timing your technology reflection

"Time is an illusion, timing is an art.". During a recession and a cleantech backlash. 2. have new ideas and skills to do a better job. . Further, 95% of the energy for transportation comes from oil. So how could we find the treasure thats hiding in plain sight? While it is possible to understand that, under extreme pressure, Fred was acting to save Federal Express from almost certain bankruptcy, and even to empathize with what he did, it nevertheless appeared to be a serious breach of conductDecember1975 was also the month that settled the matter of the forged loan guarantee documents for the Union Bank. BOYDEN: One way to think of it is that, if a scientific topic is really popular and everybodys doing it, then I dont need to be part of that. The road to wisdom?Well, its plain Hrlein perceived a need for a set of mutually complementary institutions and trained personnel whose interaction produces the desired results. Kuchuk, F.J., and Ayestaran, L.: Analysis of Simultaneously Measured Pressure and Sandface Flow Rate in Transient Well Testing, paper SPE 12177, prepared for presentation at the 1983 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 58 October, San Francisco. Modern genomics strikes me as a bit like this. She has since been appointed to the Albert B. Stevens Endowed Chair in Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M U. Ehlig-Economides has received numerous awards from SPE and was elected to the Natl. Returning to Donald Michie: one could make fun of his extremely overly-optimistic AI projections, and write him off as the stock figure of the biased AI researcher blinded by the Maes-Garreau law where AI is always scheduled for right when a researcher will retire19 but while he was wrong, it is unclear this was a mistake because in other cases, an apparently doomed research projectMarconis attempt to radio across the Atlantic oceansucceeded because of an unknown unknownthe KennellyHeaviside layer20. After solving a problem, humanity imagines that it finds in analogous solutions the key to all problems. Thiel (Zero to One; original): Every moment in business happens only once. The timing software figures out what race number the ID corresponds to and adds a timestamp for that race number. Google: we are building the worlds 20th search engine at a time when most of the others have been abandoned as being commoditized money losers. Our respected leader admitted his culpability to the Federal Express board of directors and to the investors and lenders we were counting on to support the second round of the private placement financing. Are we running out of oil and gas? In the 1980s, famed technologist Stewart Brand visited the equally-famed MIT Media Lab (perhaps the truest spiritual descendant of the MIT AI Lab) & Nicholas Negroponte, publishing a 1988 book, The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at M.I.T. All the problems of the world could be settled if people were only willing to think. Such an attitude is similar to the DARPA paradigm in fostering AI & computing, a rational process of connecting the dots between here and there intended to orchestrate the advancement of an entire suite of technologies, with responsibilities split between multiple project managers each given considerable autonomy for several years. The flowmeter did have a place in transient testing, though, but during drawdown, not buildup. The auditor who went through the companys books concluded that it was entirely solventwhich isnt surprising, when you consider that the lands it owned in America now produce trillions of dollars in economic value. One could also say the same thing of China: countless European observers forecast that China was a sleeping giant which, once it industrialized & modernized, would again be a global power. Bourdet showed me the pressure and pressure-derivative type curves he had developed8 (Fig. Yet they all seemed to be independently aiming for the same archetypal design. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effects of sports, sports education, technological uses, and their effects on sports education. 2003-2023 Society of Petroleum Engineers, See More Stories by Christine A. Ehlig-Economides, Ehlig-Economides, C.A., and Halepaska, J.C.: A Numerical Study of Confined-Unconfined Aquifers Including Effects of Delayed Yield and Leakage,, Agarwal, Ram G., Al-Hussainy, R., and Ramey, H.J. This last fact is what is most significant. Smartphones are an even bigger example of this. If you were sure of that back then, or even mostly persuaded, and if a lot of others were as well, what good fortune you could have harvested. He regarded the chemical attack on disease as a many-fronted battle in which there was a generally advancing line but also many points at which advance was slow or arrested. Even the women and children of the common people know that the unicorn is a favorable portent. : Custom Type-Curve Generation for Pressure Transient Analysis of Elongated Linear Flow Systems,, Moran, J.H., and Finklea, E.E. Start a hobby. Self-reflection is the simple and altruistic art of looking inward into one's true persona. The people listed in her article have all subscribed to the rigorous analysis that was necessary, and they, as she has, have left their mark in the improved understanding we now often take for granted. This bears a resemblance to startup rates over time: an initial burst of enthusiasm for a new option, when it still has high prior probability of being the most profitable option at the moment, triggers a bunch of startups selecting that option, but then when they fail, the posterior probability drops substantially; however, even if something now looks like a bad idea, there will still be people every once in a while who insist on trying again anyway, and, because the probability is not 0, once in a while they succeed wildly and everyone is astonished that so, X is a thing now!, In DARPAs research funding and VC, they often arent looking for a plan which looks good on average to everyone, or which no one can find any particular problem with, but something closer to a plan which at least one person thinks could be awesome for some reason. Likewise, the idea of production-log testing was to use a flowmeter to measure the downhole flow rate during pressure-buildup tests, thereby eliminating the need for pressure-derivative analysis because the wellbore storage would be corrected by the flow-rate measurement, and an equivalent to the Horner plot would suffice. Only then could the new technology claim to have drawn level with Babbages design ideas of a hundred years earlier. The tremendous development in technology and the diversity in this industry have drastically changed the lifestyle of people in society. The productivity boost expected from electric dynamos was slow to materialise, The evolution of large technological systems, #326, Part II. ], Investing in Good Ideas That Look Like Bad Ideas, Networks of Power: Electrification in Western. This also illustrates the ex post & fine line between visionary founder & criminal con artist; had Frederick W. Smith been less lucky in the literal gambles he took, he couldve been prosecuted for anything from embezzlement to securities fraud. The lesson of history is that for every lesson, there is an equal and opposite lesson. After10 hours of deliberation, he was acquitted. Question Your Life: Naikan Self-Reflection and the Transformation of Our Stories - Gregg Krech. Once the initial shock of the situation wore off, you'd start getting ready for work. This technological advancement is believed to be able to address the knowledge gap in neurophysiology and neurological disorder. Example: in retrospect, we know everyone wanted computers, OSes, social networksbut the history of them is strewn with flaming rubble. She has also worked in industry for Schlumberger. The average of multiple plans is often worse than any single plan. This balances overall exploitation & exploration to progress as fast as possible, showing the usefulness of technological forecasting on a global level despite its uselessness to individuals. The right moment cannot be known exactly in advance, so attempts to forecast will typically be off by years or worse. Whats the benefit of being the 100,000th person working on something? But this animal does not figure among the domestic animals, it is not easy to find, it does not lend itself to any classification. At his trial, Fred testified that as president of the Enterprise board and with supporting letters from his sisters, he had authority to commit the board. Spotting a promising trend and a winning investment are two different things. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in machines which can be operated without detailed knowledge of their workings. Its a universal rule. This is especially difficult as . Balakrishnan and B V Sreekantan. Imagine this: You wake up one day in a world without technology - all the computers on the planet just disappeared. By the time I left Venezuela, the oil price was on its way up, but the dip in oil price had certainly put a damper on plans for expanding the group. We were talking about the past: VR wasnt talked about for a long time, right? Gates, however, proved the market, and refined the Gates strategy to perfection, using up the trick; no one can get historically rich off shipping an OS plus some business productivity software because there are too many competitors and too many players interested in ensuring that no one becomes the next Gates, and so opportunity has moved on to the next area. Building the habit of self reflection can help you build a fulfilling life. The Japanese government in general was funding research, building huge research complexes just to focus on this. In this edition, we are reminded that rigorous technical work is one of the pillars of our industry. EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGY REFLECTION (2nd Quarter) Technology is taking over our world. ): you will not be the next Bill Gates, because Bill Gates was not the first and only Bill Gates, he was, pace Stiglers Law, the last Bill Gates13; many people made huge fortunes off OSes, both before and after Gatesyou may have forgotten Wang, but hopefully you remember Steve Jobs (before, Mac) and Steve Jobs (after, NeXT). 4.). In the hypothetical that you didnt know the name of the company, you mightve bought up a bunch of Google stock hoping that Orkut would be the winner, but while that wouldve been a decent investment (yay!) By and large, oil has only two purposes. It is a time for Muslims to deepen their connection to God and to practice compassion and kindness towards others. Or take niche visionary technologies: if cryonics was correct in principal, yet turned out to be worthless for everyone doing it before 2030 (because the wrong perfusion techniques or cryopreservatives were used and some critical bit of biology was not vitrified) while practical post-2030 say, it would simply be yet another technology where visionaries were ultimately right despite all nay-saying and skepticism from normals but nevertheless wrong in a practical sense because they jumped on it too early, and so they wasted their money. quick and timely) and also ecologically valid (i.e. He saw a need for government support of appropriate institutions, especially research institutes in universities. They describe Heinrich Hrleins drug development programs & Thomas Edisons electrical programs as being strategically aimed at opportunities called reverse salients, taking necessary steps to solve bottlenecks which hold back the practical application of progress in areas. Yes). Then after your special knowledge has become public knowledge, the robotics company goes public, and by EMH, their shares become a normal investment. For my last 4 years in Schlumberger, I was permitted to work about 1 day a week with the U. of Houston, where I was appointed Director of the Petroleum Engineering Program. We try thingswe try to create companies, products and ideas, and sometimes they work, and sometimes they change the world. 35 years. For if they were obviously good ideas, they would never produce venture returns. There are some benefits and advantages associated or linked to having a day that is without the use of any technology. His work modifies our conception of the past, as it will modify the future. In this correlation, the identity or plurality of men doesnt matter. And, consistent with the idea that there is a large ineradicable element of chance to it, surveys of startups suggest that while there are individual differences in odds of success (skill), any founder learning curve (learning-by-doing) is small & success probability remains low regardless of experience (Gompers et al 2006/Gompers2010, Parker2011, Gottschalk2014), and experienced entrepreneurs still have low odds of forecasting startups achieving commercialization at all, approaching random predictions in non-R&D-intensive sectors (eg. A portion of the output pulse of the microchip laser was incident into the fiber delay line, and then, the backward reflection light induced the formation of the pulse. Indeed, its inherent in really transformative ideas that they look like bad ideasGoogle, Apple, Facebook and Amazon all did, sometimes several times over. Dropbox: we are going to build a file sharing and syncing solution when the market has a dozen of them that no one uses, supported by big companies like Microsoft. He is the reason I have had the courage and motivation to continue contributing to an industry that has never been all that eager to take women seriously, and I am the reason he became interested in petroleum engineering. Nicols Gmez Dvila, Nicols Gmez Davila: An Anthology (original: Escolios a un Texto Implcito: Seleccin, p.430). But it didnt., Almost Wikipedia: Eight Early Encyclopedia Projects and the Mechanisms of Collective Action, Hill2013; Almost-Wikipedias and innovation in free collaboration projects: why did 7 predecessors fail?., Finding out these tidbits is one reason I enjoyed reading Founders at Work: Stories of Startups Early Days (ed Livingston2009; Introduction), because the challenges are not always what you think they are. (This is assisted by the fact that patents no longer require even the pretense of a working model.) And you know what? A successful company rewrites history and its precursors14; history must be lived forward, progressing to an obscure destination, but we always recall it backwards as progressing towards the clarity of the present. Its not enough to theorize about the possibility or prototype something in the lab if there is then no followup. Reflection-in-action is a vital skill for coaches And so, we see, in our world around half such attempts fail completely, and 5% or so go to the moon. Included in this guide: 1 Seagate Backup Plus Ul. Organizing a Reflection Paper 1 Keep it short and sweet. Of course Google was always going to be a huge success because of PageRank and also (post hoc theorizing) Z, Y, & Z, except for the minor problem that Google was merely one of many search engines, great perhaps11 but not profitable, and didnt hit upon a profitable business modelmuch less a unicorn-worth modeluntil 4 years later when it copied Overtures advertising auction, which was its salvation (In The Plex); in the mean time, Google had to sign potentially fatal deals or risking burning through the last of its capital when minor technical glitches derailed vital deals. Such a device would not have been aimed at the then unattainable goal of economic viability; but its successful demonstration might, just conceivably, have greatly accelerated matters when the time was finally ripe. There is no right or wrong answer. Launching too early means failure, but being conservative & launching later is just as bad because regardless of forecasting, a good idea will draw overly-optimistic researchers or entrepreneurs to it like moths to a flame: all get immolated but the one with the dumb luck to kiss the flame at the perfect instant, who then wins everything, at which point everyone can see that the optimal time is past. I was actually reading some earlier papers. Socially, one wants people regularly tossing their bodies into the marketplace to be trampled by uncaring forces just on the off chance that this time itll finally work, and since the critical factors are unknown and constantly changing, one needs a sacrificial startup every once in a while to check (for a good idea, no amount of failures is enough to prove that it should never be triedmany failures just implies that there should be a backoff). It is universally admitted that the unicorn is a supernatural being and one of good omen; thus it is declared in the Odes, in the Annals, in the biographies of illustrious men, and in other texts of unquestioned authority. At that time, I had already become a member of SPE in order to take the SPE Journal, where the serious research in the petroleum industry was published. Santos, Ma.Miguela B. BSBA - FM2 Science,Technology and Society Reflection: Timing your Technology Or look at computers: imagine an early adopter of an Apple computer saying everyone will use computers eventually! Yes, but not for another few decades, and in the long run, we are all dead. 30 years later, its the same headlines. The most demanding suppliers when it came to payments were the oil companies. I ended up moving to Japan and working there for many years. Advances in technology have brought us online banking, smart cars, smart TVs, lightning fast computers, and the latest buzz: virtual reality. Huh. Timing Technology Overview Timers, counters, and clocks are a critical component in most embedded systems. When they began failing in a cluster, information-wise, that was highly redundant. It wont have cut and paste. You dont have to be bipolar to be an entrepreneur, but it might help. The different pathologies might be: small ones will collectively try lots of strange or novel ideas but will fail by running underpowered poorly-done experiments (for lack of funding & expertise) which convince no one, suffer from small-study biases, and merely pollute the literature, giving meta-analysts migraines. 2 Cell phones, computers, radios, watches, and many other devices rely for their success on an electronic oscillator that produces an output with a precise frequency to generate timing pulses and synchronize events. So I read a lot of old papers. Bloomberg News. I dont know what they can do to move faster but I suspect it has to do with placement (distribution) and with networks which both depend on (corrupt) entities.. Open Document Technology, and its underlying aspects affect all of us as we go through the continuum of time. Someone could have built the Rift in mid-to-late 2007 for a few thousand dollars, and they could have built it in mid-2008 for about $673.5$500.02008. 2. Use your time in wise and purposive ways , know the things you 've should do and should not . This was oft-cited as an example of how technoweenies failed to understand that people didnt really want videophones at allwho wants to put on makeup before making a call?, people offered as an explanation, in all seriousnessbut really, it looks like the videophones back then simply werent good enough. Can you at least profit from your knowledge of the outcome? In other words, we wanted them to be momentary (i.e. Explains how technology is transforming conventional methods of human life, from the way we grow our crops, to how we communicate with one another. We tried something, or somebody else tried something, and it didnt work. This overall problem falls under the reinforcement learning paradigm, and successful approaches are analogous to Thompson sampling/posterior sampling: even an informed strategy cant reliably beat random exploration which gradually shifts towards successful areas while continuing to take occasional long shots. The possibility of broadcasting radio waves across the Atlantic was convincingly excluded by theoretical analysis. Here again we must be pessimistic. Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be entreated not to hit the nail at all. How we decide by Jonah Lehrer. But it was left to Eckert and Mauchly [16] several years later to rediscover and implement the conceptions of stored programs and conditional jumps, which had already been present in Babbages analytical engine [17]. Browning did not read it as we read it now. Kafkas idiosyncrasy is present in each of these writings, to a greater or lesser degree, but if Kafka had not written, we would not perceive it; that is to say, it would not exist. They can stretch out to around 250 ms (1/4 second) or so, at which point reverberation takes over. An additional analogy from reinforcement learning is PSRL, which handles more complex problems by committing to a strategy and following it until the end and either success/failure. VCs will literally escape through the bathroom to avoid talking to us., Stripe: Banks & online payment processors like PayPal are heavily-regulated inefficient monopolies which really suck; well make friends with some banks and run a payment processor which doesnt suck. And then suddenly a catalyst took hold and the adoption skyrocketed. But equally, anything with that much potential has a high likelihood of failureif it was obviously a good idea with no risks, everyone would be doing it. Through consolidation and failure, 3 emerged on top, 2 of which went bankrupt. Every authentic solution brings in its wake a train of grotesque solutions. Enough progress in one domain (particularly computing power), can sometimes make up for stasis in another domain. Though, the right moment cannot be known exactly in advance, so attempts to forecast will typically be off by years or worse. Timing technology are one of the products of this technology. insulin, chemotherapy of kala-azar and malaria) that are solvable and whose solutions would eliminate the reverse salients.18. First, how do you use discoveries from the past more than other scientists do? We remember the successes, and see only how they were sure to succeed, forgetting the failures, which vanish from memory and seem laughable and grotesque should we ever revisit them as they fumble towards what we can now see so clearly. Verify whether or not your instructor specified a word count for the paper instead of merely following this average. Businesses wont be able to get enough of it; employees will love to hate it., English Wikipedia: Well compete with Microsoft Encarta, the Encyclopedia Britannica, H2G2, Everything2, Interpedia, The Distributed Encyclopedia Project (TDEP), TheInfo, & GNUs GNE by letting literally anyone edit some draft articles for Nupedia.9, Zoom: Skype has a literally 15-year headstart, but we can do so much better, and maybe something will make everyone suddenly want to video-conference after all this time avoiding it as much as possible?. What he could not door could not do alonewas to direct the day-to-day operations of his troops, that is, to define the critical problems to be solved, to identify the terms of their solution, and to do the work that would carry the day. COWEN: Two last questions. If convicted, he would have faced a prison term of up to five years. 1). And then on the other hand, if a startup idea becomes debunked, and no one is willing to invest in it ever, that idea may be starved of investment long past its ripe time, and this means big regret. Consider the ill-fated eToys.com or Pets.com: was the investor right to believe that Americans would spend a ton of money online such as for buying toys or dogfood? Jr.: An Investigation of Wellbore Storage and Skin Effect in Unsteady Liquid Flow: I. Analytical Treatment,, Horner, D.R. Is this impossibly rare? Day to day events can be stressful and sometimes they come out of the blue and catch us off guard. 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