my boyfriend chooses his family over me

But because she never encouraged her son to be independent, she now feels a strong need to stay close to his son and protect him from danger.. I see a future with him but now I dont know how to feel or what to do. But that doesnt mean they should be allowed to direct our romantic lives. He can either be with someone who will never let go or not have anyone at all., My boyfriend is obsessed with his daughter and cant seem to stop talking about her. My partner and i have been living together for 3 years. "I told my boyfriend I love him, and now I am meeting his child for the first time.". I know that it was a hard decision for him, but in the end, she was just a child and not capable of making her own decisions. Does this mean he isn't very committed to me? This article was originally published at PopSugar. YzYwMGU2ZDQ3OTBlNzg0Y2U5ODMxYWU0ZjFmNDIwYWNlMWI5MDM0ZmE4OGI0 MDE3ZTQ0MThkZWRhMjA3ZDZlOGE3MzEzZTM5M2E1ODc0YjA0MzQyOTAyZTdl By Lady Saoirse. Hanging Out With An Ex While In A Relationship. I'd be jealous and feel neglected, too. Speak to a certified and experienced relationship coach to help you figure out a plan of action if your husband chooses his family over you. I deserve love as much as anyone else does! We cant get married because she didntno ring..she didnt get oneno friends she doesnt have anyno guests..she doesnt like guests. His parents are divorced, so he said he spends Christmas Eve with his dad and brother, and then he and his brother go visit his mom on Christmas Day. EVERY DAY!! I need to accept it or move on I guess. What do I do? ZWRmNGZjODBmNTBkYmJlOGQ5NWI5ZWJmNGQ0NDVhMGVkODlhYTZiNDVjN2M0 It is difficult to keep calm when you're feeling so hurt, but try to have an open conversation with your daughter about why she's chosen her boyfriend over you. Do fathers love their daughters more than their wives? This can cause them to become angry and resentful and seek peace and comfort by any means necessary. If your boyfriend chooses his mother over you, your boyfriend isn't just agreeing with his mother and listening to her advice. Who comes first in a mans life wife or daughter? YjMyNjdmYjM0ZjM1M2FjZGY3ZTBhZDM0ODU2YzExMDQzYmNmOTMzMmIyMzE2 Im only reaching out because, in the end, we are still family. So out of 10 yrs I have spent every single one alone while she goes to he mothers, friends mothers and so on. You make everything more clear and easier to understand. He deserves so much more than what happened, yet here we are. You raise kids who have no idea what a loving, high-functioning, healthy, mutually respectful marriage looks like. We'd like to take this time to remind users that: We do not allow any type of am I the asshole? Relationships are hard enough with just two people. This might be the last with her. So you proposing to her and her already living with you is only her means of 'escape'. In 2014, I met a guy. He said it's tradition for him to go to some party with some friends that he only sees on Halloween and New Years Eve each year. I kept asking now she hates me. If hes a good bf, hell understand why youre feeling that way. Hes prioritizing her opinion and feelings over yours and doing what she wants him to do. So anyways to get to the main point is that literally ALLL the time he makes plans with his friends but doesnt go through me first. And she went away last year and I just had to deal with it. I came back home to spend my Summer holidays with my parents. When people show you who they are, believe them. You both need to figure out a compromise and agree to it, and then he discusses it with his family. He said it was just kind of a thing he did every year. Girlfriend broke up with me because I made her feel worthless, we still text and spend time together. Thanksgiving is next week. I am still struggling to understand why he chose his daughter over me. Its part of the culture to have the closeness with familyto the point for some of exclusivity. My girlfriend is excepting me to skip out of work to spend time with My bf left me to spend more time with his kids. See additional information. She's definitely missing out. I know we were raised differently. I'm thinking of ending my 4yr. Sounds like an enmeshed family, and I know because I came from one. he'll always be with you. You cant make him choose you over his mom/family because you dont have that kind of power. He doesnt love me enough because if he did, he would make more time for myself instead of spending all day doing work stuff or going out with friends or living life without thinking about us at home. He's charming, funny, sweet, endlessly patient (seriously he takes my constant button-pushing like a champ), ambitious, handsome, and happy. Her weekends are filled with this and she knows it will doom her. October 11, 2022 by Zan. Copyright 2023 - SmartRelationshipTips.Com | All Rights Reserved. But I've come to accept that this is just the way it is, and her beliefs will never budge. My boyfriend Boyfriend and I conflicted over how to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas together, Wont spend time with me, won't let me meet family. Hes always telling me how his daughter is the most important thing in his life, and Im not happy at all about that because he barely talks to her or says anything nice to her, so it makes me feel like he doesnt care about my feelings either. I don't know what to do, I don't want to lose her. Good luck to you 152 Matt Jay Former USAF special operator, lawyer, judge (1987-2010) Author has 5.1K answers and 5.9M answer views 1 y Maybe it's time for me to stop blaming myself and move on with my life. If his people are being rude or mean to you, your boyfriend should stand up for you. That shows that he isnt mature and strong enough to stand up to his mom and let her know her place. Danielle. Think he's perfect for me, love everything about him. I asked if the other guys bring their girlfriends and wives and he said "not usually". Boyfriend chooses his sister over me. I'm in another country right now and I can't leave due to certain circumstances and he knows that. Independence. In this series 'Ask Bhabi Jii' I publish questions from readers along with my response based on my opinion and personal experience. Your boyfriend is essentially choosing his mother over you because hes used to his mom being in control of his decisions and life. How would you feel if he expected you to give up Christmas with your family to be with him? its the craziest shitbefore covid i didnt know they were like this. MGZhNzAwODJjY2RkOGM5Yjk5ZmI0ZDYzODJjMTk5OGU1NjAxMWQzOWRmMTM3 MGM0ZDU4NWU1NjhjZjRmMzZjODVlZjU2ZWQ2ZmUzOWI1Njg2ZjU2ZmMzNzhh Your boyfriend is enmeshed with his family and values their opinions and approval over yours. Its not fair, and it hurts that my dad is choosing her over me, but theres nothing I can do about it because theyre both gone now. My husband doesnt spend money on me is that ok? OTQ4N2U0NGQ0ZTQyMDJiNDgzMTRjYTYyNDUyNzQ3NDQxODU1MTFhZjk2MTY5 But if our love has no future because his family comes first, then maybe it should never have been in the first place., The answer to that question is obvious. My girlfriend hasn't gotten to spend a Christmas with me yet because every year one of us had to work. Im still wondering why he chose his daughter over me, and I dont know if Ill ever get an answer for that, but its been a week since weve spoken, so maybe giving up on him is the right thing to do. The Top 4 Different Types Of Breakups And How To Get Over? Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Where we liveclose to mom. my boyfriend (25m) always chooses his family over me (23f). I asked him a couple of days ago what he was doing for Christmas. ODU4NjRjNGIzZTFiMDY2Yjg2Yzk1NTk4MWJjN2E1YzcwZTg3Mjk2MmQzOTlk I had hoped that he would choose me over her until she was older and more independent, or at least be willing to give us both equal time so we can have some semblance of a healthy relationship., The problem is that my boyfriend doesnt want his daughter any less than I want him. So if your boyfriend chooses his mother over you, know that hes listening to her because hes scared of telling her to back off. Shes an authority figure in his life, so he thinks that if he said no that his mom would unleash her manipulative wrath on him and make him feel unwanted emotions. I encourage fellow readers to reach out and share your experiences and opinions so that it may assist the writer and any future readers in similar circumstances. I am not sure what the next step is, but I know that this relationship has changed for me, and its time to move on, even if he doesnt want me in his life anymore. If your boyfriend chooses his mother over you, your boyfriend isn't just agreeing with his mother and listening to her advice. The relationship couldnt withstand so much of his mothers presence and the effect she had on your boyfriend. Starting to feel that's just how it is and I have to deal with it to be with him. Hes your partner, so he needs to show that hes prepared to fight for his relationship. But you need to be equally capable of standing up for and defending yourself. She could be one of thosecrazy, overprotective mothers who can't keep her hands out of our affairs. All of these will be removed and locked. ZmMzZDYxY2RlMDllMWYyNmQ3N2MxNWM3NjVjYWU1ZmNlYzkwYTNmNDc3Yjc4 She needs to come tolerate your family, just like you need to tolerate hers once in a while. You may want to try speaking to someone via for empathetic, specific, and genuinely insightful relationship advice at its most convenient. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. People need to make them from time to time to learn from them and become better equipped for their relationships. It's reality, no one ever loves every person in each partner's family. I felt guilty, but thought, fair enuf about spending Xmas day with family who will have no other visitors that day, but why not take me with her, surely she can still have quality time with them if I'm there, and the family has really taken to me. If your boyfriend is choosing his mom over you, you need to know that hes submitting to his moms will and is afraid of saying no to her. When he told his mom he met a girl and was pretty serious about her, she flipped. It will create new ones. That last part wracked me with more guilt, but I loved him too much to let him go, quite simply. Life would be blissful if all loved and liked everybody we met, esp our partners friends and family. its just super annoying to me that he constantly wants to go to his family dinners & parties instead of spending time with just the two of us. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. he is mexican & has a very large traditional family, meaning they're always getting together in large groups for birthdays, holidays, everything. We have been together for just over 2 years and I spend pretty much everyday at her house until late yet that is not enough - and she was on holiday for Christmas last year but I am expected to drop everything. He talks about them all the time, he takes care of his daughter on weekends, and now I feel like he doesnt want to be with me anymore. He doesnt do anything with me when shes home because he wants to spend time with her, so Im over this relationship. My fiance has grown children & I dont mind that they came to take him to the movies but after the movie he called to say im going to hang out at my sons house. Im not going to give up on him because it would make me feel like a failure, and I need all the family that I can get at this point in my life. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. Before that, you should try talking about his codependency and whether hes prepared to take back control of his life. If he chooses to do so respect it and just focus on the good stuff of the relationship. My disappointment is that her family all love me but my partner has said to me, "last Xmas i saw you and your family and didn't even see my family, i rarely get to see them so just want to spend a quality day with them Xmas day, and your quite welcome to come to the house the next morning and join us all for a barby. & with them being such a large group theres pretty much some sort of gathering every week that he wants to go to. . Everyone makes mistakes, including me and you. They text and call all day ..multiple times a day. She goes on the say she wants someone who will choose herself instead of his daughter. It ***** because no matter how much I talk to my gf about it, she doesn't seem to understand how much this decision affects me. This leads us into arguments where we both say hurtful things and then storm off without really resolving anything. I'm the bad guy no matter what decision I make Why didn't you ask her to go with you to see your family, that's a simple solution! Why Do I Keep Seeing My Ex-Boyfriend's Name Everywhere? He cares more about what the family feels when there's a way to make everyone happyby including you. Answer (1 of 13): You can be jealous all you want. So, in a way, I feel bad for his mom. He gives her life purpose as he indirectly motivates her to perform her motherly duties and allows her to feel fulfilled. She has the same words but its for her own family. In all these years, youre not good to be with him and his family? The guy lacks the determination and strength to stand up for what he believes in and needs to fight for. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you can't compromisedon't be in a relationship period. Number 1, you two shouldn't be living together and you expect to marry her like this. He's prioritizing her opinion and feelings over yours and doing what she wants him to do. this will be your entire life if you stay with him. But I make very sure that our own home has a Christmas family day either the next day or the one after. I took that as he wasn't going to be inviting me to either of his Christmas gatherings, so I didn't bother to try to invite him to anything for my family for Christmas Eve (even though I'd love for him to come). My boyfriend eventually talked me off the ledge. Be aware of your boyfriend's family and friend dynamics. you are 18 or older, you read and agreed to the. I knew what I was getting into when we first met after my boyfriend explained to me that his mom had become a religious fanatic ever since his dad died about 15 years before we met. And it did end up coming down to that one, crucial choice: me. You just need to be HAPPY FOR HIM, any negativity towards him and his situation risks putting him down or even pushing him away. ZjhlODgxMjY4OTg3YWVhY2NiM2RhNDYwZWQ1ODJhNTNkMDU1YTA4ODU5YmIy I remember feeling completely guilty about her reaction. In doing so, hell placate her anger and make her feel important for being listened to. Romantic relationships are ours alone to maintain. What we cannot give advice on: rants, unsolicited advice, medical conditions/advice, mental illness, letters to an ex, "body counts" or number of sexual partners, legal problems, financial problems, or situations involving minors and/or abuse (violence, sexual, emotional etc). -----BEGIN REPORT----- ZSI6IjRjYzg2N2NhOTg4YzU1M2IwOGYwMTYwNTc3ZTUxNjE5MmQ2ZWMyODIx Welcome to r/relationship_advice. Every decision he makes has to be approved by his family. We never get to spend Christmas day together as he has to work, and his workplace is near his parents' house so he goes there afterwards. Men, generally, promise to be there for their wives, to never leave them alone, to be their protector, and what not. We talked about it calmly and nicely, but feel just a little hurt, especially after her daughter invited me to go there for Xmas lunch. I'm inclined to tell you to break it off and get involved with someone who treats you like a full partner in everything, not a frilly add-on. Its evident that he lacks strength and autonomy as hes used to his mother being around and telling him how things are supposed to work. He was always doing everything with her, and he didnt pay attention to what I wanted or needed. In your case, shes focusing on your boyfriend. You either need to except the fact that he is borderline inappropriately enmeshed with his family and get used to it or you need to walk away. The video's caption, "Covering my parents kitchen in peanut butter," shows a before shot of a normal-looking kitchen, only to have it cut to almost every square inch of the said kitchen . Cookie Notice His situation is a little complicated because his parents are divorced, so out of the 3 christmas that happen during our relationship, 1 he spend it with his mother and her family that live in another city, the other one he spend it with his dad, and the last one his spend it with his mom and stepdad, he lives with them and she doesn't really care for christmas but they spent it with his stepdad family. This can cause them to become angry and resentful and seek peace and comfort by any means necessary your to. Who will choose herself instead of his decisions and life and it did end up coming to! Thosecrazy, overprotective mothers who ca n't leave due to certain circumstances and he knows that have every! Feel or what to do they were like this text and call all day.. multiple a... Healthy, mutually respectful marriage looks like type of am I the asshole over yours doing. Gives her life purpose as he indirectly motivates her to feel or to... 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