The SlideShare family just got bigger. Earthquake Spectra 22, S297S339. He is also president of Topping Associates International, an urban planning consulting firm, and a member of the San Luis Obispo County planning commission. A Whole Community Approach to Emergency Management: Principles, Themes, and Pathways for Action. The author describes the losses from Hurricane Katrina in the framework of two paradoxes the safe development paradox and the local government paradox. 2009. Tap here to review the details. 1 Preparedness for Natural Disasters 2 Preparedness for natural disasters Pre disaster phase Post disaster phase 3 Pre disaster phase Risk identification Mitigation Risk transfer Preparedness 4 Risk Identification Hazard Assessment Vulnerability Assessment 5 HAZARD ASSESSMENT HAZARD ASSESSMENT PROBABILITY-Hazard wise Frequency Magnitude Location 6 for, Deployment of the in the cut-off areas with, Stock pilling and of required medicines/ORS, Transportation of the injured to hospitals, Awareness messages to stop the outbreak of, Disease surveillance and transmission of reports, Constitute mobile teams and visit the worst, To obtain/transmit information on natural, Advance inoculation programme in the flood prone, Arrangement of fodder/medicines for the animals, Sanitation, temporary repairs, and restoration of, Rehabilitation and reconstruction of damaged, Incorporation of disaster mitigation components, Early warning systems and communication systems, Evacuation ,Shelter facilities and recovery plans. 2005. He was reappointed by Governor Chet Culver in January 2007 and served in that capacity until January, 2011. dr. rakesh kumar sharma additional director, institute of nuclear medicine and allied, Veterinary Disaster Management - Module 29. veterinary disaster management. "The Proof of the Planning Is in the Platting: An Evaluation of Florida's Hurricane Exposure Mitigation Planning Mandate." The updated manual offers a no-nonsense explanation of the benefits and limitations of planning for unpredictable events. Beatley, Timothy. "Sustainable Disaster Recovery: Operationalizing an Existing Agenda." The document is focused on boosting individual preparedness and engaging with members of the community to improve national resiliency and security. Retrieved from The PowerPoint PPT presentation: "Preparedness for Natural Disasters" is the property of its rightful owner. Ganapati, N. Emel, and Sukumar Ganapati. The Bridge, National Academy of Engineering, 39(4), 36-41. "Using National Financial Incentives to Build Local Resiliency: The U.S. Shelby, Ashley. The act governing how the United States declares and responds to disasters, including how the costs of the response are split between federal, state, and local governments. Berke, Philip R., Yan Song, and Mark Stevens. 2013. Pardue, and J.W. 2009. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. These succinct, downloadable PDFs are ideal handouts for meetings with officials and the general public. Alesch, Daniel J., Lucy A. Arendt, and James N. Holly. This Video deals with the various processes involved in the Disaster Management. In spite of these problems, tragedies like this could be halted if governments created comprehensive plans focusing on mitigation before emergency. The report captures recovery efforts six months after the tornado, and concluded that the city had a strong foundation for recovery. New York City Planning Department. Avoiding disaster through pre-event planning, The cost in making readiness operational (in terms of dollars), Pre-event planning with without a past disaster as an impetus, Examine organizational structures (centralized and decentralized), Willingness to look again (openness to change). DISASTER-EFFECTS Deaths Disability Increase in communicable disease Psychological problems Food shortage Socioeconomic losses Shortage of drugs and medical supplies. Lessons learned from Hurricane Andrew." The role of FBCs, how they adapt, and the predictors of their involvement need to be better understood in order for improved cross-sector collaboration pre- and post-disaster. 2013. Berke, Philip, and Thomas Campanella. Questioning how cities plan for disasters, the author argues that cities rely on the old and the familiar. June 17. The pre-disaster phase incorporates preparedness, mitigation, prevention and risk reduction, while the post-disaster phase includes response and recovery. 2007. Retrieved from National Preparedness Goal. The authors look at social and geographic disparities in vulnerability to hurricanes. "Housing Development: A Post-Disaster Workshop in Lyons, Colorado." Laurie A. Johnson, AICP, is Principal of Laurie Johnson Consulting and Research and a senior science advisor to Lexington and Chartis Insurance companies. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. David L. Miller was originally appointed Administrator of the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division by Governor Tom Vilsack in July 2004. Retrieved from Hurricane Sandy Recovery: Using Mitigation to Rebuild Safer and More Sustainable Communities. Do not sell or share my personal information. Emergency Operations Organization (EOO), City of Los Angeles. Fairfax, Va.: P.E.R.I. Retrieved from We have explained about key points of various types of disasters, Dos and donts during disasters, the Impact of different disasters on the environment, etc. 2. Hooke, S.L.Cutter, S.E. Disaster Management (DM) planning should recognize the difference between incidents and disasters. 1980. Disaster mitigation This involves lessening the likely effects of emergencies. Through a series of case studies around the world the authors come together to explain their experiences. Controllability can its impact be controlled/ managed/ diverted? A report focused on explaining how economic resilience has evolved into a meaningful, quantifiable, measurable, and actionable concept. Topping, Kenneth C. 2009. Chicago: APA Planners Press. They attempt to utilize these findings to frame the rebuilding of the city. Not limited to it, but students are often asked to create presentations on related these topics such as: Here we provide PPT files to give a presentation on Disaster management for you. Rehabilitation phase Water supply Food safety Basic sanitation and personal hygiene Vector control - is any method to limit or eradicate the mammals, birds, insects or other arthropods (here collectively called "vectors") which transmit disease pathogens. Rose, Adam. Complete the actions of Pre-emergency and Preparedness outlined above. 1986. GOI NGO Disaster preparation and Response Committee Members World Vision of India SOS Children's Village India Ramakrishna Mission Plan international OXFAM India Trust Lutheran World Service India Red Cross Catholic Relief Services CASA CARITAS India Voluntary Health association Of India Action Aid Action for Food Production-AFPRO Indo German Social Services Society, Areas of Concern Activating an Early Warning System network and its close monitoring Mechanisms for integrating the scientific, technological and administrative agencies for effective disaster management Terrestrial communication links which collapse in the event of a rapid onset disaster Vulnerability of critical infrastructures (power supply, communication, water supply, transport, etc.) William Spangle & Associates, Inc. 1991. It's FREE! Although Florida had a requirement in its planning legislation a decade ago for the inclusion of a post-storm redevelopment plan in the hazards element of comprehensive plans in coastal counties, it has only in the last two years begun seriously to implement and enforce this provision. APA laid out nine clear and specific reasons for the project in a needs assessment it shared with federal officials in FEMA and other agencies: Alesch, Daniel, Lucy A. Arendt, and James M. Nolly. National Research Council. Disaster MAnagement - A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on - id: 85b92e-MDAwY . flood 2010. The author recommends adding catastrophic event provisions, adding pre-event recovery plans to mandated state and local hazard mitigation plans, substituting block grants for infrastructure restoration funding, expanding mitigation funding, and boosting individual-household and local government post-disaster operations assistance. Disaster management is fundamentally disaster risk management. 2009. Kimura, Reo. 531. "The Road to Recovery." 2010. effects in the concerned areas. An overview of the macroseismic effects of the earthquakes measuring 4.5 or higher on the Richter scale in the U.S. between 1568 and 1989. September. "Disaster and Recovery: Processes Compressed in Time." Chang, and P.R. The tool is intended to analyze how policies, ordinances, and plans impact community safety from hazard risks due to growth. There is only one problem, which was inevitable: The information is rapidly becoming outdated. Adopted May 7 1986 (City Council Ordinance #161202). Planning for the Unplanned. A controversial book about disaster politics and how world leaders manipulate tragedies in their favor (which the author calls the "bait-and-switch"). Disaster MAnagement - PowerPoint PPT presentation . The simple answer is yes. Blaming the majority of these tragedies on government failure and selfish economic desires, the authors warn that the United States "growth machine" will next destroy the states of California and Missouri through similar environmental destruction. Why is that the case? Working Better Together: An NGO perspective on improving Australia's coordina Disastermanagementppt 130128141146-phpapp02, An intro to the postmethod condition.pptx, lesson2-parallel and perpendicular lines g7.pptx, ARTS OF THE NEOCLASSIC AND ROMANTIC PERIODS.pptx, TEACHING-ACTIVE-READING-STRATEGIES-AMIDST-PANDEMIC.ppt, HUGS_AND_KISSES_FOR_VALENTINE_WISHES_EVENING.docx, SCIENCE,. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. He has over 40 years of experience in community planning, hazard mitigation, and emergency management in Florida and Louisiana. ________. The timeline provides an introduction to disasters and federal policies. The researchers used Los Angeles as its investigation site, looking at availability of data on geologic and seismic hazards, political climate, and public support for urban planning. National Disaster Recovery Framework: Strengthening Disaster Recovery for the Nation. In general, Disasters are of two types: Natural Disaster - Earthquake, Floods, Landslide, Volcano eruption, cyclone. Journal of Disaster Research 5(2, 5). William Spangle & Associates, Earth Science Associates, H. J. Degenkolb & Associates, George S. Duggar, and Norman Williams. killed only 138,000 people even though the coastal population had doubled by that time. The aim of the study is to highlight the opportunities for post-disaster park making and encourage its inclusion in recovery plans. 2010. The book takes a broad look at improving national disaster resilience, including goals, baseline conditions, and performance metrics. ACTIVE LEARNING ASSIGNMENT ON Cities." It is useful in assessing community safety in light of present zoning. North Dakota Museum of Art. Olshansky, Robert B., and Laurie A. Johnson. How long does it take to rebuild? Pre Key Phases of Disaster Management There are three key phases of activity within disaster management: 1. It is the details of how we achieve resilience that become considerably more complicated, but they are important to planners and to the futures of the communities they serve. BACKGROUND Enormous population pressures and urbanization A flood, a drought or an earthquake millions of peoples are affected each time a disaster occurs Large-scale displacement and the loss of life, loss of property and agricultural crops, BACKGROUND The reasons for this are varied including: an increasing population pressures in urban areas an increase in the extent of encroachment into lands, e.g., river beds or drainage courses, low lying areas etc. 2001. Black & Veatch Corporation. Retrieved from A report funded by the Public Entity Risk Institute, this brings together the topics of environmental, capital, economic, social, and institutional risks. Developing pre and post-disaster grant applications Dissemination disaster assistance information Identification of suitable sites for post- . Environmental Vulnerability/Hazard Mapping, Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA) of damage to the environment, including for example the impacts of the disaster on air, water, land, and other natural resources in the local environment. The article also discusses the HAZUS-MH tool and notes case studies in which these applications were used. The authors describe a model for assessing disaster impact on corporate supply chains that they developed while working at the Ford Motor Company. ), Lessons learned from the Disaster Mitigation and Stafford Acts, Opportunities for collaboration and cooperation between planners and emergency managers, The importance of broad-based community engagement, The effects of scale, diversity, power, psychology, and political interactions in recovery planning. with a storm surge of six to nine meters height, killing an estimated 500,000 people. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. It makes the point that reconstruction must balance the critical nature of coastal wetlands, barrier islands, and other natural shoreline processes with the economic uses unique to the Northeast in order to make communities there more resilient. The framework also introduces four new concepts or terms: Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator, State or Tribal Disaster Recovery Coordinators, Local Disaster Recovery Managers, Recovery Support Functions. Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. He concludes that ultimately the city's environmental problems were not significantly worse after the disaster, and discusses the successes and failures in responding to these concerns. Lessons of Hurricane Katrina. Need for standardized efforts in compiling and interpreting geo-spatial data, satellite imagery and early warning signals. The book describes the hefty and inevitable prevalence of disasters in our modern world, especially the disproportionate effect on cities due to their high density. 560. Journal of the American Planning Association, 76(1), 5-24. "Policy Guide on Planning and Climate Change." It includes pre disaster measures, rescue and migration during the times of a disaster and post disaster measures to be taken to ensure safety and rehabilitation of people. The document establishes goals for national preparedness while laying out the core capabilities and targets necessary to achieve preparedness across five mission areas laid out under PPD 8: prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery. "Assessing Community Impacts of Natural Disasters." The article offers suggestions on how to make public participation in mitigation policy more effective. We have much to learn, much to share. This would include the preparedness of all civic bodies such as civil administration, fire-brigade, hospitals, police etc. "A Disaster in the Making: Addressing the Vulnerability of Low-Income Communities to Extreme Weather." It may be based on land parcels or zoning districts. Ross, Tracey. "Identifying and mapping community vulnerability." Steve Castaner, AICP A chronological analysis of Cedar Rapids, Iowa's response to serious flooding and the community's recovery. Journal of Emergency Management Subscription Login to verify subscription . Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. : Indian Meteorological department (IMD)plays a key role, GOI NGO Disaster preparation and Response Committee. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. Facing the Unexpected: Disaster Preparedness and Response in the United States. Proud Past, Hope for the Future Olive Hill, Kentucky: Long-term Recovery Plan. The National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) enables effective recovery support to disaster-impacted states, tribes, territorial and local jurisdictions. Number of Views:34801. Godschalk, David, Adam Rose, Elliot Mittler, et al. Pre - Disaster: Before a disaster to reduce the potential for human, material or environmental losses caused by hazards and to ensure that these losses are minimized when the disaster actually strikes. An extended response to the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, which was aimed at learning from disasters. U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). Recovered from It lays out a $99 million project focused on reducing the risk of flood damage, improving government response, increasing public awareness, and boosting recreational opportunities. 41. "7 Ways Manufacturers can Improve Responsiveness to a Natural Disaster." 68% land is vulnerable to drought. Retrieved from The authors posit that a risk-based framework can push community decision makers to consider a wider range of possible consequences. Built Environment 32(4): 354-374. E.g. Beatley states that the primary planning principle for new developments should be resilience. Get powerful tools for managing your contents. Community and Regional Resilience Institute, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. : Disaster Research Center, University of Delaware, Preliminary Paper 230. American Red Cross (ARC) defines Disaster as. Journal of Disaster Research, Part 1, Volume 5, Number 2, April; and Part 2, Volume 5, Number 5, October. These community vulnerability maps can be integrated into GIS systems for easier access. Marketing Business Development Coordinator. The Resilient City: How Modern Cities Recover from Disaster. Retrieved from Thousands of copies have circulated nationwide and around the world. Managing for Long-term Community Recovery in the Aftermath of Disaster. "Estimating the Social and Economic Consequences of Natural Hazards: Fiscal Impact Example." 2013. There are three stages of the disaster risk management which are collectively called Disaster Management Cycle. Retrieved from Highfield, Wesley E., Walter Gillis Peacock, and Shannon Van Zandt. While larger, global environmental problems such as climate change, do lead to stronger local disaster events such as floods, landslides or fires/accidents, it will be the local environment and its condition that will eventually increase or decrease the risks and impacts that communities will face with a disaster. Baltimore Office of Sustainability. "Public Participation in Natural Hazard Mitigation Policy Formation: Challenges for Comprehensive Planning." Challenges of Disaster Management9. Looks like youve clipped this slide to already. First Year Technical Report of the Small Organizations Natural Hazards Project, Center for Organizational Studies, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay. Disaster management planning should focus on large-scale events. "Creating Hazard Resilient Communities through Land-Use Planning." Human-induced environmental change, where buildings and urban areas or the emissions/waste/pollution that we emit as a part of our daily life, can exacerbate the negative impacts of a "simple" disaster event such as a heavy rain or cyclone - resulting in secondary, cascading disaster events. For any school class or college student, these PPTs will help to build excellent projects on the management of disasters. "Measuring Tsunami Planning Capacity on the U.S. Pacific Coast." The Disaster management cycle illustrates the ongoing process by which governments, businesses, and civil society plan for and reduce the impact of disasters, react during and immediately following a disaster, and take steps to recover after a disaster has occurred. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1527. David R. Godschalk, FAICP, is Stephen Baxter Professor Emeritus in the Department of City and Regional Planning at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, where he continues to maintain an active teaching and writing schedule. Their insight from working with community leaders in New Orleans gives a unique approach to the disaster period, and they document their own thoughts and those of the community leaders and policymakers that they interviewed. 2008. Cantrell, R. A., Nahmens, I., Peavey, J., Bryant, K., & Stair, M. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research. Planning Advisory Service Report no. 2004. Weve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. This article begins by discussing the similarities and differences between the 1994 Northridge earthquake and the Kobe earthquake in 1995. the material in this module was created by, E.g. on an average, Disaster Emergency Management - . Baker, Earl J., Robert E. Deyle, Timothy S. Chapin, et al. The report summarizes how the U.S. provides housing to people impacted by disasters and charts a path for improvement. 205 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 1200 Washington, D.C.: Island Press. The NDRF identifies six Recovery Support Functions (RSF) as the coordinating structure for key areas of recovery assistance. Grand Forks (North Dakota), City of. Best Practices On 12 November, 1970 a major cyclone hit the coastal belt of Bangladesh at 223 km/hr. Due to the Cyclone Preparedness Program, the April 1991 cyclone with wind speed of 225 km/hr. 2005. Emrich. Scope and intensity of impact how much area/ how many people will it affect? 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