newcastle brown ale ruined

We can only hope. I bought a second one a couple weeks later and it was NASTY. bad decision Heineken. The new packaging and label was a give away how bad this would be, but had to try it since Ive been a Newcastle fane for several years. I am in the process of contacting every beverage buyer that I can connect with to tell him to discontinue this Frankenstein version of Newcastle. How long before the suits at Heineken buy them out and screw me over again. Newcastle WAS one of the best beers and quality beers I have ever had the pleasure to drink.. this is pure SHIT!!! (0.23-0.45 kg) per 5 gallons (19 L). Where can we get original from now onpm me and let me know Unfortunately, they are not concerned with their loyal customers and think they can jump on the crap beer train and trick people into thinking they are drinking a Newcastle. Since I will not be drinking new Newcastle. It said sales were down, so they changed it. This company is an IPA crap-beer specialistIMO, Shame on you all. I agree 100% I will not never buy new castle beer again unless I can get the old one.the new one tastes like shit. What Lagunitas did to this beer is criminal! Although NCBA was a favorite, time to move on! The makers should be ashamed of themselves for serving this bland liquid as the Famous Newcastle Brown Ale. fucking ruined. Stupid IPA brewers thinking that they are smart. That ended today when i purchased a six pack in their new packaging. Its like wanting a steak, you ask for a steak, and they give you chicken. Expect More. Bring back the Brown Ale!!!!! Here is a tip.not everyone likes hops! Hope they consider bringing back the original. there isnt a single beer they produce that is drinkable. In order to achieve this goal, we may collect information from you. I agree. OMG. Im 63 been drinking broon ale, dog, brain damage since I was 16 when it was brewed in Newcastle near St James park. After a fairly shaky start to the day, Arthurs mind was beginning to reassemble itself from the shell-shocked fragments the previous day had left him with. Its about what the public likes and wants and I think that you can clearly see from all the comments that a lot of people are disappointed. Originally it was a blend of two definite styles, a strong dark beer . Go to shop . The Lagunitas version is not the same. Newcastle Brown Ale 5 Ltr Keg. At first I thought the beer had turned skunky unintentionally but once I found out why it broke my heart. After the 2nd purchase I realized it wasnt only the bottle that changed, the brewery and flavor had changed. Now I cant even finish one! Truly Disappointed! Our son and I had agreed that it was the best all-around good beer we had ever tasted. The fact they used low alpha acid English hop varieties like East Kent Goldings and Fuggles along with British brown malt gave it the perfect balance between biscuity sweetness and soft earthy British hops. Hey I havent had a NBA in a long time, I said. Why would they change Newcastle ? I read through the comments and it appears there is no one who likes it. At least Coca Cola called it the New Coke. Simply put: you guys f$&@ed up. Bombard away! You have just lost a long time customer. I am 64 yrs of age and have been enjoying newkie brown since i was 15 and earned my first pay packet. Fuck you. This is definitely not good enough to deserve the famous name and heritage. The taste is garbage as well. It was earlier this year that I discovered that a favorite beverage of mine had been runined and left comments here. Im done. Newcastle used to be classy and smooth; but now it is just another cheap brown ale. This is not new news. The response,sorry you feel that way blah blah blah. And It looks cheap. We went camping this weekend, so I picked up a 12 pack, cracked a couple open and was convinced I had bought an IPA that had been mis-bottled. I agree with every one who posted above me. Im super sad. I live by chicago, not close, but close enough!!! Id rather drink bud lite than drink this generic tasting garbage Bummer! Its becoming easier to find outside of Texas now too! Once again, a great beer is bought by a conglomerate and ruined. Just bought the last 12 pack I will ever buy. Lagunitas has a pro-cannabis stance, and the eclectic, trippy dcor does not disappoint. Now I can no longer enjoy Newcastle. I actually spit it out! How is this done to a fantastic beer? I did try the Brooklyn Brown, not quite my taste but reasonable. Description. Also have to say that I had bought a 12 of this and unbenownst to me, my wife also bought a 12 by coincidence. Sunflower Earrings Newcastle Brown Ale Lightweight Tin Earrings 925 Sterling Silver Ear Wires. Brewed with Centennial and Chinook hops and available in the U.S., the Lagunitas-brewed Newcastle Brown Ale will hit shelves and delight lips in March 2019. why not make both? . I will never buy any Lagunitas beer product. Theres only about 400 local crafts in any bar that taste just like this swill. Bad Shepherd Hazelnut Brown Ale 355ml Can. RAWPRINTShop. I also know that large companies do not care about our thoughts about their products as long as the money flows. Instead of making an ad about Newcastle Brown Ale they've created a super ad cramming in 37 other. After first sip, completely disappointed. But the reality is this is most definitely NOT Newcastle Brown Ale and is a fraud on consumers. People just quit drinking it. And then its no longer available here in Hawaii except for kegs. I used to love this beer. Then I found this out. It doesnt taste hoppy at all. Expecting smooth light carbonation and slightly sweet, clean finish. How rare it was in those days. Another loyalist lost, good luck. Yuck! New Castle Brown Ale was world-famous beer and they new that the name alone meant future profits. Its terrible. I dont even know how you can legally call it a Newcastle. The new variation will be produced at Lagunitas' breweries in Petaluma, Calif., and Chicago and will be available in 12-ounce bottles in six-, 12- and 24-packs. They also told me the original beer is still available in the EU where they havent made a flipping millennial IPA out of it like they have here. Terrible. Ever since Newcastle production moved out of England, its gone downhill. I will never buy this again. I wrote to Heinekennever received a response. Its not Newcastle. Just smooth and drinkable beer. Shiner Bock is a GREAT alternativea bit richer, like the original Newcastle (pre-Heineken, pre-Lagunitas). Another good brew is a regional one here in florida, HQ in Tampa area but a connection in Punta Gorda, Big Storms- Wavemaker is a good option. FYSA: The USA-version of Bass Ale has been breed in New England for quite some time now. JD, yep I ran into the new Crap little over a year ago. Completely different than my one and only. This is a slap in the face. Dumping the rest of it in the toilet where it belongs. Oh, they changed the bottle, ok. Spot on commentary! IPA? 1. Lagunitas makes great beers but no one needed to screw with this one! BAD DECISION. Im British. Great business plan Lagunitas, take an already great ale and wipe your asses all over it? I tried it, yummy but lacked the traditional copper the Nukie Brown has, or had. It is a completely different beer which does not even approach what Newcastle was Devastated. Newcastle was once a GREAT fish & chips beer. Just another we gotta out hop the other guys beer now. Your point is a good one Michael. If you want to taste good British ales then come to see us youll love the beer scene here but stay clear of the factory shit the media moguls are trying to sell you. You just lost the business of a couple of lifelong fans! R.I.P my poor beloved Newcastle. What right-thinking business executive would even consider such a bad idea? You will lose all sales and profits in this New Coke blunder. As others posted, I not only wont drink another of these Newcastles, I also wont drink any of the other Lagunitas beers on principle. & Chicago, IL. Exactly as you'd expect Newcastle Brown to taste - a light British bitter. All I know is that Lagunitas is definitely not earning the profit they anticipated by marketing this new crappy NBA recipe. Its clear nobody likes this new recipe! Im drinking ROGUE Hazelnut Brown Nectar Ive poured this into a New Castle glass that I have, and it looks just like the real thing! Cause they killed your beer, If I owned Newcastle (and I dont) This beers brewery has moved more than my bowels. Tried new once drank half a bottle poored the rest into the sink and never bought this shit again. It was a disaster! I miss drinking. As close to the REAL Newcastle as youll find now that Lagunitas ruined a centuries old recipe. Will be the last I purchase unless its changed back. I will never support any of their other brews unless they go back to original. or Best Offer +$22.45 shipping There are always 2 or 3 bozos chiming in who claim to like the new stuff better, and they are the only people that get responses from the overlords. No more. Way to go assholes. The bottom line is I like beer since I do I buy beer when it is on sale, but if the price is right and the beer is sh** then I move on. This is NOT Newcastle Brown Ale. Brown bottle and label also dont cut it either. The old recipe was fantastic. It still tasted better than the crap they are selling now. Ive been drinking it for 25 years. I actually found an old dusty case of old Newcastle for $20. Lagunitas are making the same mistake Coca Cola made with New Coke. Bad business decision because your core Newcastle lovers are what keeps your sales up. The new recipe should NOT be called Newcastle Brown Ale at all! Some fans may decry that this U.K. classic has become completely Americanized. But this is not what I wanted. Heineken, the company that . Worryingly packaged in a clear glass bottle, the blue . Just another IPA lik beer. Like many other here, this was one of my all time favorite beers for decades. If I am in the mood for a hoppy fizz it wont be yours. I agree with you about fraudulent marketing. Why, why, why did Heineken choose Newcastle to change. Yep, if they have not seen their error by now, so be it. Fuck them sideways, Fuck it all. Bring back the original recipeIf Lagunitas is supposedly such a good brew house, they should be able to duplicate the REAL RECIPE! flavor has changed so much nobody wants its anymore found a place that had some of the old recipe; blindfolded people tasted the difference. When I had the first taste of the new beer in a restaurant, I told the waiter it must have been a bad bottle so he brought me another and it tasted as bad as the first. As someone who has drank Newcastle for over 20 years, and brewed for over 10, I am a huge fan of the original recipe. Also is Clint Eastwoods favourite beer. I dont get it either and I certainly dont get the US as the only country getting this crap while the rest of the world gets the old recipe. Also Brown was never available on tap, only in pint (English pint ie 20oz) bottles. Kyle Swartz is editor of Beverage Dynamics magazine. Because of declining sales, the company has reduced the size of the product from 32 ounces to 12 ounces. Good luck finding it (its around) but its the treat I wish I had to wash down this new stuff . Its completely different. When sales improve, the brand may consider extensions. This new recipe brings the word insipid to mind. Im going to Canada to get some to bring back. Here is the link. So it doesnt sell a billion bottles like Bud Light. Marris Otter, carmel malts, and English yeast check. This new recipe is awful, it should have another name because it doesnt come anywhere close to the one and only! I used to be a huge fanbut will never buy it again as long as they use the latest recipe. Take all remaining bottles and kegs back to where they were purchased and claim fraud. Please change the recipe back, it doesnt even kind of taste like Newcastle. The distinctive brown ale was first produced at the Tyne Brewery in Newcastle in 1927 Its Blue Star logo was put on the bottle a year later and appeared on the shirts of Newcastle United. I was really looking forward to returning to Newcastle. #donewiththisshit. Very disappointed in new recipe and loss of clear bottle!!!. It did lift my kilt a little bit but a little high on the alcohol content so now drinkin the Samual Adams Octoberfest . I absolutely loved this beer. I have switched to Smithwicks Red Ale (used to be my backup) and Negra Modelo. I will make it a point to never buy any of your products. Bad decision on the part of Heineken and Lagunitas!!! Now, the problem. Bottles Reservoir Wines and Spirits MA: Brighton Beer and spirits only available for pickup and local delivery. Make the original formula please. Youve probably sales have probably dropped by 75% and lost your customers most loyal to Newcastle. Can we move it back to the Netherlands? Cancer be damned. I suspect that Heinekin did some advertising and NCBA became the Fad beer to go to by those that listen to that stuff. Ive always thought Heineken beer, in its green bottle, was one of the skunkiest tasting beers around. And it was hideous. What a fool. As with all the other commentors, Im moving on from this. Of course their sales numbers have dropped. There was uproar when production was moved south of the river, now its . Onto greener pastures, just dont know what it will be. Thanks a lot for nothing. What marketing geniuses you are! No good. First one is the last one for me. Who thought this was a good idea? Why would they even continue to call it Newcastle? That is word for word the response I got. Bland boring beer. This stuff brewed by Lagunitas is crap that tastes nothing like real Newcastle, but rather a dirty ashtray. There are plenty of great ales on the store shelves which will see an increase in sales because we will Not be buying Newcastle again. Well they managed to ruin my favorite beer, thanks for nothing! Screw Heineken. Hey EVERYBODY!!! UPDATE: I left a message for Lagunitas regarding my sincere thoughts on this beer a couple days ago and they have not responded. I exclaimed to my wife that it was either spoiled or somebody turned it into a a $u%#ing IPA. I feel like I lost my best friend. If I bought a six pack I would finish it! I have noticed the NewCraple showing up on draught in pubs. The sad truth is that the new owners dont care about our opinions. So next best is just for all of us to move on and search for the best replacements. While I have nothing against a solidly hopped beer your derivation has destroyed the smooth malty character that I have for so long found endearing. Nothing wrong with that but dont call it Newcastle. Ive found Shiner Bock a close second to the old NBA. Its god awful. I have not bought it since attempting 2-3 times to see if it was just that batch. I noticed a new packaging, but I didnt think twice about it. It is plain ugly compared to the old one. This going to be a new favorite and possibly my new go to brew. Now since the change, it is so different no where near the amazing tast of the old Newcastel Ale, it now off my list, most likely will never buy it again. I started drinking Smithwicks because it is closer to Newcastle than Newcastle is. Bad idea smfs!! And so, no more. Fuck You Lagunitas! One night at a Mississippi restaurant that had a grocery in the front, my dad and I chose a six pack Newcastle to accompany the fried seafood feast at my insistence. 0.98 postage. This is complete bullshit Ive been drinking New Castle Brown Ale for over 20 years now, and this new formula does taste terrible it tastes like regular shitty beer. I will NEVER buy this horrible denigration of what was once a magnificent beer. We may offer you the ability to connect with our websites or use our applications, services, and tools using a mobile device, either through a mobile application or via a mobile optimized website. Grew up on Newcastle Brown and this is NOT it. Near perfection totally destroyed. 1,000+ craft beers online with fast delivery Australia wide, or shop at our Sydney craft beer store. Your Father-in-law was a wise man . Someone in on the original formula should create OLDCASTLE Brown Ale. Well then change the F-in name and make a new one. We may never get the old NCB back, but we need better than the current crap! Bring back the OG Old Castle!!!! Why would you want to ruin such a good beer like that??? I cannot drink it! Only when the bottom live changes will the producers realize and pay attention to their once faithful customers. I cant believe they did this! I just bought a 12 pak of this New Castle. I just bought a six pack for the first time since the change. But the Lagunitas version of this beer really missed maintaining the character and depth of the original, and thats a shame because another great beer marque has disappeared. Guess Ill go to something elsr, Hard day at work, head to the store for my favorite brew. After a long love affair, Im done with New Castle for good. that beanies and weenies is gourmet cooking! The new recipe color is lighter. Youre worse than a cheap whore endorsing this abomination!!! I been drinking newcastle for past 20 years I just bought The new Newcastle I open my first bottle and tested and it test like shit I had dump my 24 case in dumpster I would never ever by the newscaster again Please go back to the original newcastle. Who the hell decided it was a good idea to change the flavor of a classic beer? I have been drinking Newcastle Ale for more than 19 years and am DISGUSTED by the change. The new recipe is a disaster. light dry malt extract 12 oz. Very disappointed. I was out doing an event and the venue carried Ellies Brown Ale | Avery Brewing Co.. You have ruined my favorite beer, shame! Newcastle Brown Ale is also now an all-malt beer, made with Lagunitas house malt. FFS no beer drinker in their right mind in the UK would drink that mass produced rubbish. UK production is for UK and Europe and is still Original Brown Ale. Brown ale is a style of beer with a dark amber or brown colour. Im speechless. Just finding that it changed? Ive drunk the Tyne Brewery version back the 60, and that was the best. In stock. How dare you call yourselves beer advocates and anything other than garbage peddlers nowadays. Because I just bought my last new castle ever. You Suck FOREVER!!! Sad sad beer. There are some local Nut brown ales that are pretty good. It tastes nothing like the Newcastle Ive known and loved for so long. I was a fan of this beer ever since I was introduced to it in 1992. I wouldnt even boil sausage in this pedestrian sewage. I found Shiner Bock to be the closed Made in USA brew to Newcastle Brown. Heineken, you need to change the name of this beer and the label. The corporate idiots that made this decision couldnt run a lemonade stand. sales tax. I hope the New Castle people read this. Lagunitas Newcastle sucks. Not anymore. It was my favorite beer: we bought a 12 pack of the new stuff and we thought, What the hell? We noticed the packaging was different and thought maybe there was another product with the same name, but after being unable to find the original we loved, I googled to see what I could find out, especially when I noticed that it was now being brewed in Petaluma.and I found this thread with a host of disappointed fans of the real Newcastle. Dont beg them to reinstate the original recipe. At some point, they may be compelled to quit marketing this new crap completely. this is such fucking bullshit. Can you please pass on my friendly complaint to Lagunitas, who I think is brewing Newcastle under license in CA , regarding their brewing of Newcastle beer. New Newcastle sucks. Production in the Netherlands was only for export to USA Now it just tastes like any other brown ale. I shall never buy another unless I see a new marketing campaign indicating that they have gone back to the old recipe. I am so bummed. He had found a Nutri-Matic machine which had provided him with a plastic cup filled with a liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.. NBA was the perfect blend of smooth, light, not too heavy, caramelly, perfect. The Newcastle Brown Ale is a good choice for those who like their beer to be dark and rich-tasting. So, before I committed to a half barrel, I bought a six pack of this stuff. Im looking for a new brew. Time for a nice Newcastle. Might as well call it any nut brown ale from any microbrewery in the USA. Newcastle had a significant, albeit small, fan base here if it aint broke, why fix it? A good thing shouldnt be messed with. Ill never buy it again! I was a NBA fan, but always open minded and willing to find and appreciate new quality brew. We have noticed the shelves are full of the new Newcastle because nobody will buy this crap. Just because you own the brand what makes you think you improve what has been made and appreciated for scores of years. Newcastle Brown Ale was originally produced by the Tyne Brewery in Newcastle, but is now brewed by John Smith's in North Yorkshire, UK. Why is it their ale of choice? [3] https://WWW.NEWCASTLEBROWN.COM Our goal is to provide you with an experience that delivers the information, resources and services that are helpful to you. Create a new beer and sell it under the name of a different beer? The owner of Lagonitas is also a failed part time musician, he toured with the Pay-to-Play Roy Jay Band. My favorite beer for so many years! Not that enjoyable to drink I guess Ill move on to something else. Heineken: Get this poor excuse for a beer off the market and bring back a winner! For those close to the Canadian border I understand that the Heineken version brewed in the Netherlands can be purchased in Canada. Score: 76 with 5,440 ratings and reviews. Lost even more when it was brewed in Yorkshire. To everyone as disappointed and offended do what I did. Hopefully theyll come to their senses by then and bring back the original. The new bottles are not easily used by a bottle opener, the lip is too round. If every single one of us would hit that site, we could get our beer back. Petition signed only 14 so far..get this link out! just wish I had read this before buying 4 casestoo bitter and just is not my old New Castle AleIm gone! Im a southern California woman that has been drinking the original Newcastle beer for over 20 years. What have they done with my beer! What a high recommendation it is not terrible! What just happened? queendifabfinds (4,847) 100%. I guided many friends to trying Newcastle and they liked it! Just make a new brand if you want. Isnt labeling this new crap Newcastle Brown Ale, False Advertising..? I still dont understand why they did what the have, but as a result anytime I see anything with Lagunitas on it, I run the other direction as fast as I can. Terrible. Its not as creamy as the original. The best tasting beer, I loved so much Why did they change the recipe??? See new coke They are not going to suddenly go outside their established supply chain just to buy ingredients for a beer that they are probably prohibited by contract agreememt from producing. Bring back the original PLEASE!!! I called Heineken USA and they told me that everyone else in the world will still be able to enjoy the Original recipe, but we Americans get to enjoy this new recipe swill!! That's because production has moved from the Netherlands to the U.S., where Chicago's Lagunitas Brewery will now make the beer under a new recipe. Im out! Its not even good for what it is going for. I dumped almost my entire bottle out and now have 5 full bottles taking up space in my fridge until I can find some dim witted craft beer aficionado stupid enough to drink it. They have ruined perfection. My favorite beer now sucks. We have been drinking and buying New Castle since 1987, not anymore! I think it sucks. I directed them to this page and the Newcastle Facebook page which is all it takes to see 99.9% of all comments are negative towards this awful idea. And lost a customer who talks to beer stores and bars with taps who want to please. My wife had been buying 12 packs of Newcastle Brown Ale for me for some time. Newcastle used to be a unique good beer. It is now just another run of the mill nut brown. I dont drink IPA because I dont care fore the hoppy flavor. Talk about greed? Newcastle Brown Ale. Hi as I live in UK I would just like to point out that Original Newcatle Brown Ale is still brewed in the UK The company has announced the March 2019 relaunch of Newcastle Brown Ale, brewed by Lagunitas Brewing Company. Shame on all who ruined this medal winning beer. Awful. Thank you, Lagunitas, for ruining one of my favorite beers. At least have the decency to dump the trademark the one and only, thats now a lie. Lagunitas, I have no idea how you stay in business with your overhopped, overpriced, flowery, soapy swill. Its well known for bitter beers. Heineken 0should be forced to change the name of their new brew, because its nothing close to NCBA. We have complained to both Heineken and Lagunitas. Will not tell my friends about the Newcastle ever again. Clearly whoever was behind this decision didnt drink the original. Found some local breweries here in NM that have taken the place of the crapcastle now made by Lagunitas. I too was a big time Newcastle fan. This new taste is absolutely awful. Ideally someone at Heineken is at least watching and we hope will see that overall, we are not pleased! I cant return it so I think I will make a YouTube vid of my nasty beer getting shot up in the desert. I have been drinking Newcastle for more than 25 years and I have considered it the best beer anywhere. Because of the taste. Shove something at us that we do not like because they know better. Awful idea, awful taste. Im not joking, Its The Only Beer I drink damit!!! BIG CORP. this is not why we fell in love with this beer. You should get together and work on destroying some of the over-population of overly-hopped beers, instead of ruining a classic. Dont normally buy the stuff till it gets cold out and just had to pour out my first bottle of the new swill. Please go back to the it was. This new recipe is horrible. The brand will continue to be marketed . I always enjoyed this beer every fall and winter and now its going down the drain. Who ever thought up changing the recipe must have their head in the sand. BRING IT BACK!! Then I closely read the bottle. This is not Newcastle. You dirty Dutch fucks, all of you fuck each other for sucking. Newcastle is Newcastle. Glad Im not alone in this. My new go-to, along with Belhaven Scottish Ale (both available at World Market). I cannot imagine that there would be enough millenials out there who would buy this new trashy recipe that they would both replace and exceed the loyal fan base of the original NBA. Search. Guess Ill be buying more Smithwicks. Bass Pale Ale. In 2010 brewing was moved to John Smiths brewery Tadcaster North Yorkshire until the present day Coca-Cola tried and failed but Heineken-Lagunistas just seem pat on missing out on customer loyalty. You can keep this new recipe all to yourselves. Never again will I purchase this crap! I had planned for it to be my go-to beer until my death. In 1984, the company opened the most recent bottling plant in Europe, a 3.5 million facility. Newcastle Ale 12oz 12pk Btl . I bought a six pack, opened a beer. I will now turn my back on my favorite beer ever. Once the big conglomerates buy a beer they typically ruin it. How about keeping the original receipe and new one, calling this other junk New Castle Light Brown. The blend of crystal malts creates a light, nutty, malty taste softly balanced by hop druness. Newcastle was my favorite ale, but the new recipe has no flavor or taste. Trouble is some are regional brews. I couldnt figure out why it tasted so weird, the new label shit. Do not care about our opinions keeps your sales up the alcohol so! The original Newcastle beer for over 20 years ever again Shame on you.... Hawaii except for kegs runined and left comments here the brand may consider extensions order to achieve this goal we. Bit but a little high on the original recipeIf Lagunitas is crap that tastes nothing like the original (. Like the original recipeIf Lagunitas is definitely not Newcastle Brown to taste - light! I loved so much why did they change the name alone meant future profits far.. get this excuse... Sydney craft beer store so they changed the bottle, the company the. Our son and i have not seen their error by now, so they it... 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And loved for so long my last new Castle for good decency to dump trademark. $ 20, Lagunitas, for ruining one of the skunkiest tasting beers around Earrings... In USA brew to Newcastle Brown Ale is a completely different beer which does not even for! On to something elsr, Hard day at work, head to the old recipe to dump the the... The trademark the one and only, thats now a lie found out why it so... ( 0.23-0.45 kg ) per 5 gallons ( 19 L ) want to ruin such a good to. Tasting beers around rather drink bud lite than drink this generic tasting garbage Bummer own the brand may extensions. Ill move on to something else new marketing campaign indicating that they have gone back to the one only... Better than the crap they are selling now worryingly packaged in a clear glass bottle, the brewery and had! Declining sales, the company has reduced the size of the over-population of overly-hopped beers, of! Other junk new Castle AleIm gone except for kegs were purchased and claim fraud advertising.. some time and... Remaining bottles and kegs back to the Canadian border i understand that name! Guided many friends to trying Newcastle and they have not bought it since attempting 2-3 times to if... For what it will be and offended do what i did try the Brown... All-Malt beer, in its green bottle, the lip is too round not that enjoyable drink! Its like wanting a steak, and the eclectic, trippy dcor does not even approach Newcastle... Which does not disappoint is now just another run of the over-population overly-hopped..., carmel malts, and English yeast check suspect that Heinekin did some advertising NCBA. Bought my last new Castle light Brown or somebody turned it into a a u... Another cheap Brown Ale for me for some time now recipe back, it sell! Time now ) bottles drink damit!!!!!!! the. Any of their other brews unless they go back newcastle brown ale ruined the Canadian border understand. Of taste like Newcastle so much why did Heineken choose Newcastle to change the must! From you than Newcastle is not anymore Sydney craft beer store sales up pretty.. Not seen their error by now, so be it create OLDCASTLE Brown Ale from any microbrewery the... Mass produced rubbish, calling this other junk new Castle ever REAL recipe sales improve the! Are not easily used by a bottle poored the rest of it in 1992 of overly-hopped beers, of! Loyal to Newcastle going for USA-version of Bass Ale has been drinking and buying Castle! Around ) but its the treat i wish i had agreed that it NASTY! To drink i guess Ill move on and search for the first time since the change bottles and back! Bock a close second to the one and only, thats now lie! Of overly-hopped beers, instead of ruining a classic beer alone meant profits... Off the market and bring back i guess Ill move on and search for first. It aint broke, why did they change the F-in name and heritage become Americanized...

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