients, altered records, investigation reveals, $8.5 million wrongful death lawsuit settlement, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. There are no fewer than two TV dramas, two documentaries, and three reality programs being filmed here. The mayors office is said to have a copy, as well as the Michigan State Police, who are now handling the investigation. And America is buying. 2) NO WEAPONS OF ANY KIND WERE FOUND IN OR OUTSIDE THE HOME OF MERTILLA JONES after the police Special Response Team raid. Sharptons full of shit, said Cargill, a brassy 39-year-old who works as a stock clerk at Target. Aiyana Mo'Nay Stanley-Jones, 7, died May 16, 2010 after being shot by an officer during a police raid in Detroit. Adam Rose/Netflix In addition to traveling, the Chicago-based pair is looking at a potential move once Iyanna, 27, heads back to school to get her master's degree. "We had to do it by paperwork, and they read the letters from my side of the family (during the parole hearing)," Cargill said. You might blame Coleman Youngthe citys first black mayorand his culture of cronyism. If someone needs a scapegoat for what's happening here - and what's happening here is justice - then put it on me.". Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot loses reelection bid, Fiery train crash in Greece kills dozens, many of them students. David Corn, Noah Lanard, and Dan Friedman. Not to worry: The city had its own welfare system, decades before Lyndon Johnsons Great Society. With Chief Evans vacationing overseas with a subordinate, Fieger ran wild, holding a press conference where he claimed he had seen videotape of Officer Weekley firing into the house from the porch. I want to get out of here, but I cant, she said. The number was actually 375. Jones, 25, a slight man with frizzy braids, wore a dingy T-shirt. It was Jameson who finally dragged Huff out of the house and gave him CPR in the driveway, across the street from the Boys & Girls Club. The sleeping 7-year-old girl was shot in the head during a no-knock police raid- on the wrong home. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and His seven-year-old daughter, Aiyana Monay Stanley-Jones (PDF), slept on the couch as her grandmother watched television. Detroit has since made little progress on the federal consent decree. "I want to say to the entire Jones family, Aiyana's loved ones and friends, how terribly sorry I am for your loss. Owens sped two blocks back to Lillibridge and gathered up a posse, according to his statement to the police. If youre a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail.. He computerized daily crime statistics, created a mobile strike force commanded by young and educated go-getters, and dispatched cops to crime hot spots. Aiyana Jones was 7 when she was killed in a police raid. They went hog wild. Jurors will get instructions from a judge and then start deliberations in the trial of a Detroit police officer charged in the fatal shooting of a, The re-trial of a Detroit police officer who killed a young girl during a May 2010 raid began Thursday.No one disputes that Officer Joseph Weekley shot, A jury is deciding whether a Detroit police officer is guilty of a misdemeanor for causing the death of a little girl in 2010.No one disputes that Office, LGBTQ+ youth are less likely to feel depressed with parental support, study says, House elections committee considers election security bills, Federal judge: Flint missed deadline for lead line replacements; must complete work by August. Legal name. When I moved back to Detroit two years ago, I profiled a firehouse on the East Side. Forget about it. Aiyana Stanley-Jones was seven years old and asleep on a couch with her grandmother when Detroit police raided their east side home looking for a murder suspect in 2010. In August 2014, he was convicted and sentenced to a year in prison on four counts, including false imprisonment and felony cruelty to children. The city of Detroit has settled a lawsuit with the family of a girl shot and killed by a Detroit police officer nine years ago. Tens of thousands of them, hundreds of thousands. In Los Angeles, by comparison, the unsolved-murder rate is 22 percent. As a reporter at the Detroit News, I get plenty of phone calls from people in the neighborhoods. Aiyana Jones was killed nine years ago during a police raid gone wrong and no convictions were made. . Weekley shot Aiyana Stanley-Jones as she slept on a couch in a Detroit home in 2010. Robert Bobb was hired in 2009 as the emergency financial manager and given sweeping powers to balance the books. Aiyana Mo'Nay Stanley Jones (July 20, 2002 - May 16, 2010), was a seven-year-old girl from the East Side of Detroit, Michigan who was shot and killed during a raid conducted by the Detroit Police Department's Special Response Team on May 16, 2010. What the hell you doing up here for? She arrived too late. No Glue or Lace Hiring Black Folks. On October 4, 2011, a Wayne County grand jury indicted Officer Joseph Weekley for involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment with a gun. The death of Aiyana Mo'Nay Stanley-Jones helped increased national awareness of the ongoing issue of unarmed Black Americans being killed by police. In 2010 Aiyana Mo'Nay Stanley-Jones, a seven-year-old African American girl, was accidentally shot and killed during a raid that was conducted by the Detroit, Michigan Police Department's Special Response Team. That factory closed in 1956 and was left to rot, pulling down the East Side, which pulled down the city. Today, reader support makes up about two-thirds of our budget, allows us to dig deep on stories that matter, and lets us keep our reporting free for everyone. Once at Aiyanas graveside, Charles Jones released a dove. / AP. The crime most likely happened at the . Im alive. 3) Weekley's claims that Mertilla Jones grabbed . Capitol Commission moves toward firearm ban, Biden's student loan relief faces its biggest test yet at the Supreme Court, Jury to decide fate of Detroit cop who shot Aiyana Stanley-Jones, Second trial begins for Detroit police officer who shot Aiyana Jones, Detroit officer faces misdemeanor charge in Aiyana Jones's death; jury deliberating. Then they said he jumped out a back window. The Detroit Free Press has more details here. Sarah Cwiek joined Michigan Radio in October 2009. The judge said she's willing to be the "scapegoat" if critics don't like the result. It is not protocol. He won't be in the field. It means uncertainty and abandonment and psychopathology. A man called me once to say he had witnessed a murder, but the police refused to take his statement. When I called the head of the homicide bureau and explained the situation, he told me, Oh yeah? You might say that the homicide of Aiyana is the natural conclusion to the disease from which she suffered, Schmidt told me. The official version was that two men were walking in the middle of a street on the East Side when Evans and his driver told them to walk on the sidewalk. The house on the other side is in much the same state. Family: 7-year-old shot by police was asleep. Its always like that. The conceit of the show is that homicide detectives have 48 hours to crack a murder case before the trail goes cold. But I would be doing Aiyana a disservice if we just vented instead of dealing with the real problems., He went on: This child is the breaking point.. The presence of children in the house was known. Thirty-four hours earlier, JeRean Blake Nobles, 17, had been shot outside a liquor store on nearby Mack Avenue; an informant had IDd a man named Chauncey Owens as the shooter and provided this address. The kids are dropping like flies and hes got nothing but useless words., CHECK OUT A SLIDESHOW OF ABANDONED HOUSES ON ONE BLOCK IN DETROIT, join us with a tax-deductible donation today. Louis Miriani, the last Republican mayor of Detroit, who served from 1957 to 1962, was sent to federal prison for tax evasion when he couldnt explain how he made nearly a quarter of a million dollars on a reported salary of only $25,000. There is speculation that the attending television crew may have increased the incentive for a glamorised, military-style operation. Al Sharpton delivered the eulogy, though his heart did not seem to be in it. "My sugar is going up from stress. Can you pitch in a few bucks to help fund Mother Jones' investigative journalism? Police fired a flash grenade through the front window. [31] In June 2013, Howard pleaded "no contest" to the obstruction of justice charge, and the perjury charge was dismissed. She later explained that she reached for her granddaughter when the grenade came through the window and that is what caused her to hit the officers gun. About 40 kids were milling around in front of the soft-serve window. There was no note. One witness had him pegged for 13 years old. However, the judge also said if Mertilla Jones and the other relatives continued to have outbursts on the stand, then she would declare a mistrial. 20072023 Blackpast.org. Unclaimed bodies at the Wayne County MorgueTHE RAID ON THE Lillibridge house that took little Aiyanas life came two weeks and at least a dozen homicides after the last time police stormed into a Detroit home. 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