how to respond to pleasure doing business with you

Im doing just fine, and you?, Im doing quite fine, teacher, thank you for asking, and how about you?, Yes, officer, Im doing alright, thanks for asking., No, Im not, sir. 4 If you meet someone for the first time, you can say, as a way of being polite, that it is a pleasure to meet them. 13. 11. Some believe the response says the employee views the service as a chore that is taking them out of their way. Similar to "It was lovely seeing you," "I had a lovely time with you" also bears a warm and intimate connotation. Thank you, and you?, My day isnt exactly going the way I wanted, but thanks for asking. Working with you has been a great professional experience for me. How are you doing is one of the most common greetings in the English language. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. You could say: 'Thanks. If you want to add more information when responding to family and friends, its up to you. As you can see, the responses are either formal or informal. "My pleasure" is an idiomatic response to "Thank you.". To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. When you acknowledge the other person's experience and skills, you validate them and start the conversation off in a positive way. Im glad we could discuss these matters. In addition to helping you grow as an individual, developing empathy helps others feel comfortable bringing their whole selves to work, and as a result, helps you retain top talent and boost individual and organizational success. It was a pleasure working alongside you. A recent EY survey found that 58% of employees have previously left a job because they didnt feel valued by their boss, and 48% have left a job because they didnt feel like they belonged. From the Covid-19 pandemic and the climate crisis, to economic woes and doomscrolling, there are enough factors in todays world to bring any of us down, and conveying empathy is an important part of the role we each have in creating a workplace that honors the realities of every individual. Show empathy. I knew it was going to be fruitful to ask you about this. I'd say "working with" instead because I don't like the way "working for" would . First thing's first: You should always thank customers for wanting to do business with you. If not, then answer politely that youre okay. (It was) My pleasure. Learn how answering the question, Why should I do business with you? is one of the most important customer engagement tips in your marketing strategy. If you make a suggestion, you have created a recommendation. The answers to the following questions are in bold:. For example, if the person is not someone you will see again or if you don't want to grow and maintain a professional relationship with them, then a simple "Fine." is appropriate and significant. If theres anything else youd like from me, dont hesitate to let me know about it. Or, you can answer with fine thanks or fine thank you. , As sad as I am to see her go, it is also my pleasure to recommend Suzanne for your organization. What does Enterococcus faecalis look like? Youre welcome. There are a lot of easy-outs and deals for there, and they've made a . What is the formula of glucose fructose and galactose? Looking forward to more of it shows that youre ready to learn more. What do you mean by incidence matrix of a graph? Im glad to do business with you. I look forward to more business with you. Let me know if theres anything else you might need from me before we move to the next phase. One of the most important and common questions a vendor hears, and the one that every vendor dreads, is that of why someone should do business with you. It was nice talking to you is fairly common in emails. You are a team leader, and youve recently been noticing that one of your team members isnt as energetic and engaged as she usually is in group discussions. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. Its a pleasure. One of these questions can be, How are you? To respond correctly, here are some examples that you use. How to respond to How are you? or How are you doing?. Clients show their loyalty with their feetevery detail counts in business, and your communication style may be offensive to a valued consumer. Empathy can be defined simply as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. "I'm feeling quite fine, thanks, and you?". It was a pleasure doing business with you Gilson Gray. The sale depends on the expenditure, complexity, and the need for other people to be involved in the process. The pleasure is all ours. Im feeling great today, thanks for asking. ; It's a pleasure doing business with someone who sets the bar so high. Part of HuffPost Business. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. You too implies that you are directing the same message back at them without directly writing it out. This phrase works best when the business goes without a hitch. When youre asked, How are you? especially if the mood is gloomy, its up to you whether you answer truthfully or say youre fine. It shows that you agree that the meeting or discussion was pleasurable. This phrase works best as a response, meaning that the original sender would have to say, it was a pleasure doing business.. The U.S. Travel Association has announced their upcoming IPW show for May 20 24, The U.S. Travel Association has announced their upcoming IPW show for May 20 24, 2023 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas. Thank you!And you too, is the best way to respond to it was a pleasure talking with you. Customers can become better clients when they learn from situations just like their own. How are you? is also another way to say hello to someone. Im happy to be working with you. You have great. Some requests just aren't feasible. It shows the other party that you value their input and what you have gained from the meetings or emails. 6. Thank you, Sarah; Dear Julia, I'm glad you feel that way. Please continue to shed light on others who need your support and enlightenment. In the face of extreme emotions, people in authority don't just deliver a message. Implement the right tools for your growth strategy. It works best when youve come to reasonable conclusions that might help things to run more smoothly. I hope we can do this again. Businesses can be for-profit entities or they can be non-profit organizations that operate to fulfill a charitable mission or further a social cause. A general partnership is the most basic form of partnership. Well have to find someplace else to do business. Are you okay?, Thanks for asking. Its been eye-opening for me, and I know there are a few things that I would still like to talk about. Genuine is used here to show that you are surprised by how much of a pleasure the conversation was. You dont want to offend the person by replying gaily when the person is grieving or sad. The question can take many forms, but all of them come down to the customer wanting to know what sets you apart. Your response to this question depends on whether you . , 4 Im so thankful for everything you bring to the table. If you register your business under different legal names, it is best to also have a different bank account for each business name. This is what entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk responded to criticism of his book: But sometimes, getting a response from the business owner isn't realistic. The Bing icon on the bottom of the app will start a chat . hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, '9e0873d2-fbbf-4000-8d42-ecafbebb69e8', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Get expert sales tips straight to your inbox, and become a better seller. If you don't sell your services as a necessity, sales leads won't feel any urgency to say yes. May 08, 2020, Published: 2. It shows that you want to take the "pleasure" because you feel like you learned a lot more from the emails than the other party might have done. Its a good synonym because it shows that youve been thinking about discussing the issues for a while. Even on the weekend some people are there to work. '. Answer (1 of 12): The answer to this question will be dependent of the type of meeting, the nature of communication, the interests of the participants and the conclusion or next step discussed. This conversation is somewhat informal. If you are, here are responses you can use: When you respond to the question How are you? you should also consider the persons feeling of asking you. So, behave in a way that makes you likable. Let me know if theres anything else I can do to help you out. Empower your customers to work together by building a community between them. Use this customer service phrase often and thoughtfully, but read the customer's mood and relate with how they feel. Are you having fun as well?. This simple statement can come across as genuine, true, and pure. Be Polite. Also, a business owner does not receive personal liability protection from a DBA. 2. This has always been my dream project, and I was very grateful to have you assist me on this. . Where is H. pylori most commonly found in the world? That was a pleasant business exchange. It shows that you were surprised to enjoy the business discussion as much as you did. As you can see, both speakers are comfortable speaking to each other. (8 Better Alternatives), 6 Steps To Politely Remind Someone To Reply To Your Email, 12 Best Replies To Nice Meeting You On Email (Business Context), 10 Best Replies When Someone Says Happy Holidays, 9 Other Ways to Say Im Good At on a Resume, 10 Polite Ways to Say No Visitors after Surgery, 11 Best Ways to Say Im Here for You to a Loved One, 10 Professional Ways to Say I Am Not Feeling Well. All rights reserved 2023 Copyright Representative: "Alright, let's get that gift card mailed to you." Restating the issue goes a long way in this complaint response example template. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Closing email phrases (business letter closing phrases) Closing email phrases can be easily typed with help of Type Pilot. It was a pleasure doing business with you Gilson Gray. I hope we can do this again soon. Some other too-casual culprits include: "sure," "uh huh," and "don't mention it.". Think about it -- everyone claims to have the best quality and service, even if it isnt true. There are many businesses to choose from, but you chose ours. These are the four types of partnerships. It uses doing to show that youre thoroughly enjoying the meeting at the time rather than waiting for it to end. This becomes even more important . I hope there is still some time for us to work through a couple of these issues. That was a pleasant business exchange. You express your sympathy about how she is dealing with so much. You try to put yourself in her shoes. The IRS requires the following information when filing electronically. How about you?". Some wonder why there would be a problem if the appreciated task is simply part of the employee's job? How to Respond to Thank You [With Examples], How to Respond to a Compliment? , 2 Thanks again, we couldnt have pulled this off without you. Before you know it, you learn that her partner is away on business, her children do not currently have after-school care, and she has loved ones close to a war zone in another country. Empathy goes beyond sympathyits about understanding the experiences of another as if you were experiencing it yourself, and its a crucial skill for bridging the boundaries between us. Like "How are you?" can be asked formally and informally, the response of that can be a unique one, too. Start it with a professional greeting, such as Hello or Dear. Generally, a DBA is less costly to maintain, but an LLC offers better benefits and protection. How about you?, This is epic. Choose them carefully, especially when acknowledging a "thank you.". The 3 most important purposes of a business plan are 1) to create an effective strategy for growth, 2) to determine your future financial needs, and 3) to attract investors (including angel investors and VC funding) and lenders. Learn more about us here. All rights reserved. Graduated from ENSAT (national agronomic school of Toulouse) in plant sciences in 2018, I pursued a CIFRE doctorate under contract with SunAgri and INRAE in Avignon between 2019 and 2022. In general, when someone asks you "how are you doing", you can reply with any of the following responses: "I'm great, thank you for asking. When a parent asks you, How are you? you can either keep the conversation going formal or informal or return the question. Most often, strangers or mere acquaintances ask the questions as a way of greeting you, so you should do likewise: greet them in return by asking the question back. Technically, I hope we can do this again could refer to other situations. All of these statements are appropriate responses to my pleasure when a conversation has ended and both parties need to be elsewhere. Its a great way to show that youre part of a team. The 8 steps of building an online business: DO generally refers to the action itself, and MAKE usually refers to the result. Thank you for what you said is a polite way to accept a nice message. In Western countries, this is generally considered to be Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time and excludes weekends and public holidays. Of course takes the feelings for granted, showing that it didnt need to be said, but you appreciate the fact that it was. Subscribe to the Sales Blog below. Youre welcome. August 10, 2017, No matter what industry youre in, youve likely received some form of, Why should I do business with you?, When most salespeople hear this question, they go into tap-dance mode and immediately list all the reasons why theyre great: Our company is the best, our service is outstanding, weve been around for 100 years, and we have the best quality.. (quite informal) or Its lovely to meet you too. That sort of thing. 2. Because you are hoping to work with the same person in the future. This way youre trying to keep the conversation centered around what they need as opposed to what you have to offer. When someone says the pleasure is all mine it is usually a comment made after they have helped you in some way and you say thank you. Thank you. A business is only as good as its customers, and you are one of the best. You too. ; It's a pleasure doing business with someone who sets the bar so high. Simultaneously, you dont want the person to feel sad when the person is happy. Im sure that we all have that one colleague that often asks you, How are you? or Hows your day going?. . 'Thanks very much anyhow. Don't try to wiggle your way out. So, if they appear to be in a hurry, you could say: "See you around.". No reply is needed when someone emails to say, it was nice talking to you. You dont need to reply because there is no reason to continue a conversation if it has already ended. 4. These are standard responses. Regrettably, not enough attention has been dedicated to comprehending the nuances of the legal ramifications of workplace . You wouldnt want to regret later the things that you have said so be mindful of the things you say. Some of these situations you can relate to, and others are circumstances youve never even had to think about before. It helps that we have a strong connection like this when doing business. Thanks again. One of the most important and common questions a vendor hears, and the one that every vendor dreads, is that of why someone should do business with you. When someone asks, How are you? it is important to respond so as not to be awkward or insulting. A partnership is an arrangement between two or more people to oversee business operations and share its profits and liabilities. Let me know when youd like to do it again. There are times when you would meet someone older than you or be introduced to a person informally. Im glad that you were able to come to me with some of your concerns. Happy to help. You too. Sales don't necessarily happen the same day you meet. It's a pleasure doing you a favor. Ill be sure to keep you in mind if a position like this one opens in the future. I feel the same. I dont know about you, but I am glad I came to work today. According to a National Society of Accountants survey, in 2020 on average, you would have paid $323 if you itemized your deductions on your tax return. I hope we can remain in contact as the days unfold. 4. This relieves any pressure to pitch your product or service, instead letting you focus on fully understanding whether theres a fit. Id be interested in learning more from you. You can say Its a pleasure or My pleasure as a polite way of replying to someone who has just thanked you for doing something. Otherwise, youre just wasting peoples time on emails that arent needed. 10 The pleasure was all mine This is a very polite way of saying youre welcome. For more information, check out our, How to Effectively Answer, "Why Should I Do Business With You?". The pleasure is all mine. There could be a whole host of reasons she may be feeling a lot, and you are aware of the significant weight women usually have to carry in the home, on top of their day-to-day jobs. I feel the same. Another neutrally-formal way of saying "it has been a pleasure working with you" is "I have genuinely enjoyed the time working with you.". Why does hyperkalemia raise resting membrane potential? In this context, it refers to a business meeting or discussion that might have taken place. 8. There wasnt much else for you to say, so there wasnt much of a point in you continuing the conversation. Also say, "It's always nice to work with you," or "I appreciate helping customers as good as you.". The service person who replies with this response almost certainly means to acknowledge the "thank you" and is essentially saying "you're welcome." It shows that you feel happy (or glad, in this case) that you were able to do business with someone. Let me know if theres anything else you might need from me. In this way, you are exhibiting compassionate empathy, also known as behavioral empathy, by sharing their pain and taking practical steps to reduce it. Read on to learn how you can switch up your approach, dominate the competition, and capture your prospects attention when they ask, Why should I do business with you?. I was just thinking the same thing. When you joined a new job and your team leader or boss asked you about how you're doing, this is your honest answer and a way to show your enthusiasm. You too. You can also use the responses I gave above. Imagine a CEO saying, "Well, It was a pleasure talking to you," with a straight, bossy face versus a date telling you, "It was a pleasure speaking with you," with all the nonchalance. Nice talking to you is fairly common in emails continue a conversation ended. Asks you, How are you? & quot ; said is a polite way saying... It shows that youre ready to learn more ; t try to wiggle your way.. Julia, I & # x27 ; m glad you feel that.... Our partners may process your data as a chore that is taking out! Start it with a professional greeting, such as hello or Dear genuine, true, and &... 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