And extreme weather events, which have caused massive disruption in recent years, can unexpectedly pile even more pressure on supply chains. >> /F14 73 0 R In the State of Kuwait, those who meet the description of a Professional Client as defined under the Kuwait Capital Markets Law and its Executive Bylaws. Except as expressly provided herein, nothing in this Website should be considered as granting any licence or right under any copyright, patent or trademark or other intellectual property rights of BlackRock or any third party. RodgerBaker isexecutive director of the Stratfor Center for Applied Geopolitics at RANE. If the global economy is truly on the road to recovery how can we build the surest path to sustainable growth in our new net-zero world? According to the constitution, the general election must take place on, or before, 18 June. Tel: (02)23261600. Membership in The Conference Board arms your team with an arsenal of knowledge, networks, and expertise that's unmatched in scope and depth. /Contents [11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R] In South Korea, Qualified Professional Investors (as defined in the Financial Investment Services and Capital Market Act and its sub-regulations). . A more immediate concern is inflation. Investment involves risks. IndiaAsias other giant, India, will enter 2022 expecting a vigorous economic rebound and the lifting of restrictions as it eventually gets to grips with COVID-19. Weekly Geopolitical Report - The 2022 Geopolitical Outlook (December 13, 2021) by Bill O'Grady & Patrick Fearon-Hernandez, CFA | PDF (This is the last WGR of 2021; the next report will be published on January 18, 2022. endobj The first Russia-Africa Summit was held in Sochi (Russia) in 2019. It is notable that their counterparts in larger economies such as Brazil, Russia and South Korea have already started to tighten. /MediaBox [0 0 595.2 841.92] Nigeria too will struggle to arrest the trend of insecurity that has spread from its northeast to its northwest, and the challenge to central authority that has emerged in the south. Tools to understand human capital management and corporate performance. In Mexico, by contrast, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador will seek to entrench the role of fossil fuels and to turn back the private capital so sorely needed to achieve the energy transition. Primary tabs. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] Changes in the rates of exchange between currencies may cause the value of investments to diminish or increase. /G3 45 0 R /Parent 2 0 R /S /Transparency We can see the seeds of the future in digitalisation, automation, applications of block-chain, or machine learning. Once you have confirmed that you agree to the legal information herein, and thePrivacy Policy by indicating your consent we will place a cookie on your computer to recognise you and prevent this page from reappearing should you access this site, or other BlackRock sites, on future occasions. In Europe, governments will map out the next stage of their plans for decarbonisation. BLACKROCK is a trademark of BlackRock, Inc., or its subsidiaries in the United States and elsewhere. /F11 57 0 R Councils are invitation-only, peer-led communities of senior executives that come together to exchange knowledge, accelerate career development, and advance their function. Neither the CMA or any other authority or regulator located in KSA has approved this information. Vladimir Putin has cleared away theimpediments that prevent him from remaining in power after 2024, and the politicking that accompanied uncertainty has died down. /StructParents 0 For over 100 years, our cutting-edge research, data, events and executive networks have helped the world's leading companies understand the present and shape the future. The 20th Party Congress is likely to mark the start of Xi Jinpings third term in office. The deepest problems will be felt by those carrying significant levels of short term debt, particularly if it is denominated in a foreign currency. Central banks in developed markets insist that the elevated inflation seen in late-2021 is a temporary phenomenon, and so they are not rushing to tighten monetary policy. It has inspired similar attacks globally in recent years. We detail the key geopolitical events over the next year in the table below. endobj For qualified investors in Switzerland, qualified investors as defined in the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act of 23 June 2006, as amended. Rising US interest rates could complicate the task of rolling over this short term debt and also push up the cost of servicing debt through local currency depreciation. The first edition of the BUlletin kicks off with a 'State of the Industry' review from Berne Union Secretary General, Vinco David, where he considers three factors which could disrupt the status quo for the export credit and investment insurance industry Editor in Chief and Director of Analysis, How Credit Insurance Supports the Real Economy. Our analysis of 68 risk events since 1962 shows that. For holiday hours or specific inquiries, please contact the businesses directly. Please read this page before proceeding as it explains certain restrictions imposed by law on the distribution of this information and the jurisdictions in which our products and services are authorised to be offered or sold. Santiago Pea of the ruling Colorado Party (ANR) will face opposition leader Efran Alegre (Concertacin alliance) in the presidential race. /CreationDate (D:20220705215933+01'00') In the Gulf, the Arab producers who have handled COVID-19 well will enjoy a revenue windfall and be well placed to meet recovering demand. >> Abroad, Biden will find it difficult to show allies in Europe and Asia that the US is a committed leader given domestic imperatives. The material provides general information only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation, needs or circumstances. /F5 31 0 R 3/R.M. Covering all aspects of labor markets, from monthly development to long-term trends. /Tabs /S /ModDate (D:20220705215933+01'00') View the Full Report and Map Here: Bomb explodes in Mokokchung A bomb exploded in Aongza ward in Mokokchung on Sunday night. Following the expiration of a 19 January deadline, elections for the Northern Ireland Assembly must be held within 12 weeks (e.g., by 13 April) under current arrangements. We present a news-based measure of adverse geopolitical events and associated risks. /CropBox [0 0 595.2 841.92] >> /XObject << /Group << /Type /Group Top 11 Geopolitical Risks for 2022 0000 by Global Risk Insights, January 5, 2022 Top Geopolitical Risks for 2022 Below is a flurry of thoughts about the year ahead from a geopolitical risk vantage point. But which approaches can best build upon the opportunities presented by growing intra-regional trade, and investment in sustainable infrastructure? Coupled with Japans shifting defense posture and continued Chinese military expansion, it portends a more contentious and unstable Northeast Asia in the coming year or two. Any distribution, by whatever means, of the information within and related material to persons other than those referred to above is strictly prohibited. Before we proceed, please take a moment to review and accept the following terms and Conditions: Track our top geopolitical risks and their potential impact on markets. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. >> US consumers thoughts on the economy, jobs, finances and more. The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Africa has been considerable and the path of recovery depends on maintaining the support of local, regional and international stakeholders. The pick of key issues to look out for in 2023 from macro trends, potentially choppy seas for smaller ECAs, possibilities for using Islamic finance in the renewable energy transition, Chinas reopening, a bumpy CPRI outlook, and reinsurance complexities. A further threat looming over developing economies concerns debt and access to credit. Russia chose not to participate in the 2022 meeting, which took place shortly before its invasion of Ukraine. 1 / 12. Credit. If these measures result in slower growth, Xi will not care. /Parent 2 0 R State/Region/County . McKinsey conducted a survey of more than 5,500 farmers across the world, from the US to China, India to Argentina to better understand the global state of the agriculture industry. The quick, huge stimulus programmes he desired were delayed and thinned out by a handful of fellow Democrats in Congress. Please refer to the Financial Conduct Authority website for a list of authorised activities conducted by BlackRock. After nearly two decades of growing economic convergence between developed and developing economies at the start of this century, the pandemic shifted the path to one of divergence as 2020 wore on and 2021 began. /CS /DeviceRGB /F2 28 0 R He will hope that economic recovery and the taming of COVID-19 will revive his fortunes and so spare him the midterm Congressional reverses that are common for a sitting president. Russia is clearly far ahead of the other Arctic nations in reestablishing a strong economic and security presence in the Arctic. This Website is not intended for and should not be accessed by persons located or resident in any jurisdiction where (by reason of that person's nationality, domicile, residence or otherwise) the publication or availability of this Website is prohibited or contrary to local law or regulation or would subject any BlackRock entity to any registration or licensing requirements in such jurisdiction. Though asteroid mining and space colonies may still be far in the future, competition over access to space, future resources and the technology and prestige associated with space exploration is driving renewed focus on the ultimate strategic high ground. The quick, huge stimulus programmes he desired were delayed and thinned out by a handful of fellow Democrats in Congress. These are relatively low-cost battlefield weapons that give Pyongyang a greater ability to strike at military bases, depots and staging grounds in South Korea. "Geopolitical events have rarely left a deep scar on markets but even before events escalated around Ukraine, markets were trying to come to terms with inflation and rate hikes . The agreement largely ended decades of communal conflict in Northern Ireland. Another year, another try. Leaders in both the US and China, if given the choice, would prefer to focus on domestic matters. Note: European Central Bank meetings shown are those accompanied by press conferences. /F6 32 0 R In the United States, midterm elections in the fall of 2022 have the potential to change the balance of power in Washington. >> In the DIFC this material can be distributed in and from the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) by BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited Dubai Branch which is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA). >> This material is only directed at 'Professional Clients and no other person should rely upon the information contained within it. 5 0 obj >> The cookie will expire after six months, or sooner should there be a material change to this important information. Listen. Tools to help manage corporate governance, sustainability, and philanthropy programs. >> /F3 29 0 R The lack of leadership likely hindered al-Qaida centrals ability to distribute critical propaganda around this anniversary in 2022. Evaluate and optimize the impact of corporate citizenship programs. Human Capital Benchmarking & Data Analytics. In 2022, we saw major disruptions that can result from drought. /Parent 2 0 R /Font << Find the best upcoming events in Los Angeles, California: concerts, theater shows, sporting events, holiday events, social events, festivals, activities, live performances, comedy shows, pub crawls, and more! Countries governed by coalitions, in particular, could struggle under these pressures. The Ukraine conflict will likely be a focus for discussions. The US launches the Artemis mission to the Moon. Los Angeles Events - January 2023. This edition of the BUlletin juxtaposes themes of change and disorder with the celebration of a number of institutional anniversaries, symbolic of endurance. /Type /Group 7 0 obj The Website has not made, and expressly disclaims, any representations with respect to any forward-looking statements. April 12, 2022 Fed Projects Hawkishness Amid War, Pandemic Crises March 16, 2022 Ukraine Invasion Begins to Impact CPI March 10, 2022 PRESS RELEASES & IN THE NEWS Sustainability Is the Pathway to Supply Chain Resilience Think tank: War in Ukraine exerts economic effects Access New Insights on the War in Ukraine /Image11 35 0 R Montenegro will hold its presidential election. Finland and Swedens application to NATO will further solidify the split in Arctic governance, dividing the Arctic Council between NATO states and Russia, and thus undermining chances for the post-Cold War management mechanism to recover anytime soon. Our main result suggests that the rise in geopolitical risks seen since the Russian invasion of Ukraine will have non-negligible macroeconomic effects in 2022. endobj Find Events | Sports. /StructParents 1 In the UKand outside the EEA: professional clients (as defined by the Financial Conduct Authority or MiFID Rules) and qualified investors only and should not be relied upon by any other persons. Armed anti-coup groups have carried out attacks against military forces around this symbolic date. Neither the CMA or any other authority or regulator located in KSA has approved this information. 6 0 obj North Atlantic Treaty Organization heads of state will meet for a NATO summit in Madrid from Tuesday through Thursday. 13 Major Events in 2022 That Could Change Europe's Economy in the World . The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, right, welcomes Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the official arrivals for the NATO summit in Madrid, Spain, on Wednesday, June 29, 2022. Systematic retrieval of content from this Website to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database or directory (whether through robots, spiders, automatic devices or manual processes) or creating links to this Website is strictly prohibited. Turkey has long sought to assert its own regional interests and sphere of interest, and has been willing to both cooperate with and challenge big powers, carving out its own space between Europe and the United States, Russia and China, and reaching from the Eastern Mediterranean through the South Caucasus and into Central Asia. /CropBox [0 0 595.2 841.92] On Feb. 24, the Russian armed forces invaded Ukraine, starting a military conflict of a magnitude not seen in Europe since the end of World War II. \jKVBJQ[B=BUyHps>f|rsjN8 :L The president is elected using a two-round voting system. /Type /Catalog 100, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan. endobj Investing involves risks. /Image46 37 0 R The commodity-hungry engine of the early 21st century world economy will be less of a motor for global growth next year than in the last two decades. Despite continued sparring with the US, 2022 should not be a year of crisis because of Chinas domestic agenda provided that the authorities in Taiwan do not provoke Beijings ire by taking steps towards declaring independence. >> In January 2022, we halted further purchases of Russian stocks in response to rising risks of sanctions on Russia from the United States and other nations. This months contributors examine three economies seemingly at turning points Argentina, Iran and the Cte dIvoire considering in each case the forces actively inuencing the trade environment and the approach of the nancial Commentators this month focus on support for small businesses, local contractors and risk in Africa - including energy sector and analysis of the Mozambique debt crisis. Political polarisation will widen in the run up to the elections. 2. /Image39 33 0 R Fill out the form to receive expert analysis and commentary on the latest developments. China has started to deleverage its property sector, and while this will eventually put the country on a more solid financial footing it will certainly result in weaker GDP growth. You acknowledge that certain information contained in this Website supplied by third parties may be incorrect or incomplete, and such information is provided on an "AS IS" basis. In Singapore,public distribution. China-Africa Relations in Review. Although the opposition is unified, ANR continues to be the strongest party in the country, which increases Peas electoral chances. That blanket statement masks important differences among the richest states: it matters greatly for the course of the virus whether a country can vaccinate 85% of its people, rather than 70% or 75%. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] /ExtGState << Parties that lose the elections will raise allegations of rigging and manipulation. Scheduled elections will take place. /F7 24 0 R Traditionally celebrated in support of the military, the holiday is likely to be used to rally public support for Russias military operation in Ukraine, which is expected to escalate in the coming months. Control Risks Group Holdings Ltd registration no.01548306. >> This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. We highlight some of these challenges of migration to a cloud infrastructure and discuss how organizations can securely and effectively continue their digital transformation. >> /Image45 34 0 R issued in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) by BlackRock Saudi Arabia (BSA), authorised and regulated by the Capital Market Authority (CMA), License No. 3 0 obj /Tabs /S Here you can find a 360 view of geopolitical crises, starting with the Russo-Ukrainian war, and insights for whats ahead. BrazilBrazil will spend much of 2022 in campaign mode, with President Jair Bolsonaro aiming to break legal restrictions on state finances to keep millions of his citizens out of poverty and his slim re-election prospects alive. >> Rodger Baker, The Hill December 31, 2022. The meeting also marks Lulas commitment to the resetting of relationships with countries after tensions with key partners rose under then president Jair Bolsonaro. /F1 27 0 R Meanwhile, increasing electoral fatigue will keep the turnout low, dimming hopes of prompt government formation after the polls. The year 2022 will mark an important step back to normality, but COVID-19 retains the ability to change the course of countries, regions and people., This article was published in the Berne Union Yearbook, December 2021. . Latin America has seen (once again) a tilt to the left, with six of the largest economies run by leftist governments once Brazils Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva takes office in January. February 28, 2023 11:00 AM ET [11:00] (New York), February 22, 2023 09:30 AM ET [09:30] (New York), 03:30 PM CET [15:30] (Brussels), 10:30 PM SGT [22:30] (Singapore), Your Indispensable guide through the global recession. /Type /Page Track the status of job markets across the US through online job listings. /Parent 2 0 R While the second summit was initially intended to take place in Africa, in January 2023 the organisers announced that it will be held in St Petersburg (Russia). Our economic indicators, surveys, and analyses are the most authoritative source of timely, accurate information on business conditions around the globe. /Image41 38 0 R Upcoming; Month; Week; Day; Mar 8 2022 Tue Small Meeting Room Tuesday, March 8, 2022 7:00pm - 9:00pm Also Occurs On : 10/12/21 11/09/21 /Resources << The availability of booster jabs and anti-virals, to treat those admitted to hospital with COVID-19, will mark a further step on their route out of the pandemic. >> Themes for September span the full scale of international nance in a bumper edition, with a selection of 12 articles from Berne Union members and industry experts, painting a telling picture of the relative pressures and priorities in "New Horizons: Changing Markets, Evolving Approaches". who once again made a tremendous positive impact on global cross-border trade and investment - providing a record USD 2.35 trillion in cover for cross-border trade and investment and now supporting 14% of total worldwide exports. 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